Tea Time

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Cate's pov
"Good morning, darling" I say turning to Lina as she wakes up. "Mmm good morning" she says moving closer to me and hugging my waist tightly. "So what did you get?" I ask her, "still not telling" she mumbles. I've been trying to find ways to get her to tell me but she just won't. I know I could easily look while she's gone but I don't want to see if she doesn't want me to know.

Trying when she's sleepy? Fail. Usually she's basically delirious when she first wakes up and doesn't know what's going on. I guess this isn't one of those times though. "Don't forget we're meeting with my friend today" she breaths out on my neck. I giggle at the feeling and stroke her hair, rubbing my fingers through the soft locks.

"Right... did you tell me who and I forgot?" I was and she shakes her head no while yawning. "So who is it then?" I ask pulling her head up to look at me, "Geraldine" she says letting her head fall back down. "That's a name I haven't heard in a while... she must be older" I say thinking if I've ever met her before. "Yep. I think she said 60 or 70 something" she shrugs.

"And where exactly did you meet this... Geraldine?" I question, "out" she says simply causing me to wonder.

Lina's pov
I know Cate is wracking her brain about this suit and now Geraldine. I can't wait for them to meet, she's also bringing Darla along so we can meet her too. "Come on... let's go get ready" I say rolling from on top of her and getting out the bed. "You're really not going to tell me" she sighs defeated, "just trust me, babe. I love youuuu" I say motioning for her to come to me.

She gets out the bed and walks over wrapping her arms around my waist. In return my arms fling around her neck to pull her even closer. "I love you too. Although I wish you would just tell me" she grumbled. "Did you just 'I love you but...' me?" I ask faking offense and backing away from her. "Come here" she demands while ignoring my joking. "Nope" I say crossing my arms and dramatically planting my feet.

"Catalina..." she warns making me just the slightest bit scared because she never says my full first name anymore. "No" I say again just because I'm stubborn. She starts taking steps closer to me and I dash for the bathroom managing to close the door before she can get to me. I lock it and giggle uncontrollably as she hits against the door. "When I get to you..." she heeds only causing my laughter to grow.

"Ok I'm done. Please just open the door" she says and I can hear her puppy eyes even though I can't see her. I open the door and she rushes in picking me off my feet and making me wrap my legs around her waist for balance. "I love you" she whispers before giving me a kiss on the nose. "I love you too, dork" I giggle looking into her eyes. I don't think her eyes will ever lose their effect even after the years to come.

"Do you think we'll die in love?" I ask her randomly and she her breath hitches a bit. She sets me down gently and looks toward the ground causing me to furrow my eyebrows. "What?" I ask her and she shakes her head, "let's just shower" she says. "Catherine..." I say and she looks up at the name. "What is it?" I ask not knowing if I should touch her or not.

"Well... you know... I'm a lot older than you... so that's something to think about. That I might have to leave you sooner than I would like" she says quietly. "Baby... don't worry about that. You know I don't care about your age and I think you'll outlive me" I chuckle. "Can you promise me something?" She asks, "I can try" I say honestly. "No. I need you to PROMISE me" she says and I nod slowly.

"When I die... I want you to live" she says holding my face in her hands. "Cate..." I whisper, "PROMISE me" she whispers with tears in her eyes. "I promise to try" I say, "I'll take that for now" she says kissing my directly after. I hold onto her tightly as if the mere thought of her could slip away if I don't ground myself. After a few minutes we get in the shower and I insist on washing her.

I take my time worshipping and caring for each part of her beautiful body. I wash her hair, gently dragging my nails across her scalp to relax her. I see her shoulders drop their tension as I close my eyes for a second to relish this moment. Once we're done we dry ourselves and get dressed. Since I know where we're going I drive and rest my hand on her thigh for the duration. She plays with my fingers and turns the rings on them.

"We're here" I say parking in a spot in front of the quaint cafe. She looks at me curiously before getting out and accompanying me in the shop. I spot who I'm looking for and drag Cate over. "Oh my goodness! You didn't tell me she was so beautiful" Geraldine says as she hugs me tightly. I look back to see Cate blushing slightly as her head tilts down. "You must be Cate. I'm Geraldine" she says more calmly as she reaches out her hand.

Cate shakes it and smiles politely, glancing at me. "This is my love, Darla" she says smiling widely as she gestures so a raven-haired woman sat in the booth. She looks to be the complete opposite of Geraldine, very... cautious. We sit down on one side while Geraldine joins Darla on the other side. "Darla this is Cate and Catalina" she introduces us and Darla nods in acknowledgement. "Oh come on, dear. They're very nice people" she whispers not so quietly in her ear.

Darla turns towards her and discreetly whispers something to her. When Geraldine pulls away she has a mischievous smile on her face. Darla shakes her head and glares at her warningly. "Could I ask you guys a weird question?" She inquires, I nod as Cate grabs my hand under the table, I squeeze it reassuringly. "Could you kiss? Darla here thinks you guys are trying to bait us or something" she chuckles and Darla bows her head in shame.

"Oh that's fine, I understand your hesitancy. If it would umm... make you more comfortable" I say nervously. She doesn't say anything or even acknowledge she heard me. I just turn to Cate and look into her eyes, she seems a bit excited. I raise my eyebrows slightly at her and she blinks a few times before nodding. I lean in and so does she and it's as if once our lips are connected they're impossible to separate.

I force myself away so we don't just end up making out in front of them. I can feel the heavy blush on my cheeks as I wipe my bottom lip. I look back at Cate to see her smirking at me. I then back to see Darla with her mouth wide open, she closes it once she notices I'm looking at her. "I believe you" she chuckles and I finally see her opening up a bit. "You guys look as happy as us when we were in the early stages" she says softly.

"Hey! I'd like to think we're still as happy" Geraldine says judging her a bit. "Of course, darling. I still love you just as much if not more than when we first met" she says looking into her eyes. Geraldine blushes a bit and Darla gives her a gentle kiss making my heart melt for them. The rest of the little double date was spent drinking tea and telling stories. Before we parted ways Darla talked to Cate and Geraldine pulled me off to the side.

I kept looking to make sure Cate was ok and I wondered what Darla was telling her. We finally said our goodbyes and headed home to be alone together again. Well not really alone since the kids are coming back after we get there. I mean our little family alone I guess, it's crazy I actually have a little family of my own.

Ok this is all over the place but I wanted to post something for you guys and hopefully the next chapter will be more organized 😂

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