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Kachi pressed a kiss against Aria's lips after he'd climaxed, then he rolled off her and left the bed. She looked up at the ceiling in a daze, unsure what just happened. Not only had this felt like a lovemaking, Kachi had kissed her non-stop while he pleasured her.

Could she even allow those thoughts to take root in her mind? Any moment from now, his sharp tongue would return and he'd tear whatever it was fluttering in her chest. She heard the sounds of water rushing as he flushed and then he exited the bathroom. She refused to watch him leave her to retreat to his bedroom, so she shut her eyes.

Only he didn't leave. His cold hands pulled her legs apart and then he swept a damp cloth between her thighs. Surely, she was dreaming because there was no way Kachi was cleaning her up after sex. Not even Ife who she'd loved with everything had done that. She kept her eyes closed until he stopped and she felt the bed dip beside her.

Why was he getting back into bed? He pulled her away from the edge of the bed until her face was pressed against his side. "Are you okay?" His voice was deep and she felt his fingers pushing her braids away from her face.

"I'm good. Are you okay?" She really needed to ask. There was something going on with this man, something she didn't understand.

"Yes. I'm free for the rest of the day, would you like to go into town?"

"Do you want to go out? I don't understand why you are asking me that, it's not like you are paying me to go on dates with you."

His fingers in her hair stilled and she waited for him to push her away. "Zariah, you shouldn't read too much meaning into everything I say or do. I don't want us to be cooped up inside all day like hermits. Let's go out."

"Fine," she whispered. Why had she expected him to say it was a date and he really wanted to spend time with her? And the most annoying question was, why was she upset that he'd admitted to just being bored?

"Can we take a short nap though, I'm wiped." His voice was drowsy and soon she heard his breathing even out.

"Kachi?" she called out but his only response was to pull her closer and then wrap his hands around her waist.

Should she go? Surely he didn't mean for them to sleep pressed so close to each other, or did he? Aria tried pulling away, only to be stopped by Kachi's leg crossing on top hers. With his hand around her waist like a bind and his heavy leg holding her in place, there was no way to escape so she held herself stiffly in his arms, hoping things didn't get awkward when exhaustion and postcoital bliss was no longer crowding his judgement.


Somehow she must have gotten comfortable enough to sleep because now, she felt relaxed as she blinked her eyes open. Kachi's hands were still around her waist and this time she was almost lying completely on him. Only her legs were still on the bed, the rest was draped over his torso.

Aria went still immediately as she realized they were still naked.

"I thought you'd never wake up." Kachi groaned and his hands cupped her ass. "I had half a mind to leave you behind."

So he was still in this strange mood? "What time is it?"

"Its past six pm. Can we go now? There's this pepper soup joint I'm sure you'd like. They open by six and I don't want to get there after all the good seats have been taken."

His excitement was like a school boy's and she couldn't help but laugh. "If only you'd release me," she said.

He huffed then let go of her body to stretch. She grabbed the blanket to wrap around her body as she stood and Kachi cocked his head. "what are you doing? I've already seen everything, multiple times too."

"Still." She blushed as she made her way to the bathroom, stopping to drop the blanket before shutting the door behind her. She was sure she heard him laugh just as she turned on the shower and Aria couldn't stop the small smile that played on her lips.

When she came back out, he was gone so she took her time to get dressed, putting on a flower print pant and crop top. She paired this with a sandal and big hoop earrings, making sure to put her hair up. There was no way she'd be fighting with her braids and drinking pepper soup. Just as she finished wearing lip gloss and perfume, Kachi knocked. The door opened before she could say anything and he poked his head inside.

"You're ready, let's go," he said, retreating back out. He made no comment on her outfit, nothing. He actually looked good in his jeans and polo with a black pam to complete the look. And like always, he smelled absolutely divine.

She followed him out, waving to Nkechi who was making her way out of the kitchen with a tray of food. The woman looked confused but waved back. Kachi had started the car by the time she climbed in and he wasted no time in driving out the already opened gate. She couldn't help but wonder about just where they were going to. How could he be this eager over pepper soup?

The drive was just ten minutes and he pointed the small restaurant out before driving past in search of a parking spot. She almost told him to park in front but she held her tongue, unsure how long his calmness would last.

They finally got in and Kachi walked past all the seemingly good and available seats to an opened door at the back where music seemed to be traveling in from. He led them out and that's when she understood what he meant about the seats. Only a few tables where empty and the main attraction didn't seem to be the food that honestly smelled delicious. The tables were set up in a way that they all faced the raised platform serving as stage for a live band.

He made his way to the table closest to the stage and sat, Aria slowly following behind. She noticed how his attention was on the beautiful singer who was belting out tunes in a voice similar to Asa's. Kachi was smiling and showing off dimples she'd not even known he had as he stared at the woman singing with her eyes closed.


Feelings everywhere oo. Single life will not kill me biko. What do you think about this chapter?

Who is this singer that Kachi seemed excited to see?

Please comment oo. I miss talking to you guys 😭

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