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Aria stared at her reflection in the mirror, cursing her wardrobe choice. Why had she decided to wear jean shorts and a tank top this morning? Usually she wore dresses or jeans and tees to go to work, but today had felt hot. Now she imagined going out to see a man as distinguished as Kachi in this outfit and she didn't like the picture one bit.

He'd looked really good in his button down and tailored slacks so she didn't even compare at the moment.

After one last sigh, she picked her purse and made her way out. Odogwu opened his mouth to say something when she walked past him, but she hurried out, intent on getting to Kachi as fast as possible.

He was leaning against the hood of his car with his arms crossed on his chest when she came out. He'd rolled up his sleeves and she could clearly see the guns this man was packing.

He stood upright and pulled the door open for her. "get in."

Pete's warning from a few days ago rang in her head and she shook her head. There was no way she was getting into a car with him this late at night. He could be a serial killer or a ritualist. With him being so rich, such risks were especially high.

"What's the problem? I already know where you live." His eyebrows drew together in a frown. Even the man's frown was beautiful, Aria sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I don't get into cars with strangers."

"No," he let out a short laugh. "You only dance and strip for them."

"I didn't strip for you," she frowned.

He took a few steps closer to her and she stood her ground, refusing to move even an inch. She was daring him to do his worst as she took comfort in the fact that they were in public.

"I don't want to stand and have this conversation," Kachi sighed, coming to a stop a few inches from her. His breath fanned out across her face and she could smell mint, along so much the musky scent of his cologne she'd been breathing in earlier.

Aria shrugged but made no move to go to the car.

"Fine. Soothe yourself." His voice dropped an octave to a deep rumble. She wanted to press her fingers to his throat to feel the vibrations as his body made those sounds.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want you," he said simply.

She blinked a few times and finally took a step back. Thankfully, he didn't follow. "You want me? Like I'm a thing you just get? You want me how?"

He stared at her like she was dumb before sighing and closing the distance between them. His hands slid into his pants pockets as they stood toe to toe. "I'm talking to you about it so I can know what exactly I have to do to get you."


"I want to fuck you Zariah."

Aria's head whipped to the sides immediately as she did a quick check of the area. She couldn't believe they were having this conversation in front of the club where people were passing. Anyone could hear them and she wasn't interested in airing her business like that. God forbid becomes the next piece of gossip.

"What is wrong with you?" Her eyes widened as she whispered harshly. "How can you say that to me out here?"

His left eyebrow lifted in a perfect arch and if she wasn't so mad, she'd have been envious. "are you a virgin?"

Her eyes widened even more as she looked around once more. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to his car and surprisingly enough, he followed. He pulled away when they got to the car and he held the door open for her. She slid in and he entered after her.

"Usman, get some fresh air," he said to the man in the driver's seat who promptly exited and left them alone. Kachi turned to face her and she could feel the weight of his stare on the side of her face like it was a physical thing. "I asked a question Zariah."

"What question?"

"Are you a virgin? I hate repeating myself and I won't ask you again."

"I'm not."

"Then why do you get uncomfortable and self conscious when I say I want to fuck you?"

"How can you say something serious as easily as that?" What exactly was wrong with this man she was sitting with.

"Serious?" He frowned in confusion. "what's serious about it? It's just sex."

Just sex? She didn't regard sex as anything untouchable but still. It was not a matter to just openly discuss like that.

"Hmm," she sighed. "so when you say you want me, what you mean is you want to sleep with me?"

"No Zariah. I don't want to sleep with you, I want to fuck you."

Why was hearing him talking like this sending pools of moisture down to her panties? She was supposed to be pissed and swearing at him for rating her so. So what exactly was going on with her body?

"It's a good thing that you're not seeing anyone," he continued as she continued to stare at him. "I've told you what I want and I just want you to tell me what I need to do to get it. What are your terms?"

"Terms?" she sputtered. "terms like you'll pay to sleep with me? What do you take me for? Some cheap prostitute?"

"Bring your voice down, girl."

"Are you insane? How can you expect me to lower my voice in a situation like this?" she yelled. He opened his mouth as if to keep talking but she was having none of it. "what happened to chivalry? You don't even ask me out on a date or ask if I like you. You just straight out want to fuck?" She was so mad yet incredibly turned on. This was the most intense moment of her life. She'd never felt the need to strangle someone and let him do dirty things to her at the same time. Would angry sex apply in this situation?

Kachi laughed.


I'd legit slap any man that talks to me like this. Or not 😂

We're getting close to the middle of the book I think😍🤭

Next chapter contains MATURE THEMES! I've already rated this book mature and won't be putting up disclaimers in all chapters. If this isn't your cup of tea, you can skip it.

Thank you for reading ❤️

Subdued (18+)✔️ [A Nigerian Romance]Where stories live. Discover now