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Later that weekend, Aly and Calum finally both had a free day. And they planed to do absolutely nothing but lay in bed and watch TV.

They both had slept in. Aly finally made her way to Calum's around 1:30pm, she let herself in the front door with bags in her hands.

"Hi, Duke!" she smiled as the dog ran at her as she shut the door, "Where's your daddy?"

"Ooo daddy?" Calum came around the corner.

"No!" she shook her head, "Forget I said that."

"I kinda liked it," he smirked, taking the bags from her, leaning over to kiss her at the same time.

"Well don't get used to it," she smiled at he pulled away.

"So what'd ya get us?" he asked setting the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Nachos! And chips, and candy, the sour patch kids are mine!" she pointed a finger at him, "And if you look in the little white bag you will find the substance of choice for the night, weed!"

Calum let out an excited cheer as he picked up the bag smaller than the others, to peak inside. Aly set down her purse, dig through to find the little pink lighter she always kept on her.

A few hours later, nachos devoured, weed in their systems, they were tangled together on his bed, the TV playing something neither of them were fully paying attention to.

"AJ," Calum's voice was soft as he brushed some of her hair off her forehead.

Over the last few months she had started to like when he called her by the nickname, it gave it new meaning. A positive meaning, not a remnant of who she used to be.

"Hm?" she turned her head so she could see his face.

"Do you maybe want to come with the boys and I next month to New York?" he asked, looking down at her.

"When are you going?" she still hadn't made a decision about the whole modeling thing.

"The 20th to the 24th."

"It's a sign," she smiled, those were the same dates Penny had told her she would of had to be in New York for the shoot.

"A sign?" he questioned.

Aly sat up, pealing herself away from him, "I got offered this modeling gig in New York, I wasn't sure if I was going to take it because I'd have to take time off for work but it's that same time frame, so maybe I should do it?"

"Yes! Do it! Oh my gosh! That would be so cool!"

"I don't know, I'm normally a behind the camera girl, not in front of the camera," Aly pushed her hands through her hair, "What if I'm not good at it?"

Calum sat up like she was, "Have you seen yourself?" He put his hands on her  face, "You are amazing," he kissed her left cheek, "And beautiful," he kissed her right cheek, "And kind," he kissed her forehead, "And just over all a great person, you're gonna be just what they're looking for."


He ignored her, lightly resting their foreheads together as their eyes met, "And if they can't see that, they're stupid and you shouldn't work with them." He ran his thumb over her cheek bone.

"I love you," she whispered.

He pressed his lips to hers, soft and slow, almost like he was saying those three little words without actually saying them, but he spoke when he pulled away, "I love you."

Aly smiled at him, loving the way the words slipped from his lips.

"So you'll come?" he asked, hands sliding from her face.

Aly slowly nodded, "I'll come!"

It would be her first 'band' trip, she was exited and nervous.

"They're gonna put the pieces together," she moved to lay down beside him, looking over at him as he turned to see her. He knew exactly what she was talking about by the slight note of concern in her voice.

"Who cares, I want to shout it from the rooftops," he stood up on the bed, "I love Aly Jaan Deaton!" He held his arms out at his sides as he shouted. She blushed at the sound of her name rolling off his tongue, his accent making it sound so sweet and smooth.

"Cal!" she laughed.

"C'mon! It's fun," he held out his hands out to help her up. Aly put her hands in his, letting him pull her to her feet.

"I love Aly Jaan Deaton!" he shouted again, she laughed.

"You're turn," he smiled at her.

She smiled as she did exactly what he did, shouting, "I love Calum Thomas Hood!"

"You're right," she smiled at him, "It is fun." She shrugged.

"Aren't I always?" he wrapped his arms around her.

"No," she laughed, her hands moving to hold his face, kissing him hard.

It was almost two am and they had made their way into the studio because in Calum's intoxicated words, "If I don't record this bass line my head will explode and there will be music notes everywhere."

But now that, that was done, Aly sat in his lap, his bass in her arms as he walked her through how to play each note. They both loved how close they were squished together in the rollie chair, hardly any space between then.

"Okay, try those three together," he kissed her shoulder.

"Okay," she hummed, her eyes focused on her fingers as she very slowly played the three notes he had just taught her.

"Okay, good but faster," he chuckled.

"It's hard!" she glared at him.

"Just try again," he smiled.

Aly looked back at her hands, she took a deep breath then played the cords again, just slightly faster but still pretty slow.

"There ya go!" he cheered.

Aly smiled at his praise, setting his bass on the floor, letting it lean against the desk, "Next thing you know I'll be coming for your job!"

"And I'd let you have it," he wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss in the crook of her neck.

"Oh really?" she slowly stood up so she could sit facing him, her hands on his neck.

"Mhm," he looked up at her, his hands sliding under the giant hoodie she had on, "It would be very very hot," he pressed his lips to hers.

this is what it feels like // calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now