Snow White... Kinda

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If you want to listen don't start it just yet, I'll tell you when

Catalina's pov

Cutting again feels pointless, I never do it often and the fact that she caught me is enough motivation to not do it again. However, my anxiety is apparently in charge around here and is not letting me off the hook that easily. I head down to the kitchen and look for something to take my mind off it for a little while, or at least comfort me enough so I don't cry. I find some cheese and crackers and I just get a bag with like half the cheese and a container off crackers and start walking. I go outside trying to find a nice place to sit or something since I'm not skilled enough to eat both of these while walking. 

I find this swing I've never seen before that hovers over the lake a bit. There's a rope to pull it back in so I put the snack under my arm and pull the rope with my free hand. Once the swing is close enough, I sit on it facing the open water, I tie the rope around one of the ones holding up the swing so I don't get stuck out here and can pull myself back. It's big enough to where I can sit criss cross, so I pull my legs up careful not to shake the swing too much. I place the crackers and the cheese in the little pocket my legs make so it doesn't fall and I take my phone out my pocket, so I don't accidently lose it in the water. 

Press play

I start to eat the cheese and crackers just mindlessly staring off into the distance watching the water ripple as little creatures play underneath. I see a few ducks floating and they have little duckies with them, it's like a whole little family and it makes me tear up. They're just so cute. I continue eating my snack as my thoughts just float past until the only thought that matters at the moment pops. up. She's leaving in three days. What am I supposed to do without her here? I'll literally be in the house all alone because the kids won't be here for a while either. Will she even be back when the kids get back? How long does filming take? Is it a movie or a show?

Unconsciously I started eating even faster as my anxiety rises until I reach into the bag again and realise there's nothing left. I groan in frustration and debate on whether to go back to the house and get more now or wait here and then get more later. My dilemma is interrupted when my phone buzzes in my lap, I pick it up and see it's Cate.

Cate's pov

She's been gone for a while, and I obviously realize she said she needed a minute and I'm trying to give her space, but I just want to check on her.  I get out the bed after about an hour of lying there so that she could have some time for herself. All I want to do is spend these next three days with her doing whatever she wants to do. I knock on her door lightly and she doesn't answer, I turn the knob and it's open, so I peek in but she's not in there. I don't bother going in the room because the bathroom door is open and I can't see her in the room from the door. I check my office but she isn't in there either.

I check the children's room and the kitchen thinking she might be cleaning something but she's nowhere to be found. I go back upstairs and get my phone so that I can text her.

(bold is Catalina, italics is Cate)

hey I'm looking for you...

i'm out on the swing

what swing?

the one straight back and a little to the left once you get to the treeline

do you want me to come or do you want to be alone?

you can come

With that said I slip on some shoes and head out the door following the directions she gave me and soon enough I come to a little dent in the tree line. There's a beautiful arched trellis covered in vines and white roses, it's almost like walking through a portal into another world. 

Beyond the trellis is completely different from the tree line that conveniently hides it

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Beyond the trellis is completely different from the tree line that conveniently hides it. There are wisteria flowers hanging down making the path look like something out of a fairytale book. As I walk further into this new place, I can hear the chirping of birds clearer than I ever have, and then I see her. A bird perched on her hand eating something out of it, my little snow white.

I approach slowly and quietly so I don't startle her or the birds, I watch my step, so I don't trip on any sticks. I walk far away so I can approach her from the front, she looks up as I get closer and smiles. It makes my heart skip a beat every time she smiles, I hope I can keep her smiling for as long as we know each other. She reaches her hand out slowly and pets the bird on the head with one of her fingers "alright cutie I'm out of cheese" she shrugs while using a cute baby voice. The bird looks at her and tilts its head and she nods as if she's communicating with it and shortly after it flies away. "I see you're good with animals" I say putting my hands in my pockets.

"Pretty much anyone with food and enough patience can be good with animals" she jokes. "I've never seen this before, how did you find it?" I ask leaning against the tree. "I was just walking around and took a different turn I guess, then I saw the trellis which really intrigued me. So, I walked in here and found this, never thought I might be trespassing" she giggles. "No one actually owns any plots around us, and I think this is on the land we bought. I have no concept of acres or space in general" I chuckle. "Do you wanna sit?" she asks gesturing the swing, "How am I going to get on?" I ask funnily and she unties a rope before pulling herself back.

I stare at her not knowing how I got so lucky to have someone so beautiful and such a free spirit. "Will you stay on with me?" I ask her seeing that it's big enough for the both of us. "I don't think it can hold both of us" she said quietly as she backed away, I just pulled her into my lap and let go of the rope, so we started swinging over the lake. It indeed could hold both of us as I suspected. "See" I said as the swing began to slow down and we stopped laughing. "What if you were wrong and we feel into the lake? You don't even know what's in there" she exclaimed moving over to sit next to me. "I've swan with mud crabs, bullnose sharks, and alligators. I think I can take fish" I giggle and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"How are we going to get back genius? You let go of the rope" she pointed out and I shrugged, "we'll figure that out when we're ready to go... are you ready to go?" I ask her and she shakes her head. I pull her into my side, and we watch the sunset over the water as we alternated between bouts of silence and talking about everything. We talked about me leaving and that it'll only be for a short time, and she agreed that she wouldn't be mad anymore. "I'm going to miss you immensely" I say to her as the once purple and orange sky, starts to fade into dark blue and black. "You have no idea how much I'll miss you" she says softly as she holds onto me tighter than before. "Don't be sad darling..." I say as I hear her sniffle, "it's just allergies" she jokes and starts giggling. 

She pulls away and I wipe her tears looking into her eyes deeply. "I love you" I say.

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