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Chapter 22

    Li Xiangwan lived in Chen Tianheng's house like this.

    His room had been cleaned up a long time ago, and the furnishings were very in line with his preferences. I don't know who arranged it, and it happened to be adjacent to Chen Tianheng's bedroom.

    Li Xiangwan turned around, and finally stood in front of the window. Outside the window, there were lush mountains and forests, and the blue sea was rippling in the distance.

     Li Xiangwan stared into the distance intently, only to feel that his body and mind had opened up a lot, and he couldn't like it any more.

    Chen Tianheng put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, and asked behind him, "Do you like it?"

    Li Xiangwan nodded. Liang Hong's house was also in the mountains in the suburbs, but he didn't have such a good view.

     He looked outside, snorted, pointed to a building on the coastline through the glass, and asked, "Is that a seaport?"

    "Well, it's also an industry here. When I have time, I will drive a boat and take you to the sea to play. "Chen Tianheng took two steps forward, and was very close to Li Xiangwan.

     Li Xiangwan was almost a head shorter than him, usually because he was thin, his stature was not low, but after pregnancy, his body was much more rounded.  

     There is a silver bracelet on his wrist, which was left to him by Liang Hong.

      It looks like some kind of sign of declaring ownership. Li Xiangwan has not worn it since Liang Hong died, but this time he came to the moon with Chen Tianheng. , If there is no accident, I will not go back in a short time.    

     Li Xiangwan thought for a while as he packed up his things, but he couldn't tell what he was thinking, so he brought the bracelet over.    

     When Chen Tianheng just came back, he still had a lot of things to do. He led Li Xiangwan around the house and went to the study to deal with the company's affairs. Knowing that Li Xiangwan was very tired after traveling for a few days, he asked him to rest. 

      Li Xiangwan had just arrived in Anhui, and he always felt novel in a new environment. After wandering around the garden for a long time, he finally found a good place, where there was a small pavilion to enjoy the shade, and when he looked up, he could see the window of Chen Tianheng's study.  

      He sat in the pavilion for a while. The child was six months old, when he was dishonest, and he would kick him at some point. Li Xiangwan had always endured it silently.

      Now that Liang Hong is dead, even if he was kicked too uncomfortable, who could he tell?

    Li Xiangwan went back to his room, slept a little, and was woken up at lunch. He thought that he would eat the first meal with Chen Tianheng, but Chen Tianheng went to the company temporarily and couldn't come back.   

     In fact, it doesn't matter, but I feel a little regretful. Li Xiangwan went back to the room after dinner and read a book for a while. He didn't have any entertainment, and he didn't like playing games.

     The servants in this house were not familiar with all of them. In the past, when Liang Hong went out, he had to take the time to take care of his body, but now he doesn't have such troubles, so he sleeps when he is tired, and when he wakes up, he hangs out or reads a book, but he is at ease.    

      Zhou Zhu and Chen Tianheng's bodyguards were still following him closely. Li Xiangwan thought about what he had discussed with Chen Tianheng at first, and when he heard the news of Chen Tianheng's return in the afternoon, he went to the study to ask him.    

     Chen Tianheng is worrying, the huge legacy left by Liang Hong is a big problem, 80% of which are illegal. Fortunately, Ivy Star is a three-in-one area. If it is really traced by any government, he will be shot on charges.

      A hundred or ten times are not enough. Chen Tianheng wanted to be an upright person many years ago, but now he has taken over Liang Hong's business, and he can't help but feel overwhelmed.    

     There were too many things to do, and I didn't know where to start to take care of it. Chen Tianheng annoyed and smoked one cigarette after another. The whole room was filled with smoke.

     Li Xiangwan choked when he entered, and quickly retreated to the corridor. On the other hand, he is pregnant, and inhaling too much secondhand smoke is not good for the child.    

     Chen Tianheng hurriedly pinched the cigarette, activated the air exchange system, turned the power to the maximum, opened the window to let the smoke in the room disperse, and did not dare to let Li Xiangwan enter the room again, and went out to ask, "What's wrong?"   

     "There is something I want to discuss with you."    

     Chen Tianheng nodded: "Okay, let's talk next door."    

     The smell of smoke on Chen Tianheng's body could not dissipate, but it was not too annoying.

     The two entered the bedroom next door, Li Xiang Wan's stomach sank, and he naturally sat down by the bed. Chen Tianheng had a ghost in his heart, hesitated for a moment, and pulled a chair across from him.  

      "Go ahead."

    Chen Tianheng's white shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his forearms were sturdy, and his chest was strong enough to hold the clothes close to his body.

     After he got home because of the heat, he took off the I-shirt inside, and the two protrusions were clearly seen by Li Xiangwan. But the master is a rough man, and he didn't pay attention to what was wrong.

    When Li Xiangwan thought that he had kissed Chen Tianheng while he was drunk, or the entanglement between the two of them that night on purpose, his whole body was hot, and his body felt strange for a long time, so he naturally concealed everything on his face.

     In the past, he asked: "Tianheng said before that when he comes here, if I can stay under your nose, I can remove Zhou Zhu and don't need to follow me again, is it still worth it?"

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