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Chapter 3

    At half past eleven, Li Xiangwan finally couldn't stand the cold and returned to the car.

    At this time, it is the year 1013 of the ephemeris, and five hundred years have passed since the interstellar exile. Human beings have found all habitable planets within their ability, and after migrating from the third earth, they split into two countries: Di Xi and Klostiv. , and the black empire established by Liang Hong is in an exile star field at the junction of the two countries.

    This area has been a chaotic place for the past hundred years, stowaways, exiles, fugitives, refugees, smugglers... All the filth in the universe converges here, catalyzing a puddle that can engulf all the filthy quagmire, and the quagmire The center is the Ivy Star where he is now.   

     Thirteen years ago, Liang Hong and Chen Tianheng were born like a pair of dazzling twin stars, breaking the long-lasting delicate balance of various forces and joining forces to end this chaos.

     After two years of joint operation, the calm-hearted Chen Tianheng got bored and handed over all their black empire to Liang Hong, and instead ran a huge caravan in Andy Mien Star, gradually whitening his industry.    

      Now that something has happened to Liang Hong, Chen Tianheng is most likely to take his place. The empire was built together by them from the very beginning.

     Even if Liang Hong's will revised three months ago stated that after his death, everything will be controlled by Li Xiangwan. The child in the womb inherits it, but as long as Chen Tianheng thinks about it, he still has countless legitimate reasons to take over everything.    

     From now on, the life and death of him and the child in his womb will all be in the hands of Chen Tianheng.    

     Li Xiangwan sighed secretly, caressing his slightly bulging belly, and there was an imperceptible excitement in his heart.     Tianheng...

     The car was much warmer, and blood gradually appeared on Li Xiangwan's pale face. It was inconvenient for him to bend over, and he needed help to put on and take off his shoes and socks.

     Just as the maid squatted down in front of him to start, the door was opened from the outside. : "I'll come."

     The maid responded and got out of the car. This Explorer xs has been specially remodeled.

     The interior space is very large, almost equivalent to a small room. In order to facilitate a rest with Li Xiangwan or do some "other" things, Liang Hong specially installed a comfortable bed.

    Chen Tianheng knelt on one knee in front of Li Xiangwan and untied his shoelaces. His thorny short hair was still a little wet, and the injured arm had just been irradiated with a therapeutic device, and it was no longer bleeding.

     This wound was really nothing to him, so the doctor did not let the doctor hang it with a bandage. Except for the trembling when he lifted heavy objects, he seemed to feel no pain at all and used this arm as usual.

    Li Xiangwan stepped on the water outside, and his socks were wet. Chen Tianheng put his feet on his knees and took off his socks. Even half of his calf was as cold as ice when he touched it.    

     Chen Tianheng felt distressed immediately. After he took off the shoes and socks on Li Xiangwan's other foot, he did not let go, but covered the pair of white feet in his arms and warmed them with the warmth of his chest.    

    He had seen Li Xiangwan's beautiful feet in Liang Hong's study several times.

     The fluff of the red velvet carpet played playfully through the gap between the young man's toes, making his feet slender and snow-white.

     Holding it in his hand and kissing—Liang Hong never allowed Li Xiangwan to wear shoes in the house.    

     "It's so cold, why didn't you get in the car earlier?"

     Chen Tianheng rarely smiled, and because the corners of his lips were naturally downward, he looked fierce, especially when he looked up at someone from the bottom up. Li Xiangwan flinched at the sight of him, and moved his toes in panic.

    The warmth in the man's arms spread from the soles of his feet to his heart, and he seemed to be able to feel Chen Tianheng's steady heartbeat.   

    He pretended to be ashamed and kicked slightly, as if trying to break free: "Tianheng—"    

    "It's okay, I'll keep you warm, the electric blanket is not on, or you'll have to get cold for a while." Chen Tianheng lied , hugged his feet tighter: "You are weak now, don't let the root cause of the disease."    

     Li Xiangwan looked at him. This was the first time they had made eye contact in a long time. Hong has been by his side for a year and has known Chen Tianheng for eight months.

     At first, he avoided Chen Tianheng because of shame, and then Chen Tianheng began to avoid his gaze, until now.    

     There was a rare warmth and exhaustion in those sharp black pupils at this time. Li Xiangwan lowered his eyes and stared at his legs and feet, which were slightly swollen due to pregnancy, and said softly, "I really... want to watch there."

    After all, this was the first time that he could look at this man in front of everyone without any disguise.

    Chen Tianheng automatically understood that Li Xiangwan wanted to accompany Liang Hong to the end, his eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head and gently rubbed his swollen ankle.

    The man's palms were wide and dry, with thin calluses on the pulp of his fingers, which were a little hard when pressed against his skin, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. Li Xiangwan clenched the sheets comfortably and relaxed. After a while, he asked,

    "Tianheng, Liang Hong, is he really dead?"

    ——The person who ruled and imprisoned his body and soul like a demon, really do you died?

    Chen Tianheng didn't know how to answer for a while. In his opinion, Li Xiangwan and Liang Hong had such a good relationship, no matter what he said, the people in front of him would be sad.

    So he thought about it and made his first promise to Li Xiangwan in a low voice:

    "Sister-in-law, Brother Liang is gone, I will take good care of you for him and will not let anyone hurt you."

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