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Chapter 26

    Li Xiangwan's reaction really surprised Chen Tianheng. He wanted to know if there would be more blood-boiling developments in the future, so he pretended to be drunk all the time. Li Xiangwan was completely unaware. He fed Chen Tianheng the hangover soup and sat beside the bed for a while. He was too embarrassed to continue the contact just now, so he packed up and fell asleep beside Chen Tianheng.

    When he slept, he still held Chen Tianheng's finger obsessively. When the bedroom returned to darkness, the breathing of the people around him gradually became steady, and Chen Tianheng finally opened his eyes.

    The lips and fingers were still soft to the touch, and the pregnant belly was sticking to his side. It was not that Chen Tianheng never hugged a woman before sleeping, but it was completely different.

    Probably because it gave him more psychological satisfaction besides fleshly desire.

    Although he was not unconscious, he did drink a lot, and soon Chen Tianheng hugged Li Xiangwan and fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, there was no one around him, and the sheets were neatly tidied up. If he hadn't been awake at the time, Chen Tianheng probably wouldn't have known what happened.

    But now that he knew what Li Xiangwan meant to him, things would be much easier to handle.

    Find a suitable time and make it clear to Wanwan.


    When the news of Chen Tianheng's accident reached Li Xiangwan's ears, he was sitting on a swing in the garden to take a nap. Hearing that Chen Tianheng was shot by two bullets from broken windows, Li Xiangwan was so shocked that he almost fell.

    Zhou Zhu quickly supported him with his eyes and hands. Li Xiangwan was thirty-four weeks pregnant, and his belly was already very large. He staggered a few times, barely stabilizing his body, and immediately asked eagerly, "How is his injury? ?"

    "Xiao Zhang blocked a shot at him, Brother Chen was shot in the abdomen and left leg, but there was nothing serious, the bullets have been taken out."

    There is no danger to life. Li Xiangwan breathed a sigh of relief, reluctantly letting go of his high-hanging heart, but then he brought it up again: so many internal organs in the abdomen are very important places, in case of any injury...

    "Take me to the hospital to see." Li Xiang Wan immediately said.

    "Brother Chen specifically said not to let Young Master Li—"

    "Take me there." Li Xiangwan's voice was soft, but his tone could not be rejected. Zhou Zhu said again with a blank face, "No, Brother Chen specifically asked me."

    "You take me there, I guarantee Tianheng won't blame you." Li Xiangwan paused, then said, "I'll go over there. Take a look, if Tianheng is all right, I can rest assured."

    Zhou Zhu finally failed to get over Li Xiangwan, and together with the other bodyguards, he took him to the hospital where Chen Tianheng was. , very quiet, only the sound of nurses and doctors walking back and forth can be heard.

    When Li Xiangwan was brought into the ward, Chen Tianheng was resting with his eyes closed. After the operation, the effect of the anesthetic gradually wore off, and the wound became painful. He had not experienced such an assassination for a long time since he separated from Liang Hong. .

    This time, it is probably because some people thought that Liang Hong's legacy would be swallowed by him. After all, no one would believe that Chen Tianheng, who also left a bloody legend back then, would really obey Liang Hong's will and leave everything to a trivial lover , and the unborn child.

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