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Chapter 30

    Li Xiangwan named the child Liang Qiong.

    The name was negotiated when Liang Hong was still alive, and both boys and girls were called Liang Qiong.

    Li Xiangwan stayed in the hospital for a week and was discharged. During the period, according to the doctor's request, in order to prevent the incision from sticking, he had to get out of bed and walk around. Cold sweat, although distressed, but also helpless.

    Back home, it is naturally an extremely tormenting time for cultivation.

    The knife on his stomach hurts when he moves, and he has to be careful when taking a bath. Whenever Li Xiangwan's hands and feet are so weak that he can't exert his strength, he will think of the two bullets that Chen Tianheng had eaten. Tianheng would be in more pain than him at that time, but he rarely showed it.

    Li Xiangwan's body is actually better than most women's, and it took two weeks to recover 70% to 80%. At this time, Xiaoliangqiong finally left the incubator. He has grown well during this period of time. There was no indication that it was an unexpectedly premature baby.    

     So Li Xiangwan changed from sitting alone in the flower room reading a book to holding Liang Qiong in the flower room, teasing the baby, and sometimes Chen Tianheng would accompany him. Xiao Liangqiong's wrinkled skin opened, and his eyes were dark and bright. Looking closely, he could see that he was more like Liang Hong than Li Xiangwan.   

     I don't know what it will be like when I grow up.   

      Li Xiangwan lacked family affection since childhood and was never loved by his mother, so he naturally gave almost all his love to Liang Qiong.

     If it wasn't for him being extremely tired, he would hardly let others hold him, so for a whole month, apart from Li Xiangwan and Chen Tianheng, the only ones who had held Xiaoliangqiong were the nanny who took care of him.    

     He was not at ease when he handed the child over to others. It was impossible for him to hide the fact that he gave birth. Now almost everyone knew that Liang Hong had a son and was the real heir to his estate.    

      Li Xiangwan didn't want to see such a situation. Liang Hong died because of this, and many of his former children were also affected. He absolutely did not want Liang Qiong to suffer a tragic fate.    

     Li Xiangwan would rather let Liang Qiongtuo be born in an ordinary family than let him risk his life while sitting on wealth.

    If only they were just normal people.

    "Tianheng." So one day, Li Xiangwan stopped Chen Tianheng, who was about to go out to the company. The sun was faint. Never been pregnant with a child.

    Chen Tianheng was in a trance for a while, he hadn't seen Li Xiangwan like this for too long.

    "What's the matter." He stopped on the stairs, Li Xiangwan went down to his side, and the two walked side by side into the living room.

    Li Xiangwan said softly, "About the inheritance, before Liang Qiong was an adult, was I qualified to act as a guardian?"

    "Yes." Chen Tianheng didn't expect Li Xiangwan to tell him this, "What do you want to do? "

    Can I transfer some of my inheritance to others? I don't want Liang Qiong to want those things. So many people are jealous of what Liang Hong left behind. I am afraid that Liang Qiong will be in danger because of this."

    Chen Tianheng also thought about this question, It is definitely not a good thing for Li Xiangwan and the children to have the inheritance to Liang Qiong, but it is not easy for him to make a decision without Li Xiangwan mentioning it.  

      "Actually, I already have some ideas. If you don't mind, you can hand over all of Brother Liang's shady business to Ye Yang. You don't need those things.

     The rest... use my company to acquire them, but it's almost impossible.

     All the large inheritances will fall on me." Chen Tianheng turned to look at him and softened his voice, "Would you like to?"  

      Li Xiangwan nodded: "It's okay, Liang Qiong and I don't need that much money at all, Besides, you can rest assured."   

     "That's fine, I'll ask the assistant to draw up the contract. It will take some time to figure out how to do it."    

     Li Xiangwan smiled and said, "Okay, then you can go to work quickly. ."   

     Chen Tianheng hummed, did not turn around and left, but pointed to his lips, Li Xiangwan understood, bit his lower lip shyly, but still stepped on his feet and kissed Chen Tianheng's lips lightly.

    Chen Tianheng immediately seized the opportunity, held Li Xiangwan's face in one hand, lowered his head without hesitation and gave him a deep kiss.

    Chen Tianheng was close to 1.9 meters, while Li Xiangwan was just over 1.7 meters due to malnutrition when he was a child. The height difference between the two was ten centimeters. The assistant bodyguard and the housekeeper aunt on the side all lowered their eyes and silently went about their own business, pretending not to see anything.

    Everyone couldn't help but wonder, what kind of ability did Li Xiangwan have to tie Liang Hong, whose flower name is out, to death, and when she was pregnant, Mr. Chen couldn't help himself?

    These two are the masters of countless people.

    The sound of the door closing pulled Li Xiangwan's mind back from the chaos. Chen Tianheng had already left with his assistant. He sighed lightly, raised his hand and touched his still wet lower lip, unable to restrain his sweet smile. Go upstairs to see the kids.

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