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Chapter 23

    Chen Tianheng remembered that there was indeed such a thing. He promised Li Xiangwan that he would remove the supervision of the bodyguards from him when he came to his own territory.

    Facing Li Xiangwan, he is not someone who does not believe in his words. The hope in the young man's eyes made him unable to bear to say any words of rejection, so he nodded and said, "Forget it, but even though I have come to the Moon Moon Star, I will not be able to do so. It means complete safety, sister-in-law is best to stay within my line of sight, if something happens, I can react as soon as possible."

    "Yeah." Li Xiangwan was completely happy, and immediately began to fight. After thinking about it, "I'll stay in your study when Tianheng is working from home, but will it disturb your work?"

    "No." Although Chen Tianheng said this, he knew that he would definitely be disturbed. When he was in the same place as Li Xiangwan, he would always be unable to restrain himself from looking at the young man, watching him look out the window. Staring in a daze in the distance, falling asleep on the sofa, or reading quietly, every appearance has such a fatal attraction to him.

    And if Li Xiangwan was there, he wouldn't be able to smoke.

    Exactly, take this opportunity to quit smoking.

    "That's great." Li Xiangwan's smile was cunning for some reason, like a child who secretly did bad things, his voice was very soft, as if he was talking to Chen Tianheng, and he seemed to be murmuring to himself:

    "If you delay I will feel very sorry for your words."

    The next day, Zhou Zhu received Chen Tianheng's order to stop following Li Xiangwan all the time, which also made the young bodyguard relieved. Pregnant, Li Xiangwan's life is too monotonous. His daily activities are limited to this house. He often reads books or sleeps in the flower room, and he stays for an afternoon. For Zhou Zhu, a strong and strong bodyguard, even if he has received the corresponding training and has a strong ability to bear in his heart, following Li Xiangwan would almost become moldy all over his body.

    When Liang Hong was still there, Li Xiangwan often participated in some activities, not like being grounded in disguise now. Zhou Zhu really didn't know how Li Xiangwan could endure such a life, wouldn't he feel bored?

    In fact, Li Xiangwan really didn't feel bored at all when he could stay with Chen Tianheng.

    Knowing that Chen Tianheng had illegitimate thoughts about him, Li Xiangwan had been like an experienced hunter, slowly closing the net and approaching the prey he was unaware of.

    Chen Tianheng may think that in this relationship that has just revealed some clues, he has the upper hand and the dominant position, but only Li Xiangwan knows that all this stems from the casual teasing and... seduce.

    Li Xiangwan finds it very interesting whenever he sees Chen Tianheng's careful probing and clumsy coping reactions, even though the man is a dozen years older than him and has countless bed partners, but for relationships, maybe Never understood at all.

    Chen Tianheng reserved a table for Li Xiangwan in the study, right next to his desk, where he could see the other side when he turned his head. Li Xiangwan's belly was getting bigger and he was easily tired, so Chen Tianheng moved another soft reclining chair so that he could rest anytime, anywhere.

    And then... a slightly ambiguous life officially began.

    Li Xiangwan was as quiet as ever, and if it weren't for the sound of pages turning over and the glass being put down, he would not have noticed that another person was there. Chen Tianheng tilted his head and glanced at Li Xiangwan, who was concentrating on reading. The young man held his cheeks in one hand, his black eyelashes were drooping, the sportswear was rounded by the pregnant belly, and he could only wear elastic pants and one bare foot. On the leg of the chair, one stepped on the carpet, and soft fluff came out from between his fingers, just like when he first met Li Xiangwan.

    Afraid that Li Xiangwan would freeze, the heating in the room was fully turned on, Chen Tianheng took a deep breath silently, set his mind to concentrate on his work, Liang Hong left too much legacy, and he has not fully dealt with it until now. The terrifying wealth belonged to Li Xiangwan's unborn child.

    Liang Hong actually had many children, but they all died.

    Because he was beaten on the stomach of a woman who was bigger than the red light district when he was young, Liang Hong was very disgusted with letting women who were only used to solve their physical needs conceive their own children. Xiao thought about the position.

    When something like this happens, Liang Hong usually asks his subordinates to solve it. A real smart woman will do what she needs to do after taking the money. But it's not that he didn't come to Liang Hong until the child was born. In this case, Liang Hong can't really kill the child. He will give the child's mother enough money to get her out of the way, and then throw the child to the nanny. Take a look when you remember.

    But these children, without exception, did not live past the age of five.

    There are too many people who don't want Liang Hong to have an heir. The two empires, other gangs, and some of Liang Hong's subordinates are all staring at the position under his butt and the wealth and power that the name Liang Hong represents. How is it possible? Really let him raise an heir?

    This is why Li Xiangwan's situation is so dangerous.

    In fact, Liang Hong doesn't have no feelings for his children, he just doesn't dare to pour too much into it, because once something happens, grief will become his weakness.

    And he doesn't need weakness.

    Until I met Li Xiangwan, my eldest brother thought so.

    And now, Li Xiangwan will also become his weakness.

    Chen Tianheng thought silently, and suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder lightly, he raised his head, Li Xiangwan was standing behind him, leaning over slightly, his eyes were clear and slightly probing, Chen Tianheng smelled the faint fragrance again , "The Taste of Li Xiangwan".

    "Tianheng, I want to go out for a walk."

    Chen Tianheng glanced at the time. At 4:30 in the afternoon, they had been sitting in the study for three hours. Li Xiangwan should have been tired, so he said hello and stood up. When he got up, he raised his hand and wrapped his arms around Li Xiangwan's waist unintentionally. Because of his pregnancy, the original attractive lines had long been lost, but the warmth and softness were still faithfully transmitted to his palm through the light pajamas.

    The other party didn't seem to care.

    So Chen Tianheng tasted the sweetness, and when he walked down the stairs, he brazenly embraced Li Xiangwan's waist again, and pretended that it was a normal support, reminding: "Be careful."

    His stomach was really not easy to walk up the stairs, he lowered his head and smiled, raised his hand and lightly grabbed the cuff of Chen Tianheng's other arm, with his "support", he slowly descended to the living room.

    Too much like a husband accompanying his pregnant wife.

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