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Cate's pov
I watched as she slept and carefully stroked her hair as the sun began to rise. I decided to let her sleep and make her some breakfast for when she woke up. I slipped out of the bed quietly and made my way down stairs. I'm having the kids come back soon because I know they've been homesick. Luckily I've been able to move my schedule around and get the next few weeks off so I can stay with them. I don't want her trying to help around the house while she's recovering. I decided to make her favorite: pancakes with strawberry glaze, bacon, and grits. I don't really like grits but she loves them so I'll tolerate it. I'm also making French toast because I know she loves that and I kinda want that instead of pancakes.

When I'm about half way done I hear groaning form the hallway. "Hello?" I call out, silence, "if you're going to kill me just do it already" I yell. Around the corner comes the woman of the hour. "Why are you out of bed?" I ask sternly, "because I had to pee. Then I realized you weren't in the room, so I came looking for you" she stated. She stabilized herself against the wall and I put down the towel over my shoulder and walked over to help her. "Here" I said picking her up gently and setting her down on the couch, "I can walk" she jokes and  just give her a kiss on te forehead. I walk back over to the kitchen to make sure nothing burns but still keep an eye on her as well. Once everything is done I fix two plates and bring them over to the living room handing her a plate.

"You hate when I eat on the fancy couch" she remarks, "I can always buy another couch, I can't buy another you" I reply taking a bite of my food. "I'm sure you could find a suitable replacement" she quips, "never could I find another person like you on this planet. I don't know what I would do with myself if I ever lost you" i say sincerely. "Well you're losing things all the time so you should probably be careful" she say quietly tearing off a piece of bacon and putting grits on it. "Catalina..." I say seriously and she turns to me with a smile on her face paired with raised eyebrows. "I'm serious. I was so afraid when I lost you, I've never been more afraid in my life and the only thing that could calm me was seeing you... alive. Even Sarah didn't know what to do" I say tearing up a bit.

"Well I'm here now, you don't have to worry anymore" she says caressing my cheek. "What if it happens again? They only came after you because of me... it was my fault" I say with tears unwillingly escaping my eyes. She shakes her head and sets her plate aside taking my face in both her hands gently. "It was NOT your fault. People will do a lot of things for money and it just so happened that they found this opportunity. But I'm safe and unharmed and here with you, that's all that matters" she says giving me a sweet kiss on the nose. "He didn't... do anything else to you right?" I ask hesitantly.

Catalina's pov

"No" I say surely, I was afraid of that too but luckily he just wanted the money and nothing else. "Ok..." she says relieved and I'm glad she's finally starting to calm down, I pick up my plate and continue eating. "This is reallyyyy good" i compliment and she giggles saying thank you. Once we finish the food, she takes the dishes and washes them before joining me on the couch to cuddle and watch a movie. "Would you marry me?" she asks suddenly as the credits begin to roll, I look down at her curiously as her head rests on my lap. Noticing that I don't respond she looks up at me and raises her eyebrows signalling that she's serious.

Before I can respond she hops up and runs upstairs. I sit there stunned until I hear her quick footsteps coming back. She stands in front of me hesitantly before getting on one knee in front of me causing me to sit up straighter to see her better. Her left hand goes behind her back and reveals a blue velvet box, she opens it with her right hand showing a beautiful ring. "I figured if I'm going to do this... I might as well do it right" she says holding it a bit closer for me to see it better. It's a simple ring but gorgeous and I can tell she took her time picking something she knew I would like. "I can't describe how much you mean to me in words because they simply don't exist. I know that might be amusing to hear me say but I mean it" she starts chuckling.

"I love you with my entire heart and soul. I would go to the ends of the earth to find you and I would fight the strongest person if it meant I could have you by my side for the rest of my life. I know it might be scary and it may seem I'm more experienced because I've done this before... but this is completely new to me. Without getting too emotional... Catalina Marli Valentina Hernandez-Watson... will you do me the gracious honor of becoming my wife?" she asks taking a deep breath. I hold up my finger and she looks at me weirdly as I pick up my phone. I dial Sarah's number and bring the phone to my ear.


Hi... I have a question

Cate looks at me and begins to stand up and close the box but I motion for her to stop and she does. 

What is it?

Did you know she was going to propose?

It's silent on both ends as Cate tries to figure out who I'm talking to


Who else would I be talking about?

No... did you say yes?  she asks excitedly

She's doing it right now...

I look at her with wide eyes as my breathing starts to pick up at the anticipation and I can see her worry grow a bit.

Well why are you talking to me idiot?! Give her an answer!

Everyone's breathing is erratic as silence comsumes us. "Well..." Cate says and I nod frantically as she stares at me. "yes..." I whisper, "yes" I say a little bit louder, "I'm fucking getting married" I scream into the phone as I jump out my seat and tackle Cate, my phone flying carelessly out my hand. Cate giggles and kisses me all over my face, "I was worried for a minute there" she admits as she sits us up with me on her lap. "How could I say no to marrying to best woman on this planet?" I as rhetorically, I hear distant chatter and realize Sarah is still on the phone. I pick it up and put it on speaker as I show Cate the caller ID. 

"Yeah she's literally doing it right now and she said yes and then I heard screaming and I think they forgot about me..." she mumbles sadly into the background. I hear someone talking to her and she sighs, "hello..." she sighs out. "Hi" i reply, "hiya sarah" Cate says and Sarah squeals in excitement. "You did it Catie" she says, "so you did know?" i ask in disbeliefwhilst shaking my head. "No, I actually didn't. But she told me about you from the first moment we met and then she wouldn't stop talking about you. She was always calling me, telling me things, and I told her she just needed to marry you and get it over with" she says and I can hear her rolling her eyes honestly. 

"Is that true?" i ask looking into Cate's eyes and she nods while blushing, "is she blushing?" Sarah asks funnily, "yep" i say looking at her lovingly. "I knew it! I can just feel her giggly energy through the phone! Well.. go fuck or something, bye" she says and hangs up the phone before we can respond. We burst out in laughter and as it slowly dies down we just stare into each other's eyes and press our foreheads together. "How are we going to tell the kids?" I ask nervously, "they already know" she shrugs. "They're ok with it?" I ask anxiously, "they love you lina, and besides... Edith already thinks you're her second mommy" she smiles widely.

"Well I guess I'm officially-unofficially a part of the Blanchett family" I say smiling softly, "you were a part of the family long before this" she says planting a slow passionate kiss to my lips.


I haven't given you a chapter in a minute so I just finished this one up quickly 

Hopefully it won't be so long for another update hehe

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