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Chapter 15

    Having decided to follow Chen Tianheng, Li Xiangwan has been busy cleaning up these days. He doesn't like letting others touch his things, and has always been hands-on in this matter.

    The child is six months old. His stomach has sunk a lot, and it is inconvenient to squat down. After sitting for a long time, he will feel lower back pain. Fortunately, Chen Tianheng was not in a hurry. He had already handled the inheritance according to Liang Hong's will, and handed over some of the things on the Ivy Star to Ye Yang, who was personally promoted by Liang Hong before.

    Chen Tianheng often came over to help. Since Li Xiangwan fell ill, he has not cared about the possibility that someone may gossip these days. Almost every day, he has to make sure that Li Xiangwan is in good health under his eyes, so that he can do his own business with peace of mind.

    Only very few people know the secret of Li Xiangwan's bisexuality. To outsiders, he is just an ordinary boy, so he will never understand how Li Xiangwan is so fascinated by Liang Hong, who has seen all the beauties. of.

    It was always a strange thing for a man to be pregnant. Except for the servants and doctors in Liang Hong's mansion, Li Xiangwan never saw anyone else after the pregnancy.

Before, he had to put all his mind on Liang Hong, but now that the man is dead, he is alone, and he doesn't even have anyone who can say a few sincere words. Naturally, he feels indescribably lonely.   

Zhou Zhu still followed him as a bodyguard, because he was pregnant with Liang Hong's posthumous son, Chen Tianheng not only did not let Zhou Zhu relax his vigilance, but even sent a bodyguard who had been with him for five or six years to watch with him.

With Li Xiangwan, what Li Xiangwan did every day and where he went was all seen clearly by these two pairs of eyes—or more, and reported everything to Chen Tianheng.    

Li Xiangwan was very tired of being followed like this. He also talked to Liang Hong before, but after Liang Hong passed the time someone wanted to murder Li Xiangwan, it was absolutely impossible to relax his protection, only for his own good.

Li Xiangwan understood what he meant, and wisely never mentioned it again.    

But Chen Tianheng is different.

In any case, Chen Tianheng is still willing to call him sister-in-law respectfully, and his feelings for him are not as pure as they appear on the surface, and he will definitely not reject him directly and clearly.

    So Li Xiangwan went to find Chen Tianheng, because Chen Tianheng had instructed beforehand that the servant at the door did not stop him. Li Xiangwan knocked on the door three times, and after waiting for a few seconds, he heard Chen Tianheng call "Come in".   

Li Xiangwan pushed open the door and went in. Chen Tianheng was holding a video conference with Moon Lunxing.

When he saw him, the man's eyes suddenly became a little softer, and the corners of his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to laugh, but he also cared about the person on the other side of the camera. In the end, the corners of his lips were tensed as usual, he made a wait gesture to him, and pointed to the sofa beside him.    

Li Xiangwan held his pregnant belly and quietly avoided the camera, sitting on the sofa slowly, his fair ankles were exposed from the light gray fluff on the plush slippers, which was slightly swollen due to pregnancy.    

The person on the opposite side was reporting the financial situation of the caravan in the last quarter. Li Xiangwan listened to a few words, but he didn't understand it at all, and he didn't care, so he looked at Chen Tianheng attentively.  

It doesn't matter at all, Li Xiangwan suddenly found that Chen Tianheng and Liang Hong still have a lot of similarities.

For example, when they are in a meeting, they like to relax on the back of the chair, point their index finger on the armrest, and like to keep silent and let the other side The people wondered uncomfortably if they were wrong.

However, Liang Hong always had a smile on his face, while Chen Tianheng was expressionless, his brows were often wrinkled, and he looked fierce.    

After all, they are brothers who have been together for more than ten years. They have many habits in common. Knowing this, Li Xiangwan didn't think that he saw Liang Hong's shadow in Chen Tianheng.

His feelings for Liang Hong are very deep and complicated, so complicated that he can't even figure it out himself, but it's definitely not the kind of love that treats others as his love.    

Chen Tianheng's meeting was a little long, Li Xiangwan was bored waiting, the floor-to-ceiling windows were very well lit, and the sun was warm on his body, and he felt sleepy before he knew it.  

He didn't feel wronged, he lay on the sofa, closed his eyes, and listened to Chen Tianheng's low "um" from time to time, he was about to fall asleep before he knew it.

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