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Chapter 19

    November 3rd.

    Li Xiangwan knocked on the door of Chen Tianheng's cabin in the empty corridor on the spaceship that went to Yuelunxing.

    They stayed in first-class business class, a single room, and it took two days on the road. Li Xiangwan was really bored. He thought that he would be able to start a new life after arriving at the moon star. He couldn't even read the book. Chen Tianheng stayed together.

    Chen Tianheng was taking a nap, and was just about to fall asleep. He frowned when he heard the knock on the door. When he woke up, only Li Xiangwan was the only one who came to look for him at this point. The forehead stood up and went to open the door.    

     Li Xiangwan stood at the door, holding a thick book with a black cover in his hand.

     Seeing that Chen Tianheng was only wearing a simple shirt, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he was not very energetic, so he asked softly, "Did I disturb your nap? "    

     "No, just lay down."

     Chen Tianheng turned to let him in, closed the cabin door, Li Xiangwan looked around for a week, Chen Tianheng's clothes were casually laid on the edge of the bed, and he didn't care whether the suit would be wrinkled or not, revealing the quilt. People are used to serving disheveled.    

     Li Xiangwan picked up his clothes, and Chen Tianheng wanted to pick them up, but he avoided them, carefully hung them one by one on the coat rack at the door, and said, "Then go back to sleep, I'll come back later. " 

     " I'm fine." Chen Tianheng buttoned the second open button of his shirt and asked, "What's wrong with my sister-in-law?"    

     "No, I'm just bored."

     Li Xiangwan glanced sharply at the white medicine bottle by Chen Tianheng's bed.

     Recognized that it was the bottle of tranquility, rubbed his fingers on the cover of the book, and then asked, "Can you sleep well?"   

      "I have a little headache these days."

     Chen Tianheng did not answer directly, it is strange to say that he is usually busy His feet don't touch the ground, and when he is tired, he can fall asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow, but he doesn't know what happened in the past two days.

      I was in a bad mood and delayed things, so I asked the family doctor for a bottle of tranquility to help sleep.    

     Li Xiangwan looked at Wu Qing, whose eyes were not obvious, suddenly sat on the edge of the bed, put down the book, patted the bed, looked up at Chen Tianheng and said, "Come here, I'll give you a rub."

    Chen Tianheng subconsciously wanted to push back, but Li Xiangwan gently pulled him over, the young man raised his lips, and a sly smile appeared in his eyes; "Is Tianheng afraid of me? Just rubbing the acupuncture points, not to eat I got you."    

     Chen Tianheng looked at him for a few seconds, knowing that he would never be able to refuse Li Xiangwan, he sighed silently, the black vines danced quietly in the dark part of his heart, entangling his heart.   

     ——It's just the two of you here, what are you worried about?   

      "Okay, I'll trouble my sister-in-law."  

      He lay down again, adjusted his position, leaned his face on Li Xiangwan's knee, and closed his eyes.  

      However, Li Xiangwan gently turned his head and let him lie on his lap. Chen Tianheng immediately resisted and was held down by Li Xiangwan.   

     "It's not convenient for me to bend over, it's better to use force."

     The two looked at each other for a second. As usual, Chen Tianheng took the lead in defeat. He closed his eyes again, his whole body was stiff, and Li Xiangwan had a faint scent of spices on his body. , he couldn't tell the name of this smell, he could only call it "the smell of Li Xiangwan".    

     Nearly six months pregnant, Li Xiangwan's belly is already quite large.

     Chen Tianheng lay on his lap, inevitably close to his bulging belly, and placed his slightly cool fingertips on his temples. Begin to massage with moderate intensity.    

     Li Xiangwan must have pressed Liang Hong like this many times, and the technique was very skilled. Chen Tianheng enjoyed it silently, and began to speculate on Li Xiangwan's mind.    

     Wan Wan found out if she was simply bored and came to him, or did she have other intentions?   

     As they got along during this period of time, Chen Tianheng's thoughts towards Li Xiangwan intensified, and his sense of immorality was always stuck in his throat like a thorn, neither swallowing nor spit.    

     The more Li Xiangwan acted to depend on him, the more he wanted to see how panicked Li Xiangwan would be when he knew that he had always had those evil longings for him.    

     He wanted to hold down the soft belly of the prey like a wild beast, bite his fragile throat, feel the blood flowing under the delicate skin, and vent all his desires.

    The headache that had lingered on Chen Tianheng for several days was relieved under the gentle massage. In the misty aroma that belonged to Li Xiangwan alone, drowsiness struck again. Before he knew it, Chen Tianheng finally fell into his long-awaited sleep.

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