I love you

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CW: smut

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Catalina's pov

She leaned in and kissed me and for a moment I was just taken by surprise. My hands slowly found their way to her waist and began to travel lower. I stopped myself because I don't know if that's what she wants. "You can touch me, I don't believe in that rule" she said as if she could read my mind. My hands moved to grip her ass covered by her loose low waist jeans. I could feel the waistband push back making my fingertips touch her bare skin. I could feel the band of her underwear and my thumbs unconsciously slipped in. I hear her moan into the kiss and she bites my lip softly. 

We pull away for air and look into each other's eyes breathing heavily. I don't say anything, afraid to speak and ruin the moment. "I've waited to do that for what feels like ages" she breaks the silence. I just stare into her eyes mesmerized, frozen in a dream it seems. "Shit" I say realizing my position, "I love you" I blurt out and her eyes widen. "I love you too" she says and we just stare at each other acknowledging what we just said. She picks me up by my waist and I wrap my legs around her and my arms around her neck. She kiss me roughly and walks us over to the couch laying me down. 

"God you're beautiful" she whispers looking into my eyes. I've never believed that, not that anyone has ever said it to me. At least not in the way that she has, it's always been dismissively as if I should've known. But I can see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice and for the first time in my life, I believe it. In her eyes I'm beautiful. I pull her down into a heated kiss and she climbs on top of me holding me tightly. She takes off my shirt and I take off hers directly after. We go back in to kiss and I can feel her grind on my thigh. "Baby... are you sure you want this?" She asks pulling away and looking into my eyes. 

"I'm more sure about this than I've ever been about anything" I say confidently. 

Cate's pov
That's all the confirmation I needed. I take off her pants and she gestures for me to remove mine. I basically rip them off my body so I can have more contact with her. Before I realize it she's unclipped my bra and it falls off my shoulders onto her body. She removes it slowly never taking her eyes off my breasts. "I'm so-" I start, "don't you dare apologize, they're gorgeous. You're gorgeous, my god you're the most beautiful creation I've very seen" she says. I look into her eyes and I swear I see them twinkle as she says this. "You're perfect" she says, in her eyes I'm perfect.

I kiss my way down her body relishing in every little twitch and whimper. I leave my mark on her beautiful body as I get closer and closer to her center. "You're still sure about this?" I ask again just to be sure, "I do have a request" she says. "What is it my love" I ask as I move up so I can give her a gentle kiss. "I wanna see you ride me" she says seductively. I wasn't at all expecting that to come out of her mouth. "O-ok" I stuttered, "like with strap or..." I question. "No just your pussy... on mine" she explains. I nod shyly before taking my panties off, no one had ever made me feel like this before. 

Catalina's pov
She did exactly as I asked and hovered herself over me. Before she could lower herself I stopped her taking my hand and teasing her slit. "You're so wet" I said biting my lip and from this simple action she was speechless. I circled her clit a few times before pushing her hips down onto me. "Oh-ho-ho shit" she breathed out as we came in contact. I gently start moving her hips back and forth while she looks into my eyes. She takes over and starts thrusting her hips down into mine increasing the pressure. "Fuck Cate" I moan and her hand comes up to my throat squeezing softly. 

"This is for earlier" she says squeezing a bit harder. I flip us over because there no way in hell I'm letting her top me our first time. She gasped as her back hit the couch and I took the opportunity to lean down and kiss her. I pulled away and started moving my hips faster, her hands came to my waist but I swatted them away. "No touching" I say and she bites her lip putting her hands to use by massaging her boobs. "Oh baby-baby I'm gonna cum" she moaned out of breath. "Me too" I forced out, "on 3" I said and she nodded. "1" I said going as fast as I can, "2" she said gripping onto the armrest. 

Cate's pov
"3!" We both yelled as we orgasmed, she grabs onto me as she shakes. I lay her down next to me and look at her in disbelief. "Holy fuck" I say looking right into her eyes, I move closer and run my hand along her arm. "You look so sexy on top of me, under me too" I say. "Same to you, though you were trying for too much control on top" she said funnily. "I thought you liked being told what to do" I questioned jokingly. "Yes but I wasn't going to give you the satisfaction our first time" she replied. "So does that mean I can be in charge this time?" I asked running a finger down the middle of her chest. 

We go for a few rounds until we're both exhausted. I carry her to my bed and gently lay her under the covers and climb in on the other side. She instantly cuddles up to my side and I wrap my arms around her smiling widely. "Cate..." she says softly, "yes darling" I reply and she takes a deep breath. "Did you mean it?" She asks and I take moment to think about what she's asking me. I realize she's asking me if I meant it when I said I loved her. "Yes, I love you Catalina" I say and she hugs me even tighter bringing our bodies even closer. "I love you too" she says before falling asleep.


I got this idea from a dream I had about Jennifer Aniston; we were in this house and she kissed me and I did exactly what Catalina did and she said the line Cate said. So if Cate's line makes no sense in general blame my subconscious lmao cause even when I wrote it I was like hmmm but yeah 

Hope you enjoyed reading :)

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