Well... there's that

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Cate's pov

Today has been hell on earth. I love what I do but gosh am I ready to get back to the hotel so I can talk to my baby. I used my lunch break to call the kids and check in, see how they're doing and how they're feeling being with their dad. They weren't happy about being there an extra week, they love their dad of course but they said they missed me a lot. They all asked about Catalina, I'm convinced they miss her more than they miss me but i don't hold it against them because she is really special. After hours of filming and doing take after take we were finally let go. 

I grabbed my things and basically ran to the car. The driver dropped me off to the hotel, I can't lie I miss Jeremy. I never thought I'd say that, don't get me wrong he's wonderful, I just didn't realize how much he actually does for me. I'll have to bring him something back and make him dinner when I get home. I got in the hotel room and got showered before slipping into the bed and grabbing my phone. I immediately called Catalina since it's my routine as soon as I'm settled in. It rang and rang but she didn't answer, that's odd. I tried again but still no answer so I left a voicemail and told her to call me back.

She might be sleeping... but it's still pretty early so I don't really see why she'd be sleeping now. I shrugged it off and put my phone on the nightstand to charge and rolled over to go to sleep. I tossed and turned but I just couldn't get comfortable. I really do need to talk to her before I can go to sleep. I tried calling again but I still got no answer. She's a light sleeper if she heard her phone ringing she'd get up, she's not mad at me right? No I haven't done anything. Ok so why isn't she answering the phone, I need to get to sleep and I can't do that without checking up on her. I sigh and try again but she's still not answering and I'm starting to get worried.

It's still pretty early so I just call Jeremy to ask him if he can check on her. "Hey Jeremy, sorry to call so late" I say apologetically, "it's fine Cate, what's up" he says casually. "I'm just trying to get ahold of Catalina but she's not answering" I say, "alright. You need me to go check on her?" he asks, "yes please if it's not a bother" I say quietly. "It's not, you never are. Plus I like her, she's better than the last one" he jokes, "trust me I know" I chuckles. "Want me to call back when I get there?" he asks, "Please... and thank you" I say sincerely, "of course. I'll let you know when I'm there" he says. I thank him again and then hang up, I turn on the tv to try and occupy my mind but I keep thinking about her.

My phone rings calling my attention and I pick it up quickly once I see it's Jeremy. "Hey!" I reply happily, "hey..." he says and I don't like the tone of his voice, I can tell something is wrong and I'm getting that feeling again. "What is it?" I ask worriedly, "well I've been knocking on the door for five minutes but she's not answering" he says. "Just use your key, she might be sleeping" I say nervously and he agrees, I hear keys jingling and then he hums. "What?" I ask quickly, "nothing it's just that only the bottom was locked" he says and then I can hear him walking. That doesn't sound like something she would do...

"Uhh Cate?" he says with uncertainty, and I hear doors opening and closing, "yes?" I say nervously feeling tears begin to fill my eyes. "She's not here" he says and I begin to cry the hardest I ever have in my life. 

Catalina's pov

Maybe going down to check the scary noise wasn't my best decision, I've watched enough horror movies I should've known. I didn't even take a weapon how stupid can I be? Upon getting to the bottom of the stairs I saw a shadow; I thought it was a hallucination until it moved. He started running towards me and I tried making my way up the stairs, but he grabbed my leg and I fell causing me to hit my head. He picked me up since I was halfway unconscious and since it was dark outside I couldn't exactly tell what anything was. I just know that it was hard as rocks and extremely uncomfortable.

That feeling didn't last long though since I passed out shortly after we started moving. I woke up feeling motion, I realized he was picking me up and I decided to play it safe since I was so dumb before. I acted like I was still passed out and let my head fall back as he picked me up so he couldn't see my eyes. I opened them and tried to piece together my surroundings but I'm also not from here so I just tried remembering as much as I could. There's a lot of tall grass around and it looks like we're by the water, I can't see any lights in the distance so it's far away from the city, I guess. Gosh they should hire me on criminal minds or something.

Not the point Catalina, not the point. The building looks light blue and it's fucking huge. Maybe a warehouse or something. It smells like dead fish and chemicals. I can't taste anything really but the air tastes salty if that makes sense. I can hear cars in the distance coming from behind the building so maybe it's off the highway. They don't sound really close but they're close enough for me to hear, just not close enough to hear me scream. This dude's smart, he's been planning this. I'm screwed. We get into the building, and it smells industrial like concrete, which I love the smell of. Hopefully this doesn't completely ruin that for me.

I can't hear anything in here, so he's alone at least for now. There are pieces of stuff all around, I can't tell what they are because they're covered in blue tarps. It feels like we're walking forever before he sets me down on the freezing cold floor. If his goal is to torture me, he's starting off right considering I get cold fast, and I can already feel it spreading and making me uncomfortable. He takes off his mask and I realize he's that weird dude from the other day that said he was Cate's friend. I shake my head at myself, my IQ just went down several more points. "Alright listen up you little bitch" he says and I roll my eyes, this man makes me feel like it just might be all men. "We know you're fucking her and we're gonna make some money from it" he says. "Fucking who?" I ask innocently as if I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Cate, don't play stupid. It won't get you anywhere except in the ground" he says, I know I said I was gonna play it smart but come on. "Ok first of all, I'm just her au pair. Second of all, if you kill me how are you gonna get money?" I refrained from calling him a dumbass even though it's itching to roll off my tongue. "You're definitely not just her au pair, we've been watching you. Besides the kids aren't even home" he spats, "because they're on vacation, next excuse" I say bored. "You're done talking" he says annoyed, reaching over to get duct tape. Unfortunately, I'm already tied up so there's nothing I can really do about it except let him.

Cate better not give them any money for me. I'd rather die than see him get what he wants. Am I being dramatically petty? Absolutely. 

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