Choices and More Choices

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Catalina's pov
After weeks of discussing it and going over different ideas we've finally decided. I wanted to have a small wedding which Cate agreed to. So we're having at the house with our friends and family. I even invited my family which is so exciting cause it's been so long since I last saw them. Cate insisted on buying all their tickets which I disagreed on but she bought them anyway.

It's scheduled to be in 3 months and I've never been more nervous in my life. Cate seems really cool about it, I guess it's because it isn't her first time. I know I want to do this so it isn't second thoughts. I'm just so nervous about how everything is going to go and how I'm going to look.

Even though we're having a small backyard wedding we're still getting outfits for it. I'm wearing a dress and Cate is wearing a suit. Well I haven't really decided what I'm wearing yet. Which is nerve wracking considering it's only 3 months away now. I've tried on numerous dresses but I really just don't like anything. They all fit me weird and it makes me uncomfortable.

"Darling..." I hear Cate say making me turn to her and raise my eyebrows. "Are you ok?" She asks worriedly, I realized I zoned out while she was talking and shake my head. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry... what were you saying?" I ask with a soft smile. "Are you sure you're alright? You have that anxious look on your face" she says sitting down next to me.

"Just worried about the wedding" I admit and she looks confused. "About which part..." she says concerned. "Not about marrying you..." I say putting my hand on her cheek and giving her a gentle kiss. "About how everything is going to look and if it'll go smoothly. You know I still haven't picked a dress" I say looking down.

"Maybe you shouldn't wear a dress" she suggest and I look up at her confused. "I know it's 'traditional' for one person to wear a dress and the other a suit. But nothing about us is traditional anyway. No one would mind if you wore a suit too..." she explains.

"I don't know..." I say hesitantly, "how about we go looking again? Just the two of us" she offers. Last time we went with the kids and don't get me wrong I love them. They just thought it was super boring after a while and wanted to go. "Sure" I say softly and she smiles giving me a kiss on the forehead.

She walks off into the kitchen and I hear keys jingling. "Well come on" she says, "you meant right now?" I ask surprised and she nods enthusiastically. I get up promptly and throw on some shoes before getting in the car. "Cate I'm really not sure about this...." I admit while fiddling with my hands.

"Trust me, honey. We'll find something even if we look until the day before" she chuckles making my anxiety float away. I stare at her for the duration of the drive thinking about how lucky I am to have her. How she can easily calm me down in any situation, how naturally elegant and beautiful she is.

"Darling? We're here" she says smiling widely causing me to be released from my trance. I simply nod and exit the car waiting for her to come around. Once she does she takes my hand and we walk into the shop. "Hi, anything I can help with? Are you look for anything specific?" The helper asks as soon as we walk in.

I look to Cate and she shakes her head. "No, thank you. I think we got it covered" she says smiling politely and the lady nods allowing us to roam. We come to the section with suits and I look at Cate nervously. "Do you want me to pick some for you?" I nod softly and she picks out a few suits some black and some white.

"Come on" she says taking my hand, I grab her hand and she leads me to the dressing rooms. Gently pushing me in one she closes the door and sits outside while I stare at the suits. I try on the one I like the best first, I sigh finally getting it on and turning towards the mirror. Eh. "Almost done?" I hear Cate call from outside, I open the door to let her see. "Walk out" she instructs and I do a full turn at her request so she can see it.

"Not that one" she shrugs, I know she can tell by the look on my face I'm not feeling it. I nod and enter the dressing room again to try on a different style. We do this process over and over and as I'm getting to the last suit I feel like I'm never going to find anything. This one is actually my favorite but I just don't think it'll look good on me. I try it on anyway and as I turn around in the mirror I can't believe what I'm seeing.

It fits fantastically! Although my brain is sending warning signals about how tight it bugs my body. I'm choosing to ignore that right now because of how much I'm in love with it. The cut, the creases, the colors, they're all perfect. I think this is the best piece of clothing I'll ever wear which is fitting considering it'll be the best day of my life.

"Honey?" I realize I've been standing in here just staring at myself for minutes. I shake my head chuckling as that never happens to me. I'm not a person who stands in the mirror too long, otherwise I'll start thinking all types of things. I take off the suit and grab all of them in my hands. I walk out and Cafe is standing at the door ready to knock. "What happened?" She asks looking at all the suits over my arm.

"Nothing" I shrug with a small smile on my face, she looks at me concerned but I just give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll meet you at the car" I say to her as I walk over to the desk to pay for it. I still have all the suits in my hand so she doesn't know which one I buying. She narrows her eyes at me questioningly but I just shoo her out the door. She shakes her head but follows my command anyway.

"Can you put it in a black dress bag? I don't want her to see it" I tell the older clerk and she nods while smiling. "So when is the wedding?" She asks, "in 3 months" I say happily. "Is she your maid of honor..." the lady asks while running my card. I'm quiet for a moment as I try to think of how I'm going to handle this. Typically older people aren't very receptive to the idea of same sex marriage.

"Ahhh I see" she says turning around to carefully bag up the suit. "Can I tell you secret?" She asks leaning forward and I nod hesitantly. She motions for me to lean closer and I do so cautiously. "My partner and I have been together fir 30 years... we couldn't have been happier when they finally passed the law. I mean it was about damn time!" She chuckles pulling away making me giggle and nod.

"You almost had me scared" I admit while sighing in relief. "Oh please, darling. I've seen so many people come in and out of here in my 20 years of working at this place. The only thing that matters is that you love each other and I can tell you do. That woman is completely head over heels in love with you" she says with a wave of her hand. "You think so?" I ask grinning and she nods enthusiastically.

"I know so, baby. Her eyes practically pop out of her head every time she sees you. Not to mention the twinkle in her eyes... it reminds me of my precious Darla. I can't wait to tell her about you guys when I get home" she says smiling to herself. "I'll have to tell Cate" I say smiling as well, "I bet you'll both look so beautiful on your wedding day. I'm so happy to see younger people being able to be themselves and live out their dreams peacefully" she says tearing up a bit.

"You know... I have an idea" I say motioning for her to come closer.

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