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Chapter 5

    Although Li Xiangwan's lunch was carefully prepared by the chef, he felt his stomach churn after only two bites and put down his chopsticks.

    "Eat a little more." Chen Tianheng saw it in his eyes, and didn't feel worried. From the moment he learned about Liang Hong's death last night, Li Xiangwan had hardly eaten anything. Ordinary people would feel unbearable if they were hungry for three meals. Not to mention he is still pregnant.

    "I can't eat it." Li Xiangwan put one hand on his bulging belly, only to feel exhaustion spreading from the depths of his soul, he let out a long breath, drank a little warm water, and stood up against the armrest of the chair, because of low blood sugar It was dark in front of him, and he almost fell back.

    Chen Tianheng grabbed his arm at the moment when his body was unsteady and swaying. On the way to the fall, Li Xiangwan grabbed his hands in the air subconsciously, grabbing the man's wrist. In the next second, Chen Tianheng hugged his waist, his voice sounded from above his head, and he couldn't hide his nervousness: "How is it?"

    "A little dizzy, it's okay." Li Xiangwan tried to open his eyes, the darkness in front of him It still didn't dissipate, the eyeballs were sore, and the stomach was churning. He held Chen Shaoheng tightly and took an uncomfortable rest for a while before he managed to recover.

    There is a faint smell of tobacco on the man's body, which Li Xiangwan is very familiar with. Liang Hong also likes to smoke this brand. When smoking a cigarette to work, he often blows smoke rings on Li Xiangwan's face to flirt. Every time he sees Li Xiangwan wrinkled Frowning back, you will laugh happily.

    Even Li Xiangwan himself didn't notice it, and the moment he thought of Liang Hong, his tears flowed violently. When the things in front of him became clear again, Chen Tianheng unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, and he raised his head.

    The tears on his face made Chen Tianheng's breath stagnate. He raised his hand and wiped it with Li Xiangwan's fingertips. Only then did he realize that this was too ambiguous, so he withdrew his hand and took a tissue from the table for him: "Sister-in-law. Don't cry."

    Li Xiangwan wiped his face and eyes hastily. Those memories floated in his mind. Once he started, he couldn't stop. Liang Hong held him in his arms and rode and parachuted together. Sitting side by side on the veranda watching the ripples on the lake, sneaking out to the patio to kiss him in the dark at the reception, and looking at something when he goes out, it will be in the house the next day.

    Li Xiangwan covered his heart, feeling as if he was torn in two, half hating Liang Hong madly, and half loving him instinctively.

    "Sister-in-law?" Chen Tianheng called out to him. Seeing that Li Xiangwan was holding his chest in a daze and didn't respond, he frowned and said to his opponent, "Call the doctor quickly."

    "No!" Hearing the word doctor, Li Xiang Wan finally recovered from the wandering spirit, took a step back in a trance, gently pushed him away, went to get his coat on the coat rack, and said unsteadily, "Tianheng, I'll leave it to you. Now, I'll go back and rest for a while."

    "I'll take you off." Chen Tianheng immediately followed, took off his jacket before Li Xiangwan, and helped him put it on: "Will you stop eating?"

    "No." Li Xiangwan Wan's whole body was trembling imperceptibly. His body recalled the joy that Liang Hong brought to it, and the pain that would never be erased, and instinctively resisted. Chen Tianheng saw Li Xiangwan's face was as pale as paper, and his body was so weak that he could barely walk. He sighed in his heart. Seeing that there were only a few of his closest relatives and bodyguard Zhou Zhu, he bowed and hugged Li Xiangwan. stand up.

    Li Xiangwan gave a small exclamation, realizing what happened, and after a moment of stiffness, he began to struggle slightly: "Tianheng, I can do it myself..."

    "It's okay, you haven't eaten for a day, I'm afraid you will faint like you did just now." Chen Tianheng supported Li Xiangwan's knee with one hand, and wrapped his back with the other. The person in his arms was as light as he imagined. This kind of posture, he has thought about it many times in his heart.

    Li Xiangwan then stopped moving, and was quietly held by Chen Tianheng. They walked out of the restaurant through the back door without disturbing anyone. After a while, he rested his head on the man's shoulder and closed his eyes wearily.

    The heat of the muscular body spread to his skin through a layer of shirt, and everything blurred again in the familiar smell of tobacco.

    It was still raining, and Cen Xu held a big black umbrella for the two of them, careful not to let Li Xiangwan get wet.

    When Chen Tianheng walked to the front of the car, he looked down and saw that Li Xiangwan was already asleep.

    He carried Li Xiangwan into the car, put the person on the bed gently, and covered the quilt. Although he fell asleep, the young man's brows were still frowning, as if he had fallen into some kind of nightmare that could not be escaped.

    Chen Tianheng stared at him for a long time, and finally did not need to hide the infatuation in his eyes. After carefully tracing Li Xiangwan's black eyelashes, slightly curled lips and fair neck, he leaned over and kissed the cool lips.

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