Cold Feet

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Cate's pov
It's finally the day and I couldn't be any happier to be marrying the love of my life. I have to admit I am a bit nervous but I know once I can finally see her it'll go away. We've been apart since about 5 this morning. Fortunately the family didn't get here until late and she managed to sneak in the room last night.

I just wanted to be close to her since it's the last night I get to call her my girlfriend. In a few hours she'll finally be my wife. I look into the mirror smiling as the stylist pins my hair. It'll stay like this until right before the ceremony so I don't fuck it up.

Catalina's pov
"FUCK" I yell as I fall flat on my face tripping over my own feet. I've been trying to get this damn suit on right for 30 minutes. I know we don't have to be ready for an hour and a half but I don't care. Being in the suit will get me into the right frame of mind. No one else seems to understand that of course and keep laughing at me.

So I made them get out so I could ground myself in peace. A knock at the door interrupts my racing thoughts as before I can answer they open it. Just as I'm about to yell again I seen it's June, Cate's mom. "Hi honey" she says softly and I just sigh and fall down into the chair behind me. "What's wrong?" She asks walking over to me and rubbing my shoulder.

"Everything!" I say as I burst into tears, she pulls me up and into a hug. I cry even harder and hold onto her tightly. "Oh darling, please don't cry" she says rubbing circles on my back. I can't make myself stop crying, the more I try the harder I cry. I pull away from her and sit in the chair pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head on my arms.

I hear her mutter something indistinct to herself. "I'll be right back ok?" I don't respond and she strokes my hair before I hear the door softly open and close.

Cate's pov
As morag is doing my makeup the door opens. I try my hardest not to move my head and just use my peripheral vision. "Hey, June" morag says and I smile knowing it's my mom. Morag stops for a moment and I turn to my mom smiling but her face is full of worry. My face drops and I look to her silently asking what's wrong.

"It's Catalina" she sighs, "wh-what's wrong?" I ask, so many thoughts are rushing through my head? Is she having second thoughts? Maybe we should've talked about this more. It's too soon isn't it? "She's crying. I tried helping her but she's inconsolable and I don't know what to do" my mom says. For my mom to not know what to do is a big deal.

She's always really levelheaded and can handle any situation. That's where I get it from. "What do you mean? Why?" I ask standing up and moving closer to her. "I'm not sure. I just walked in and ask her what's wrong and she started crying" she replies. "Where is she?" I ask her quickly as I head towards the door. "Cate you know you're not supposed to see her" morag says.

"Fuck tradition. I need to see my baby" I huff, "sorry. I'm just really worried about her... it's complicated" I say. "She's in the guest room" my mom says, "is she alone?" I ask cautiously and she nods. I run out, not wasting a second so I can make sure she's ok. I knock softly on the door before entering but I don't see her. "Baby girl?" I call for her and hear sniffling coming from the bathroom.

I quickly head over and go to turn the knob but it's locked. "Baby... can you open the door please? It's me, Cate" I say but don't get a response just sobbing. My heart breaks and panic courses through my veins wondering what's on the other side of the door.

Catalina's pov
I hear Cate outside and start to cry harder. Fantastic, now I've ruined it. I get off the floor and walk towards the door hearing her knock repeatedly and call for me. It clicks as the lock turns and I open the door to see her face full of worry. She quickly glances over my body, I've taken off the suit and just have a robe on.

"What happened, baby?" She asks probably noticing my puffy face. Of course she noticed it, it's quite obvious especially because my makeup isn't done yet. Thank god for that though because it would be ruined. "I-I" I try to get it out but tears just fall from my eyes. She pulls me into her arms and at the smell of her my heart begins to slow.

The feel of her body grounds me and my thoughts calm to an understandable pace. "Shhh, it's ok. I'm here" she whispers in my ear as she holds me tight. "I'm sorry" I say pulling away and wiping my tears. "For what?" She asks looking at me weirdly, "everything" I say. "Could you try to explain it to me?" She asks softly leading me over to the bed.

"I'm just such a mess and I've worried you and-"

"darling I'm always here for you, not matter what. I just want to make sure you're ok" she says caressing my cheek. "I just couldn't get the suit on and then everyone was laughing and... I don't know. I got overwhelmed because everything was so loud. I thought if I got everyone out it would better but-" I stop for a second. "I know you don't like to be alone, honey. I understand" she finishes for me.

"This should be a happy day and I'm sitting here worrying everyone" I sigh. "Well one of us has to be bridezilla" she jokes making me giggle. "See. There's that smile I love... I thought you were maybe rethinking things" she admits. "Of course not! I'm so excited I'm just really nervous and the outfit malfunction just sent me tumbling over" I sigh sadly.

"Well I'm glad you're ok now. I can have mom come in and help? I know you want it to be a surprise for me" she says smiling. "Oh my god I have to apologize to her. She's probably so scared of me and thinks I'm crazy" I say covering my face. "No she doesn't. She was just worried about you, as was I. She didn't really know how to console you so she came and got me" she tells me.

"Ok..." I say holding her hand tightly, "you look beautiful" I tell her. "Please... you look breathtaking my love" she says. "Go get ready, Ms.Blanchett" I giggle, "hey! It's 'Mrs.' to you from now on" she jokes. "Hold your horses yeehaw Cate, we're not married yet" I joke back. "Not officially... but you're still my wife" she says smiling widely, "stop before you make me cry again" I say wiping my eyes.

"Ok ok, I'm going" she says with her hands up in surrender as she stands. She leaves and June comes in right after and helps me put on the suit. I look in the mirror and I almost tear up again, I'm so happy with how it looks...

Hate to leave you with a cliffhanger but I wanted to give you SOMETHING 😂

Merry Christmas 🎄 Happy Hanukkah 🕎 and I know Kwanzaa isn't until tomorrow but happy early Kwanzaa 💕

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