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A week went past where she didn't hear from Kachi or Usman. Aria had never had this much free time on her hands since she finished University. It took some getting used to and she got into a routine on the third day. After breakfast, she powered on her laptop and tried writing till noon, then had lunch and continued. She hadn't written anything in years so it was hard. And it didn't help that all she could write about was Kachi and the things he did to her.

She'd been bothered by it before, but now she went with the flow. She had about five different parts in her erotica collection and figured that with time, actual stories would come up and then she would fine-tune everything.

In the in-between time when she wasn't writing, she obsessed about Kachi and why he wasn't reaching out. She dived for her phone each time it rang or vibrated.

Was he done with her? Was that it? They'd fucked twice and he'd had enough? From the last time, she'd assumed he couldn't get enough of her so why was he being this way now?

She dragged her laptop and began to write again, this time about the heavy feeling in her chest. Did she miss him? Was that why she felt this way? She didn't understand it so she typed out everything she thought and how confused he made her feel.

Her phone rang just then, this time she refrained from rushing to get it. It could be anyone else but she knew it wouldn't be him. When she finally reached for it, she was surprised to find it was Usman calling her. She bit her lips, considering whether to answer. Aria had not gotten over the awkwardness of when their eyes met as she was in the throes of passion. How should she behave around him? He knew about she and Kachi, worse he'd seen them.

Taking in a deep breath, she answered the phone. "hello, good evening."

"Good evening, Miss Zariah," he said in reply. She didn't correct him because him calling her by just her name would make them overly familiar. Right now, she was not ready for that.

"Mr. Onyekachi said you should pack the things you'd need for a week and be ready by six this evening. He's coming to pick you."

"He's coming? Not you?"

"No, I have other assignments ma'am. Please don't be late."

"Okay thank you." He hung up after that and she held the phone to her chest, a little dazed.

Kachi wanted to spend an entire week with her? Why? She thought he was done with her. She looked at the clock, noting she had about an hour before he came to pick her, then she rushed into her bedroom. She packed three of her dresses, a few pants and some cute blouses. She ignored the part of her hanger that held all the jeans, then shoved in as many lace underwear as she could find into the bag. She still remembered how he'd looked at her the last time in her lace bralette and decided she wanted more of that.

She checked her phone noting she still had about forty five more minutes and ran out of her apartment, debit card in hand. She figured she had a few minutes to do a bit of shopping in the boutique just outside her apartment gates.

Aria picked two little dresses and a strappy heeled sandals, imagining how Kachi would feel about them. She forced herself to not complain or try to haggle the price with the shop owner. She could afford it and for once she wanted to enjoy that luxury. She took the bagged clothes, her card and receipt and then sprinted back up to her apartment.

She got into the shower and washed up as fast as she could before pulling one of the dresses over her head. She was still battling with the heels when her phone rang. She already knew it had to be Kachi since it was a few minutes past six. After one last look around her apartment, she lugged her duffel bag and purse out then locked up after her.

He was leaning on the side of his car when she got outside and Aria decided she liked that particular look. It reminded her of the night she'd gone out of the club to speak with him, the night he'd proposed this ridiculous deal that ended up freeing her from the burden of her loans.

She expected him to say something about her lateness, instead he grabbed her bag from her and put it in the backseat.

"Good evening," she greeted and he nodded before walking to the other side of the car and opened his door. She pulled on the door on the other side, then shifted her bag to create space for her to sit.

"What are you doing girl?" he asked, his gaze on her image in the rearview mirror.

"Getting into the car," she replied, a little bit confused.

"I'm not your driver, come up front."

He wanted her to sit beside him? She shook her head then shut the door. Kachi pushed open the door for her and she got in, shutting the door behind her.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," she apologized and fastened her seat belt.

"It was only a few minutes, you don't have to apologise."

Who was this man and what had he done to Onyekachi? The man she knew would have berated her for wasting his time and demanded an apology. Now, he was telling her she didn't have to apologise?

He started the car and she stared out the window, her head pressed against the glass.

"What's there to see?" he asked, causing her to whip her head around and face him.


"You always do that, you press your head against the glass and stare. What's there to see? It's the same Lagos, nothing much changes."

"I like looking at people going about their lives," she said simply. How else could she explain it? It was just something she did.


"I just like it. Sometimes it gives me ideas for the books I want to write."

Kachi chuckled then turned to glance at her. "What does a stripper know about writing books? Are you going to teach other people the tips and tricks to being a stripper?" He laughed again.

She'd known not to be relaxed around this man. One moment he was a decent human and now he was back to being his usual asshole self. Aria wasn't going to deny it, his remarks hurt badly, but she'd be damned if she cried because of him. There was no use arguing with him either, he was probably expecting her to do just that. So she stayed silent and turned back to the window, letting the passing scenery sooth her.


I can't have you forgetting Kachi is a bastard now, can I?

Don't mind me lol. I'm sure somewhere deep down, there's a nice human in there. You might have to search really hard, but I'm sure there's some good in him.

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