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Kachi refused to say anything about the Chike issue and he avoided her for the rest of that day. The two had slept in their various rooms and Aria was feeling apprehensive about seeing him now. With the way he'd carried the case, one would think that he liked her. But she knew it was because he didn't want to share his current plaything which happened to be very expensive. There was nothing attached to it, she reminded herself so she could stop obsessing about it.

She saved her recent chapter and then began proofreading. Her erotica collection starring him had started turning into a romance novel and she felt so proud reading through it. She'd named her male character Maxwell and made him a little nicer but almost everything was what they'd experienced. This was the first time she was writing about something happening in her life and this felt smoother than her previous works.

She heard the characteristic single rap on the door before Kachi opened it. He gave her a small smile which made her heart race before he stepped in. She knew this part would star in her recent chapter.

"What are you doing?" He came to sit on her bed, phone in hand.

She remembered the last time she'd mentioned her writing and how much of an asshole he'd been. She couldn't deal with that again. "Nothing," she replied. If she mentioned it again and he disrespected her, she knew she wouldn't take it. She would defend herself and make sure she won.

"Doesn't seem like nothing to me," he said, brows lifted. "Its porn abi?" Kachi tugged the laptop towards him and she was glad she'd already closed the document. He stared at her screensaver for a few seconds before he pushed it back to her.

"What do you need?"

"Do I have to need something to come in here?" he asked.

She gave him a look because she was tired of saying that they were only here together because of the sex and the money.

"Ada has been hounding me for your number. She wants to apologise for yesterday afternoon."

"You can give her the number." Aria shrugged. "Anything else?"

He began to type something on his phone, then when he was done, he looked at her with that intensity that usually made her lose home training and forget herself. Why was she even low-key upset? He'd been better since they were in Anambra compared to how he was in Lagos. He'd put her first in front of Ada and had gotten pissed off at his friend yesterday. Why was she even salty? The man didn't owe her all that, it was not part of the bargain sef.

"Why? Are you chasing me? Out of my house?" He smiled and moved up on the bed till he was hovering above her. He picked her laptop from the bed and dropped it on the bedside table without looking away from her. That action was so hot.

"I'm not—"

Kachi interrupted her with a kiss, not a peck o. He sucked on her bottom lip and she opened her mouth to let him kiss her thoroughly. He lowered his body till his erection was pressing against her stomach. His mouth traveled to a sweet spot on her neck and he bit and licked it until Aria was moaning without control.

She held his head to press him closer, loving the way the short strands of his hair felt in her grip. "Kachi?" she called out.

"Mmm?" he muttered against her neck before moving down to her cleavage. She was wearing just her nightwear robe with panties underneath since he ruined the bra. Kachi pushed the clothing open and began to feast on her nipples. Without even thinking about it, she spread her legs open, giving him space to press against her.

She moaned when he did just that and she began to rock against his cock. She didn't care if he could feel how wet she was. All that mattered now was the high she was chasing. Kachi let her and continued playing with her breasts. It was not enough for her so she tugged on his sweats, glad to find he wasn't wearing underwear. She wrapped her fingers around his warm length and he groaned. She began moving her hand, squeezing him lightly, just how he liked.

"Baby you're so impatient," he said, pulling away from her. She whined and followed him, this time she closed her mouth around the head and Kachi jerked. "Fuck, what are you doing to me Zariah?"

She loved how she had this much power over him so she pushed him in deeper. Kachi held her head and drew away from her, leaving the bed entirely. He took off his sweats completely and took deep breaths.

"Come here," he growled and she immediately complied, going to sit at the foot of the bed. "Turn baby. I want your head on the bed and your ass in the air."


After three rounds of intense fucking and an extra slow lovemaking, Kachi collapsed beside her, drawing her on top him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and ass and placed her head on his chest. It was in this position that they slept off.

She was the first to wake up and it was because her phone wouldn't stop ringing. She gently pried Kachi's hands off her and then picked her phone up. Not wanting to wake him up, she took the phone with her to the bathroom.

It was a strange number but she answered.

"Hello?" the person said and she recognized the voice as Ada's. "Is this Ariah?"

"Yes, good afternoon."

"Its evening already lol." Ada laughed. "This is Ada, Kachi's friend. I'm sorry about Chike and how he behaved yesterday. He actually wanted to apologise to you himself but we were not sure if you'd appreciate a call from him."

"Thank you," Aria said simply. She wasn't going to tell them it was fine, that was just license for more rubbish in the future.

"Aria dear, I'm so sorry. I'm not usually like that," Chike said, and she heard Ada berate him for taking the phone. "I'm not going to make any excuses about how I behaved. It was shitty and I regret those words immediately I said them."

"Thank you. Please let it not repeat itself."

"It won't. We can try this again back in Lagos. Maybe you can convince Kachi to come. He's avoiding my calls right now."

"I'll let him know you called," she said before ending the call.


Sorry I cut off the sex part, this chapter would have been too long.

I'm going to apologise because updates would be slower. My phone got stolen and my laptop isn't a stable option. Even writing this chapter took so much time. So I'm not abandoning the story, I'm just letting you know about the delays.

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