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Chapter 24

    Since the pregnancy, Li Xiangwan's desire has become stronger.

    In other words, since Liang Hong's death, no one has been able to comfort him anymore. There is a lack of kisses, stroking and lingering. The physical desires accumulate little by little, and when they are seven months pregnant, they become extraordinarily strong.

    The child in the womb is quite dishonest, and the fetal movement is more frequent than that of ordinary children. The doctor recommends stroking and prenatal education at this time. It is reasonable to say that this should be carried out by both husband and wife. It can not only enhance the relationship, but also be good for the unborn baby.

    But Liang Hong died.

    Li Xiangwan was sitting in Chen Tianheng's study and was reading a book quietly when he suddenly felt the child kick him, making him groan and cover his stomach.

    Chen Tianheng thought something had happened, and immediately raised his head when he heard the sound, although his face was still frowning, looking fierce, but the urgency in his tone had nowhere to hide from Li Xiangwan: "What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

    Li Xiangwan shook his head, pursed his lips and smiled, he took Chen Tianheng's hand and placed it lightly on his stomach, so Chen Tianheng clearly felt the slight movement under his belly.    

     "It's moving." Li Xiangwan pressed Chen Tianheng's hand and caressed his pregnant belly. The man's palm was very rough. When he touched him, it was itchy and a little painful.

     He couldn't help but think about what it would be like to be comforted all over Feel. Li Xiangwan said softly, "Maybe it's about to give birth, the movement is getting louder and louder."    

     Chen Tianheng didn't know what to do, he was rubbing Li Xiangwan's stomach - this realization made him unable to restrain his breath.

     For a little while, the little guy seemed to have sensed a different force and kept kicking where he touched.   

      "Does it hurt?" Chen Tianheng couldn't help asking.   

      "Fortunately, it's just a little uncomfortable, I'm used to it." Li Xiangwan lowered his eyes and looked at the place where the two of them touched their hands. His skin was white, but Chen Tianheng was a healthy wheat color. It was strange that the two skin colors collided.

      Maybe he and Liang Hong had the same effect when they were together, but Li Xiangwan never paid attention to this at that time - he had no energy.

    Chen Tianheng silently felt the touch in the palm of his hand. He could feel the little guy's strength through Li Xiangwan's stomach, probably a boy.

    If only it were your own child.

    This thought has never been clearer than it is now - if, if only Wanwan's belly was her own child.

    Then he can touch and kiss his pregnant belly every day, massage Li Xiangwan's swollen legs and feet, and the two lie on the bed, expecting that the child will have a place like theirs after the birth.

    Although Liang Hong is the eldest brother he respects the most, he is someone else's child after all.

    The movement under his palm weakened, Li Xiangwan breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head to look at Chen Tianheng, with a gentle smile in his eyes, and said, "It should be quiet for a while, Tianheng, keep working, I hope I didn't disturb you just now."

    "It's alright." Chen Tianheng retracted his hand, but the soft touch and the temperature of Li Xiangwan still remained in his palm. He looked at the document restlessly for a few minutes, raised his head again, and said, "Sister-in-law, I have something to think about. I want to ask for your opinion."


    "The number of issues related to inheritance is too large, and it may be a little inappropriate for me to handle it myself."

    Li Xiangwan smiled: "This is up to you to decide, I will I don't understand."

    Chen Tianheng insisted: "I'll tell you something."

    "That's good." Li Xiangwan stood up with a little difficulty, went to Chen Tianheng's side, pointed to his chair, and asked, "I Do you want to sit here?"

    "Well." Seeing that Li Xiangwan didn't mention it, Chen Tianheng deliberately didn't move his chair over, but moved his body to the side to make way for Li Xiangwan. His chair is quite wide, and it is not impossible for two people to sit on it.

    Li Xiangwan took advantage of the situation and sat down without any psychological burden.

    The soft body was very close to him, and the faint fragrance on the tips of the hair and the skin was once again clear, what a great opportunity -

     Chen Tianheng wrapped one arm around Li Xiangwan's body, held the pen and pointed it on the statement , explained in a low voice: "All the sub-items under this item are immovable properties left by Brother Liang. In Ivy Star, there are the main house and four manors, an airport, and two casinos..."

     The man spoke with a breath All sprayed on the delicate skin on the side of the neck, with a fiery and reliable embrace, Li Xiangwan's extremely sensitive body has silently given the most faithful response - he is wet.    

      Li Xiangwan listened silently, but he didn't hear much, most of his mind was used to resist instinct. In fact, if he listened carefully, he could find that what Chen Tianheng was talking about was also topsy-turvy.

     The man was very embarrassed to find that his trousers had tightened. Fortunately, Li Xiangwan didn't move  around.

      Charming and ambiguous. Chen Tianheng saw that Li Xiangwan had been sitting obediently all the time, but his fingers were pinching on the chair nervously, but there was no resistance, and he was even more convinced of the speculation in his heart that made his head hot.   

      Anhui actually cares about him.    

     Should that be...    

     Chen Tianheng was thinking about it when he suddenly heard Li Xiangwan take a deep breath and turned his head. At that moment, his soft lips seemed to just brush the bridge of his nose, but they didn't seem to touch him.    

     "Tianheng." Li Xiangwan's voice was very soft, like a cat fiddling with feathers, which made his heart itch.   


     What do you want to say?    

     That low-pitched question was right next to his ear, extremely magnetic, making Li Xiangwan's breathing stagnate, and the unspeakable desire was so strong that he almost trembled.

     His cheeks were abnormally red, he tried to calm his breathing, barely stabilized his voice, and had no choice but to say:    

     "Are you too close to me?"

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