Moving Day

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I began packing which actually wasn't as difficult as I thought. Maybe I'm just lazy is what it is. I put on Lana Del Rey because she's amazing and it also just made this bearable with her voice in the background. Basically, I just took all the suitcases I had and threw my clothes into them. It probably would've taken less had I folded them, but I needed time for more important things. There was really only two suitcases because I didn't have a lot of clothes and they were big. I grabbed a duffel bag which I lined with a bit of bubble wrap for my more valuable items. Which really weren't even that valuable, but they were special to me. Then I grabbed a backpack and put some essentials in it just in case my cases took a minute. 

I realized how difficult this would be to get this all into the airport. Having to carry it around but I had to take it all, so I'd just have to figure it out. How difficult could it really be? When I was done, I called the building manager and let him know I was moving. He tried to argue with me but I didn't let him, I made up some excuse. He grunted and hung up in my face, he's such a dick. I'm honestly glad I'm moving out of here because he was always looking at me weird. After I finished that I started to make sure I had everything when my phone rang. Without looking I placed it between my ear and shoulder and continued looking. 

"Hello" I said a bit agitated and out of breath form my activities. "Are you alright sweetheart?" I heard Cate say and I mentally slapped myself for picking up like that. "Yes, I'm fine just finishing up" I said, and she sighed. I turned the music down so I could actually hear her properly. "Well, I arranged your flight and they'll be someone waiting for you to take your bags. I assume you have quite a few so it'll be hard to carry alone" she says, and I smile. "Thank you that's really thoughtful" I say relived I don't have to do it by myself. "Don't mention it. And umm... Catalina?" She says hesitantly and I furrow my eyebrows trying to figure out what it might be. 

"Yes ma'am?" I say, "please don't call me that it makes me feel old" she says. "Ok haha, what were you gonna say?" I ask seemingly bringing her train of thought back. "Right... it's not important. Try to sleep on the flight darling it's quite long and I'm sure you're exhausted. Again, I'm so sorry for such short notice" she says and it makes me think how she never told me the reason. Maybe it's because the other nanny quit suddenly? Either way it wasn't really my business anyway. "Stop apologizing you're actually doing me a huge favor. Life for me is so boring the kids will definitely keep me alert. And you're right, I'll definitely sleep" I say chuckling. 

It's silent for a few moments and I just sit on my bed waiting for her to speak. "Cate?" I say when the silence because unbearable for me. "Oh I'm sorry honey, I'll see you tomorrow" she says. "You have to stop saying sorry so much. I'll see you then, bye bye" I say and she says goodbye before hanging up. Why is she acting so weird all of a sudden? I just turned the music back up and arranged my bags near the door so they're all ready for when I need to leave. I double checked everything to make sure I had it all together and then I flopped back onto my couch. The hardest part seems to be over now I just have to make the flight on time and I'm home free.

This is the weirdest and most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Being Cate Blanchett's au pair... imagine that.

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