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Chapter 27

    Li Xiangwan stared blankly at the man in front of him, almost unable to believe his ears.

    ——Would you like to be my Wanwan?

    Never, never had anyone asked him that.

    The woman who gave birth to him has never loved him, his uncle only regarded him as air and a cash cow, Liang Hong bought him, so he has absolute control, even expressing his love is an announcement of the truth. The same absolute certainty - you can only be mine, and with me you will be happy.

    No one has asked for his opinion.

    Chen Tianheng gradually recovered from the passionate kiss, his breathing gradually calmed down, staring at the youth who was a decade younger than him, patiently waiting for an answer.

    There is still a frown line between his eyebrows for many years, and the corners of his lips are drawn down, but his eyes are so gentle and eager, as if Li Xiangwan was a fire, igniting his cold blood.

    Realizing this, Li Xiangwan suddenly raised his hand to wrap his arms around Chen Tianheng's neck and hugged him tightly. He tiptoed slightly, his voice was choked, and he was trembling with excitement:

    "I've thought about this for a long time."

    Chen Tianheng's frantic beating heart finally gave up all his anxiety, leaving only complete joy, and he held it in one hand. Holding Li Xiangwan's back, his other hand was between the back of the young man's head and the wall. He lowered his head again and held the lips that gave him the final answer.

    Their first kiss.

    He secretly kissed Li Xiangwan many times - when Liang Hong was still there, Li Xiangwan was taken to his manor as a guest. The young man was not pregnant and fell asleep in the bushes by the pond. , Chen Tianheng passed by, stopped, and secretly left their first kiss.

    Then on the day of Liang Hong's funeral, Li Xiangwan slept unprepared on the big bed of the "Explorer"; on the day he had a fever, he was unconscious but extremely hot and obsessed on the bed.

    Everything is settled at this moment.

    It wasn't until Chen Tianheng was involved in the wound that he couldn't help but let out a low sigh, and they finally separated again. Not to mention Li Xiangwan's lips were a little red and swollen, even Chen Tianheng's thin lips, which had always been dull in color, became brighter.

    Li Xiangwan hurriedly supported him and asked, "Did you get into the wound? Do you want to call the doctor?"

    "It's fine." Chen Tianheng lifted the hem of his hospital gown's jacket and checked that there was no blood oozing from the bandage. Don't care anymore - he's gotten used to the countless injuries he's suffered over the years.

    "Then be careful." The atmosphere was so ambiguous, and the relationship between the two suddenly changed. Li Xiangwan was still not used to it, so he lowered his eyes and avoided looking at Chen Tianheng, "Don't you want to go to the toilet? Then, I'll go out first."

    He turned to leave, but Chen Tianheng grabbed his wrist.

    "Wan Wan." The man shouted, as if to confirm something.

    Li Xiangwan pursed his lips and smiled. He squeezed Chen Tianheng's fingers with his backhand and replied softly, "Hey."

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