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Chapter 20

    Chen Tianheng had a dream.

    He can't remember how long he hasn't dreamed, and as he gets older, he loses the ability to dream.

    In the dream, he went back to the night before he left the Ivy Star in a hurry. That night, dark clouds floated low in the air, the rainy season was coming, and the air was filled with the smell of thick water vapor, mixed with the smell of grass and soil. Chen Tianheng had a holiday villa in the Ivy Star where he flourished. At this time, he was lying on the reclining chair with a sleeping white cat at his feet, which was raised by the villa housekeeper.

    The issue of the right to use the newly opened waterway was finally settled just now. Chen Tianheng smoked a cigarette and held it at the corner of his lips without lighting it, and decided to tell Liang Hong the good news.

    He dialed Liang Hong's phone, and after more than 30 seconds of busy tone, he finally got through.

    Chen Tianheng looked straight to the point: "Brother Liang, the right to use the waterway has been approved, and your batch of goods can be sent out at any time."

    Liang Hong's breath was a little unstable, but his usual carelessness and cloudless wind Qing: "Really, that's great, let's find a time to discuss it."

    Liang Hong didn't mean to hang up, and continued to chat with Chen Tianheng about the waterway. The two talked for five or six minutes, when Chen Tianheng suddenly heard a weak whimper. The sound was familiar to him. It was the sound of people covering their mouths when they were having a good time to prevent themselves from screaming.

    Chen Tianheng's voice suddenly stopped. After two seconds of silence, Liang Hong on the other end of the phone chuckled lightly. He didn't know what to do. The whimper that was inaudible suddenly turned into a scream.

    Li Xiangwan's voice.

    Chen Tianheng's hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, realizing that Liang Hong was on the phone with Li Xiangwan.

    "Brother Liang, please..." Li Xiangwan's voice kept trembling, hoarse because he cried for too long. What Liang Hong loves most is his crying and begging for mercy, shivering, and all the deeply hidden eccentricities are all about to move.

    He put the phone to Li Xiangwan's lips, his voice was very gentle, like a deep affection, and said, "Say hello to Tianheng?"

    "I don't... ah—!" Li Xiangwan's mind went blank when he was forced again. He stretched out or curled up pitifully under Liang Hong's control. What to do in the end depends entirely on a man's mood how.

    "Don't you want to?" Liang Hong laughed, he kissed the wet eyelashes of the teenager under him, and at the same time completely took possession of him mercilessly. Li Xiangwan couldn't bear it any longer, and the moment he heard his voice, he seemed to be thrown into the bone-piercing ice water - Chen Tianheng must have heard it too.

    Just like a dang fu.

    Li Xiangwan's shouting suddenly evoked Chen Tianheng's deep-seated memories, the wet red rope, the strange body, and the cowardly and shy look in Li Xiangwan's eyes when he looked at him.

    He looked like he was about to cry, and said, "Brother Chen, I'm sorry."

    Chen Tianheng couldn't remember how he hung up the phone.

    The mobile phone was placed on the small round table, and the bright screen gradually dimmed. Chen Tianheng stared at it, suddenly let out a loud shout, grabbed it and smashed it at the floor-to-ceiling window!


    With a loud bang, the phone shattered to pieces in an instant, and even the solid glass was smashed into cobweb-like cracks. Chen Tianheng looked at the mess on the ground coldly, took out a lighter, hit it three times, and held it on the corner of his lips. smoke, took a deep breath.

    Amid the irritation of the tobacco and the rising white smoke, he frowned and closed his eyes. Li Xiangwan's mad cry still echoed in his ears, and he refused to dissipate like a curse.

    His hands were shaking.

    His hands were shaking.

    To this day, he finally found out that he was possessed by a demon, harboring unspeakable evil thoughts about his elder brother's favorite lover.

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