54~Feeling Murderous

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Kachi was excited to see his woman, giddy even. And that was why he was back in Lagos, two days earlier than when he was supposed to. From the airport, he drove to a wine shop, getting Aria's favorite wine and varieties from different brands too. He knew she would still be out with her friend, giving him enough time to plan their evening. He would get home and cook, then prepare a nice, relaxing bath for her. His intention was to pamper his girl.

So when Chike and Azu showed up minutes after he got home, he was pissed. The reason he'd rented this apartment and kept it hidden was mostly because of the guys. Calling before dropping by seemed to be a foreign notion to the men.

"So this is where you've been hiding eh?" Chike grinned immediately he opened the door. It took a lot of willpower to not spam the door in his friend's face, but Kachi didn't open the door further.

"What do you want? How did you even find here?"

"Oh, there's no one I can't find in this country, I have ears everywhere," Azu said and Kachi opened the door further to glare at the man. They took the opportunity, pushing the door open and strolling in. "Just like a matchbox." Azu laughed as he walked around.

"I actually like it, it's cozy and nice." Chike nodded his head as he too inspected the place.

"Guys, you have to go," Kachi pleaded.

Azu sniffed the air before grinning. "Peppersoup? You're making peppersoup? I didn't even know you could turn on gas."

"My girlfriend would be home anytime soon and we need space and privacy."

"Privacy." Chike wiggled his brows. "Why? So you guys can fuck like rabbits?"

"It's not my fault that your girl is not putting out," Kachi snapped and two of them turned to look at him, one pissed and the other amused.

"Relax guys. Chike, I'm sure the idiot wasn't planning to upset you." He patted Chike's shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. "Kachi chill now, we haven't heard from you in a few days so we just wanted to say hi. We're leaving soon."

"Sorry," he said through gritted teeth. "I haven't seen her in days so I'm kinda touchy." He looked at his wristwatch, he still had time before Aria would return. "Stay for one drink, let's catch up."

One drink turned into two as they guys talked. Kachi was still on his first, not wanting to be tipsy in any way. They were laughing at something Azu said when the door opened and Aria hurried in. She didn't turn to see who was in, it was almost like she didn't even notice which was impossible. They were in her line of sight and noisy too. The smile that had crept up on Kachi's face slowly disappeared as he saw that she was struggling to walk and the strap of her dress was torn, showing her back and shoulders. He could only imagine how the front of the cloth was.

Quiet filled his head as he tried to process what was happening. The other guys watched as she moved into type bedroom and shut the door behind her.

"Is she okay?" Chike asked.

Kachi didn't bother answering, his feet already taking him to the bedroom. When he got in, the dress was on the floor and she was in the shower. He picked up the piece of clothing, noting the damage. Had she been in a fight? Was she hurt? What happened to her?

He knocked on the bathroom door but there was no response so he pushed it open and found Aria sitting on the floor, still in her underwear as the hot water from the shower doused her. She hadn't even put her braids in a shower cap and that only worried him the more.

"Baby what's wrong?"

She looked up at him, blinking slowly. "You're back," she said before looking away.

He took a step forward and she immediately scrambled to her feet.

"Can you go? Let's talk after I shower. Please."

There was pain in her eyes, he could see it and although it broke him to retreat at that moment, he did. He listened to her and quietly shut the bathroom door then made his way to the living room where Usman was standing with Aria's bag and shoes. He walked towards the man who had a grim expression.

"What happened?" Kachi asked him. "What is wrong with her?"

"I'm not sure sir. She ran out of the house where she was and asked me to drive. It seemed like someone was chasing her. I planned to go back after dropping her here."

Aria's phone began to ring in her bag and Kachi snatched it, fishing out the mobile device. The call ended before he could answer so he unlocked the phone. He would feel bad that he knew the unlock pattern and was breaking into her phone later, right now he was too scared to even consider it. He hoped his fears wouldn't be confirmed. He saw that she had a few unopened messages from her friend, Pete, and since the guy was at the party with her, he opened them.

Pete: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Please pick up.

Pete: I'm sorry it happened, it was my fault. Please call me back so I can apologize.

Pete: At least text me so I know you're okay.

What was the younger man talking about? Kachi was furious now because from what he was seeing, this Pete was the reason his girlfriend came home in a torn dress and was so out of it.

"What is it?" Azu asked, probably seeing how his expression had darkened. He'd completely forgotten that the two men were still here.

"I'll kill him," Kachi said, then began to type.

Aria: Where are you?

The reply came immediately and Kachi's face darkened even more as he read.

Pete: At home.

"Where does this bastard live?" He turned to Usman who frowned in confusion.

"Sir who?"

"Her useless friend. Peter or what is his name."

"I dropped her off there once, I can take you to the place."

"Tell me, I'll drive."

"Kachi, let him drive. And I'm coming with you," Chike said. The guys seemed to understand what had happened because they were fuming too.

"Give me the fucking keys," Kachi said, stretching out his hand. Usman looked conflicted but held on to the keys. "I have other cars, you know."

"Usman, go start the car. We'll be out soon," Chike instructed and the man hurried out. He turned to his friend who was breathing heavily. "I know what all of us are thinking, but let's stay calm till we confirm it."

"And if we confirm it?" Azu asked.

"We'll fuck that bastard up. Do you hear me, Kay? We'll mess him up so just relax a little."

"As your lawyer, I'll advise to avoid starting the fight, but if you do, keep it away from visible places. I'll stay here with Aria and let you know if anything happens."

"Thanks," Kachi said simply then made his way out, Chike hot on his trail. He got into the passenger seat and glared at Usman. "Let's go to his place."


This is vawulence! Premium vawulence! Lol. I'm already pitying Pete who played no part in what happened.

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