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Cate's pov

I ended up not going to sleep and I called the director to tell him I can't come in today because of a family emergency. He was very understanding and said I could take the day to sort it out. So I've been calling her all day, but I still can't get ahold of her, I was about to take a flight until I remembered something. It's early enough to where he shouldn't be in school, so I rang him. "Hey Dash sorry for calling so early" I said as I heard him groan and covers rustling. "It's ok mum, is something wrong?" he asks sleepily. "Yes and no. Remember those security cameras I had installed a while ago?" I ask him and I hear him hum in response.

"Well I know you and your dad were there with the guy because I had a meeting. So do you remember how to access the footage?" I ask him really hoping I won't have to call Andrew because he'll just ask a million questions. "Yeah, you gotta download the app and then just log in and you can go through the footage and select the day you want to see" he says. He walks me through how to do it and once I got the hang of it I thanked him and let him go back to sleep. I go back to the last day I talked to her and see her walking around the house, and I smile seeing her looking so cute.

I get back on track and go to the night I tried calling her over and over. I go through the entire day and don't see her anywhere. I go to the previous day and there she is again she is walking around and cleaning up the kitchen. I fast forward and around 9 she went up to bed after Jeremy left, I keep going and skip the footage to about 11. That's right after we got off the phone... she walks downstairs and it's dark as shit but the camera has nighttime and thermal vision so I can still see her. I stare at her as she starts to walk slower until she comes to a complete stop and her vision focuses on something. I look but whatever she can see I can't see it because of the angle of the camera.

I watch it on the edge of my seat, everything happens in the blink of an eye. On second she's standing there seemingly frozen and then she's on the ground. I watch as a figure picks her up and carries her out the door. I switch the outside camera and see them put her in the trunk and drive away. I throw my phone and scream; I should've made her stay on the phone when she heard that noise. She knew something was wrong and I was too tired to notice it. I get my phone and sigh as I open the footage forcing myself to leave the app so I don't get stuck watching it. I call the police in the town and give them all the information I have; she was fucking kidnapped.

Catalina's pov

He just left me here. I don't know how long but after he duct taped my mouth I guess he was fed up with my shit. Eventually after staring at the walls I started looking around, I can't stand but I can roll over so I can see everything pretty well. I found a 'window' if that's what you want to call it. It has no glass and it's basically a cut out hole in the wall, but I can see sunlight coming through it. I count every time the sun sets so that I can keep track of the days somewhat. Other than that I just hum to myself and think about Cate to make sure I don't go crazy.

The funniest part about this is that I'm not even worried about him not feeding me, I've gone several days without eating. At one point I stopped eating for a week and a half so I'm pretty sure I can take the lack of food. The problem here is that there's no music, I mean I can mimic it in my head but there's nothing like the original in the artist's pitch. I'm also kind of thirsty but I'm choosing to ignore it. I tried getting the ropes off for several days in a row until the pain from the burn became unbearable. I heard the door creak open and snapped my head in that direction which cause me to get a headache making me close my eyes.

"Had enough yet?" he asks, I look at him unimpressed before raising my eyebrows and motioning down with my eyes because my mouth is taped. He rips it off making me tense up but I relaxed quickly and look him in the eyes. "Do you have water?" is the first thing that comes out my mouth, "you think you deserve water?" he asks rhetorically. "I'm trying to help you, you can't get anything if I die of dehydration first. A human can go weeks without food but if I'm in here any longer without water you're coming back to a corpse" I say trying to reason with him. He narrows his eyes at me before yelling to someone to get him a bottle of water.

They come back and he opens it bringing it over to me and tipping it so the water falls. I drink as much as he lets me, and he spills the rest of it one me 'accidently' as he pulls away. "Get ready for showtime princess cause we got a job for you" he says with a sick smile. "What is it?" I ask impatiently just wanting to get this over with, you think I'd be more scared but honestly I already know he's not going to kill me so it's whatever. "We're gonna make a video for your sugar mama and you're gonna tell her our demands" he says. "Going to" I say rolling my eyes, "what?" he asks confused. "You said 'gonna' it's 'going to'" I explain, obviously I'm no stickler for grammar I just wanted to piss him off.

"Yeah whatever spelling bee champ. Just get ready we're GONNA start in a minute" he says. "Oh no what about my hair! And my makeup! How can she see me like this?" I exclaim sarcastically he just rolls his eyes and slaps the duct tape back on my mouth. I don't know if he's using gorilla glue tape or something, but I wouldn't be surprised if my lips come off the next time he rips this off.

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