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Chapter 31

    In the blink of an eye, three months have passed since Liang Qiong was born.

    During this period of time, Chen Tianheng was worried about the issue of property transfer and was very busy. As soon as his decision was announced, it was unavoidably subjected to countless discussions - too many people believed that he had used force to coerce and control Liang Hong's lover and son. It was already planned.

    Chen Tianheng didn't care about it at all. It was enough for him and Li Xiangwan to know the truth. After all, they were still brothers and sisters in the outside world. Li Xiangwan was with him now, and it was always bad for Wanwan to spread the word.

    Chen Tianheng was very busy, he went home very late every day, and Li Xiangwan was already asleep. Since Liang Qiong was born, Li Xiangwan has not stayed overnight in his room, and has always slept with the child. Liang Qiong was too young and often cried in the middle of the night. Someone else to take care of - this is his most precious child, how can he just leave it to someone else?

    So the two have not been intimate for a long time.

    Li Xiangwan's body had fully recovered long ago. In fact, he really wanted to get close to Chen Tianheng, and the kiss when sending a man out every morning would always evoke an inhuman desire.

    But it may be that Tianheng has been really busy recently, and he has never mentioned it. In fact, he can now...

    Li Xiangwan woke up from his sleep that night and heard Chen Tianheng and Chen Tianheng in the corridor. The voice of someone talking, he immediately woke up, looked at the time - twelve thirty in the morning.

    Liang Qiong was falling into a dark sleep with her small face on the side. Li Xiangwan carefully straightened his son's head to prevent the skull from deforming in sleep. He put on his slippers and pushed the bedroom door a crack, wanting to see Tianheng in the room. doing what.

    Then he saw a young woman with a bag, a short skirt, silk, socks, and high heels walking behind Chen Tianheng into his bedroom, with long hair and a good figure.

    Li Xiangwan couldn't believe his eyes.


    Even Liang Hong never looked for anyone else after he had himself, why did Tianheng... By

    the way, Tianheng has never really touched him, he has been here at Moon Wheel Star for half a year, let a man A man who is in his old age with a normal body and used to meet his needs on a regular basis has endured for the first half of the year. No one can stand it.

    Li Xiangwan stood there blankly, the surging powerlessness and sadness almost knocked him down, he raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, forcing himself to calm down.

    Calm down, he has just brought people in now, he must not have time to do anything!

    How could Tianheng bring people into the house? Even if you want, you can't solve it outside, why let him see it!

    Li Xiangwan sniffed, trying hard not to let the tears fall. The person he finally got... How could he give it to someone else!

    Thinking of this, Li Xiangwan gritted his teeth angrily and took a deep breath, making sure that Liang Qiong would not be awake for a while, so he walked out of the bedroom in his pajamas.

    Zhou Zhuzheng and Chen Tianheng's other bodyguards were eating in the living room together. Li Xiangwan walked across the corridor and stood in front of the closed door of Chen Tianheng's bedroom, listening intently.

    Nothing was heard that shouldn't be there.

    He suppressed the anger and grievance in his heart, raised his hand to knock on the door, and stopped when he touched the door panel, instead he pushed it directly -

    the scene in the bedroom unfolded.

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