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Chapter 9

    Even if Li Xiangwan did something wrong, how could Chen Tianheng be willing to tell him? He was silent for a moment, then lowered his head and tied his belt: "No, I don't find it troublesome, in fact, eldest brother loves you so much, I definitely can't bear to take you away, but sister-in-law. If you are afraid, come and find me later. I have to discuss things with the lawyer in a while, so I will go down first."

    Chen Tianheng paused, he actually wanted to remind Li Xiangwan not to forget to eat breakfast on time, but he felt too ambiguous. , didn't say anything, took the coat and hurried downstairs.

    That was his eldest brother's favorite person. No matter what, he couldn't...

    Li Xiangwan watched his escaped figure disappear outside the door. The sadness and loneliness on his face just now disappeared, and he let out a sigh of relief. , fell back on the bed in a happy mood, rolled awkwardly for half a circle, and buried his face in the quilt.

    It also has the taste of Tianheng on it.

    Li Xiangwan remembers clearly when he fell in love with Chen Tianheng.

    It was a gloomy afternoon with dark clouds hanging in the sky. He sat in Chen Tianheng's car and set off from the main house to find Liang Hong.

    Liang Hong went to "talk business" with someone. He thought he would be able to come back tonight, so he didn't go with him, but then something happened over there, Liang Hong might stay for a few more days, so he let him be in the host. Chen Tianheng from the house helped bring Li Xiangwan there.

    Chen Tianheng has been living at Ivy Star for half a month this time. In the past half month, Liang Hong, who has always been lustful, has never found anyone else, which made Chen Tianheng really feel how much he loves this lover.    

     The two brothers have been looking for fun together for so many years. Even because of the face of men, Chen Tianheng has to admit that Liang Hong is really powerful.

      When he was young, Liang Hong used to form a seven-member girl group. Even if he is old now, his ability Not as good as back then, it was easy to change three people in one night.    

     He didn't find anyone else, which meant that Liang Hong devoted all his energy to Li Xiangwan. Chen Tianheng glanced at the slightly thin young man in the rear seat from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but stunned - this little one. The body, still a boy, can bear Liang Hong like this?

    Li Xiangwan noticed his gaze and stared blankly at him in the mirror. Chen Tianheng retracted his gaze and turned to look at the road ahead. Now that the automatic driving technology is very mature, Chen Tianheng still likes to drive by himself.

    The black off-road vehicle galloped in the forest, and a few drops of rain fell on the windshield. Li Xiangwan rolled down the window, and the cool wind poured into the car, slightly taking away the abnormal heat from his stiff body.

    Holding his pants tightly with both hands, he turned his head and breathed silently where Chen Tianheng couldn't see, resisting the urge to whimper.

     But the thing was still moving relentlessly, and the excessively strong stimulation rushed to the brain's spine continuously, causing his consciousness to become a mess.    

     The accident happened at this moment. A large unmanned bus suddenly rushed out of the corner and hit the off-road head-on. The target was very obvious, facing the empty co-pilot in the car.    

     Chen Tianheng's pupils shrank sharply, and at that moment, he slammed the steering wheel in the direction of the driver's seat, and the off-road vehicle was rubbing the front of the bus.    

     Li Xiangwan didn't realize what was going on at all, and only heard Chen Tianheng shouting at him.

     With a loud noise, the car swayed suddenly, the airbag popped, and the world was spinning.    

     After that, he couldn't hear or see for a while, and after a while, his eyes became clear again, and he heard Chen Tianheng shouting his name from his tinnitus.    

     "I'm fine." Li Xiangwan panted and replied, trying to move his limbs and pulling his left foot out of the twisted seat. The car was coming at him, and someone wanted to kill him.    

     But they didn't know that Li Xiangwan would only take the co-pilot in Liang Hong's car, and everyone else would always sit in the back seat.

    Chen Tianheng's car has a very high safety factor, and it is not a big deal to roll off the cliff. Except for the contusion caused by the airbag, neither of them was injured.    

     Chen Tianheng's face was gloomy.

    He came out of the dark road. Someone dared to hack him, which made him very unhappy: "Open the door if it's all right and see if you can go down."

    "Yeah." Li Xiangwan untied the seat belt that was strangling him, looked outside through the car window, and tentatively opened the car door. There was a rocky beach outside. Little by little, he got out of the car and jumped off.

    When he landed on the ground, his body was under the force, and the little thing was still vibrating constantly. When it reached a certain point, Li Xiangwan groaned, his legs instantly softened, and he fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner.

    At this time, Chen Tianheng also got out of the car that was turned upside down. Seeing Li Xiangwan sitting on the ground, he frowned slightly and looked up at the winding mountain road above.

    The bus had already driven away, and a man was standing beside the smashed railing, unable to see his face because of the distance, with a bazooka on his shoulder, pointing in their direction.

    "Run!" Chen Tianheng yelled at Li Xiangwan immediately, and he was about to run into the woods when he pulled his legs. Out of the corner of his eye caught sight of Li Xiangwan still sitting in the same place, trying to get up clumsily, and scolded very rudely, Turning around and rushing to his side, he pulled Li Xiangwan up and ran towards the forest.

    Chen Tianheng's strength was too great, Li Xiangwan was dragged by him to stagger a few steps, his legs were still soft, so he could barely hang on him and be carried by him. Chen Tianheng's scolding sounded clearly into his ears, to the effect that he was just a waste of snacks, but Li Xiangwan also wanted to run quickly on his own strength, but the stimulation was continuous, and he didn't need any strength at all.

    Then there was a loud noise, the heat wave exploded from behind, and the two were pushed out by the huge momentum. At the moment of landing, Chen Tianheng adjusted his body and tightly protected Li Xiangwan in his arms.

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