Let's Take a Walk

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I woke up bright and early today prepared to make my last day with the kids fun. I mean not the last time but they'll be gone for a week and I've barely even known them that long. I think a lot about what Andrew might be like as I cook breakfast for everyone. I start to hear sets of footsteps coming down probably to the smell. A groggy Ignatius fills in the doorway and smiles weakly. He gets in his seat and I sit a plate in front of him and one next to him since I know Roman isn't far. I run upstairs quickly to get Edith ready and bring her down. 

On my way I decide to wake Cate so she can eat but when I knock there's no answer. I crack the door open and say her name again but she isn't in the room. I check her office thinking maybe she was doing work early but nope. She's nowhere to be found, that's odd. I take Edith down and let them all eat breakfast, telling them to finish packing. I pack the rest of Edith's things and then take them outside for the day. They show me to this little maze garden and then some trees. They've grown a bit but I can still see the silhouettes of the shapes. The most recognizable one being Edith's tree which is the shape of Mickey Mouse. 

"Mommy let's us choose whatever we want and then the yard people make it" Edith says excitedly. We walk for a bit before making our way back to the house for lunch. Afterwards we watch a movie and just wait for Andrew to get there. I realize that I still haven't seen Cate all day but whatever I guess. The doorbell rings and the children grab their bags that I lined up for them. I open the door and Andrew's face seems to distort for a moment but turns polite quickly. "Hi" he says somewhat confused, "Catalina Hernandez" I say my accent coming out. "Andrew, Andrew Upton" he says and I nod dismissively. The children come around the corner, finally, with Cate behind them. Guess that's what took so long. 

Press play

Cate's pov
She gives them each a hug and they walk off towards the car but Edith lingers. "Did the queen ever find her?" Edith asked Catalina, "find who?" She asked in return. "Her true love! She wanted to tell her... did she?" she said with eyes full of hope. "What makes you think it's a 'she' honey?" I cut in and Edith shrugged. "I don't know it just felt like it" she says and turns back to Catalina for an answer. "I'd like to think she did" she answers vaguely but Edith prances off seeming happy with it. "What kind of story did you ready her?" I asked and she shook her head. "One I came with off the top of my head" she shrugged. 

She closed the door and began walking up the stairs as I aimlessly followed her. We got to her door and I really had no idea what to do now. "Do you want to... take a walk perhaps?" I ask trying not to sound nervous, but I know she knows. "Sure, just let me get changed" she says and lightly closes the door as I stand there. After a few minutes that feel like forever she walks out in leggings, a white t-shirt, and sneakers. We went downstairs and out the back following a little trail that goes around the property. "So..." I say after a few moments of silence and she glances at me. "So what?" She asks focusing on the trail ahead of her, she's actually exercising. 

"We just haven't talked in a while" I say softly, "and who's fault is that" she says bluntly. "Well it's not like you were jumping to talk to me either" I comment. 

Catalina's pov
"Ay puta está loca" I say to myself, "what?" She asks confused and I chuckle. "Don't worry about it" I say and start jogging because I'm done with this conversation. "Cat!" She yells after me and I turn around so I'm jogging backwards. "Don't call me that" I say and turn back around and start sprinting. I'm not usually one to run away but I can't handle this. I take the twists and turns in the trail and feel the wind in my hair. Before I know it I'm on the ground and something... or rather someone is in top of me. "I'm sorry I had to catch you" she says out of breath. 

I flip over and watch her trying to catch her breath on top of me. "Get off me please" I say calmly, "only if you promise not to run again" she says. "Ok" I say and she stands up releasing me and I start walking away. "You said you wouldn't run" she reminds me as she follows closely. "I said nothing about walking" I reply challengingly. "You'll have to talk to me at some point" she says, "I'm talking right now" I say. I take a right turn at a fork in the trail, and it leads me to a lake. I walk out onto the dock and take my shoes off dipping my feet in the water. Cate sits down next to me and by the look on her face, this is gonna be a long one...

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