64~Reaching Out

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She'd thought long and hard about who to call between Usman, Chike and Ada. She quickly canceled Usman since the man worked for Kachi and needed his permission for everything; he was not a coded guy at all, at least where she was concerned. Ada had the disadvantage of being an oversabi woman; she had the 'fix it all' mentality. So it had to be Chike, he was the only one she could call to connect her with Azu.

When she dialed, the man picked up on the first ring but didn't say anything, as if surprised that she was calling.

"Hello, good morning." She greeted as she began to pace the living room of her mother's house.

"Aria? Is that you?" He didn't respond to her greeting and it reminded her of Kachi. Her stomach heaved a little so she sat down.

"Yes, it's me."

"I'm surprised you're calling me. Should I get Kachi? He's upstairs."

"No, no, no." She almost yelled in panic. "No, please don't. Infact I don't want him to know about this conversation. Please, can you do that?"

"I'm not going to lie to him if he asks about you," Chike replied.

"Why would he be asking you about me?"

"Okay." The man chuckled then she heard the sound of rustling before he settled. "Are you okay? Hope no problems?"

"I'm good, but my mum is ill so I went back home."

"Ah. No wonder Kachi can't find you anywhere."

Her heart melted a little at the thought of a man as busy as Kachi searching for her. "Yeah, so I'm having property issues with my family members and I need a lawyer. Do you think Azu can help?"

"Of course, anything for our guy's woman," he said in agreement.

"No not as his girlfriend. I'll pay Azu, just help me with his contact."

Chike chuckled again. "If you insist, Aria. Can you give me a rundown about the situation? I'll have Azu contact you."

"Thank you so much." She went on to describe what was happening and Chike listened, oftentimes interrupting her with questions.

"I'm really sorry about your mom eh. I'll put her in prayers."

"Thank you so mu—"

"Aria?" he interrupted.


"I'm not sure if you got the message from Kachi, but I feel like I should tell you something about that day."

She really didn't want to talk about that day when everything went to hell, but Chike was doing her a huge favor so she could at least listen to him.

"We went there to end things with Rose but her family planned something else. Kachi didn't cheat on you and he's definitely not engaged to that woman. I can swear it."

Aria remained quiet for a few seconds, unsure what to say to the man. How would he know if Kachi cheated or not? Besides, Kachi could have put him up to lying so as to convince her.

"I swear on my late father, he's not engaged to her. He can prove it to you if you let him."

"How can you be so sure?" she finally asked. "About him cheating, that is."

"I know for a fact that he's not been with her for years. They were dating only in name. But Kachi didn't have anything with her for a while now."

"I've heard you." Now was not the time to start contemplating about lies or truth. She needed to focus on her mother and securing their family home first.

"Biko, if he calls please pick up. I promise he will clear everything up. Eh?"

"I've heard o. Thank you for everything," she said again then ended the call.


Chike felt better after talking to Aria. He knew the woman was sensible and would soon come to see the truth. She probably just needed time, especially with her mother sick with cancer.

He wondered if she was actually doing okay. Her mother's illness was the same one that had claimed his father's life and he knew how bad he'd had it. Fighting the sickness alone had drained him emotionally and physically, not even counting the financial strain. He'd had his guys there to support him, along with Ada's parents, her elder brother and Ada herself. Still, there were times when he couldn't shake off the depression.

From what Kachi told him, Aria was an only child and her dad was dead too. Could she really handle everything alone? Was he doing the right thing if he kept this information from Kachi? He shook his head as he made his decision. He would tell the man. Aria could hate him later, but at least she'd have someone with her.

"Kay!" He called out. When there was no response, he ran up the stairs in search of his friend. They'd finally forced Kachi out to have drinks a few days ago and the man seemed to be getting better. He had even resumed working at home and exercising daily. He knew the man was not a hundred percent yet, but he was getting there and with what he was about to do, he was sure Kachi would bounce back soonest.

He found Kachi in the balcony of his room, staring at the street outside his compound.

"What's up?" Chike asked as he sat down on a lounge chair. Kachi nodded in reply but continued standing. "I want to talk to you about something. It's the solution to all your problems right now."

"Zariah?" the man simply asked and when Chike nodded, Kachi immediately took the seat beside him. "You found her? Where? Is she okay?"

"Chill man. She called me but I don't know where she is. About her being okay, I guess you have to find that out by yourself."

Kachi frowned. "Why would she call you?"

"She needed Azu's number," Chike said simply.

"Why?" Kachi asked again.

"Promise me you won't rush down to her this instant. Also promise me that when you eventually meet her, you'll be selfless and supportive of her. You'll try to be her friend and not force a relationship on her. Promise me and I'll tell you."

"What kind of nonsense is that? Why is she contacting you and Azu?"

Chike stood up and began dusting his trousers. "I can see you're not interested in what I have to say." He made to walk away.

Kachi immediately pulled him back to the chair. "Fine, fine. I promise. Now spill!"

Chike gave him the entire rundown of the situation and as he talked, he noticed how much it affected his friend. The man had gone quiet and a little shaky, proving to Chike how much Kachi loved her and that he had indeed done the right thing by telling him. He knew Kachi would keep his promises and be there for Aria as a friend.

"Have you called Azu?" Kachi asked when Chike was done talking. The man shook his head and Kachi frowned. "Why? Please call him now and let him know that everything must go smoothly."

"Yes sir!" Chike chuckled as he pulled out his phone, loving the turn of events.



Oversabi: Someone who does more than the necessary.

I'm excited for this couple to reconcile I swear! Did you think Chike did the right thing by telling Kachi? How do you think Kachi would behave when he finds Aria?

Please let me know your thoughts by dropping comments on this chapter. Don't forget to vote too.

Chapter 65 and 66 already up on Patreon and Ko-fi. My links are on my bio. Please support me by reading the books there!

Thank you so much ❤️

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