In the Flesh

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Just like Cate said there was someone waiting for me. What she didn't tell me was that I'd be taking her private plane. She also failed to mention that there would be people catering to me for a literal day. Not that I was awake more than half the time but still that's insane. When we landed they put my bags on a cart and rolled it towards the airport entrance. We just came around the side instead of going into the building because it was easier. There was another person waiting for me and once the attendant unloaded my bags he opened the car door. "Ms.Watson, I'm Jeremy. I'll be your driver today" he says politely and I slip inside the car. 

"Thank you" I say amazed, "it's a pleasure" he says and closes the door. Once he gets back in he starts the car and looks at me in the mirror. "Anywhere you'd like to go before the estate?" He asks happily. Estate? Of course it's a fucking estate. "Holy hell... can we stop and get some uhhh liquid courage?" I hope he understands, and he chuckles before nodding. "Off we go Ms. Watson, put on your seatbelt please" he request and I oblige. "Please, call me Catalina" I say and he smiles, "that's a beautiful name" he says. "I've heard" I say funnily while rolling my eyes as he glances at me. He chuckles and turns up the music so it's playing softly. 

"So is this your first time meeting her?" He asks and I sigh, "yeah I'm nervous as fuck" I say bluntly. "That's a natural reaction, hell I even almost fainted when I saw her. She's a real, nice person though. Very down to earth it just takes a while to get used to being around her" he says and I nod. "Here we are. Do you want me to come in with you?" He asks and I nod, "could you? That'd be fantastic" I say and he nods. He holds the door and I walk in, he shows me to the section with alcohol my eyes widen. I decide on a bottle of Bacardi because... well really no reason except why not?

I pay for it and we get back in the car and head to the house. After about a thirty minutes drive we arrive, and my mouth dropped open. I don't even think you could call this a house, more like a castle. It was absolutely gorgeous on the outside with vines and flowers crawling up the walls. A perfectly trimmed hedge. It looked like paradise, and I haven't even seen the inside yet. "The more you see the property the more you'll be amazed. This is nothing and that's saying something" he says laughing. "I think I'm gonna shit myself" I say and he turns around putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Here" he says handing me a piece of gum and I look at him confused. I put my hand up and blow out to smell my breath but it smells fine. At least I think it does. "No silly" he says as he nods to the bottle in the black bag. "Ohhh" I chuckle, I open the bottle and take a quick swig. I put it in my backpack and take my water bottle out drinking a bit before popping the gum in my mouth. I put it under my tongue so the taste and smell dissolves faster. We get out the car and I continue chewing on the gum relentlessly. At this point it's just because my nerves are trying to kill me. We get the bags out and walk to the front door ringing the doorbell. 

I can hear the sound echoing against the walls from the outside. The house just sounds Victorian and it gives me a shiver but also a warm feeling. Within seconds the door is open and Roman is standing there. "Oh it's you" he says sarcastically, Jeremy ruffles his hair and Roman huffs. I chuckle and Roman moves aside so we can enter, Jeremy puts my bags down and he's off. I wave at him and he winks at me wishing me good luck. He's actually a really cool guy. "Mother!" Roman yells not taking his eyes off me and after a minute or so of us staring each other down she comes down the stairs. "You're here!" She says trying to sound enthusiastic but I can hear something else behind it. 

"In the flesh" I say giving a funny bow, "Ignatius" she says loudly but not yelling. "Yes!" Ignatius yells and comes down the stairs she says something to him quietly and he looks at me. "Catalina!" He says and runs up to hug me, I take him in my arms and sway lightly. "At least someone's happy to see me" I say look at Roman but more toward Cate. She looks away and Iggy along with Roman take my bags to my room I suppose. Cate motions for me to follow her and I walk behind her as she leads me somewhere. I admire the various paintings along the wall until I come to a big window. 

I look out and my eyes widen, it's like something out a movie, which is fitting. "Catalina..." Cate says and my head snaps in her direction. "My bad, it's beautiful" I say pointing out the window and she hums. What's up with her? I brush it off, maybe she's stressed with work or something. She enters a room which vaguely resembles an office but it's a lot more comfortable. "Sit please" she says formally, and I sit on a chair across from her. She sits down on the couch, and she looks very uncomfortable. I look around trying to prevent myself from making this even more awkward. I look back at her and she's looking right at me or rather through me. 

"Cate?" I say gaining her actual attention and she blinks a few times. "Right... sorry I'm so distracted. Umm... welcome. The children are actually going with their father tomorrow. They'll be gone for two weeks I probably should've let you stay home until you then" she says quietly. There's something different in how she's speaking but I can't put my finger on what it is. "That's ok! I can learn my way around and not look dumb when they come back" I say and she seems to relax a bit. "Well that's it I suppose" she says calmly but I sense... coldness? "Ok" I say slightly confused and I stand up walking out the room not knowing what else to do. 

Iggy is about to go in his room when I stop him. "Hey bud can you tell me where my room is?" I ask with a funny smile and he giggles pointing to a door. "We just put your bags on the bed" he says and I nod giving him a thumbs up

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