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Chapter 13

    Li Xiangwan accepted this brutal kiss very docilely, Chen Tianheng bit his lip, half of his body was lying on him, his forearm propped up against his ear, and he kissed him fiercely.

    He made a sticky nasal sound and tightened the arms around the man's neck, pressing him even tighter against him, and all the ecstasy, the unspoken love and secret longing, all melted away. An ambiguous and fiery breath entangled between the lips of the two.

    Chen Tianheng repeatedly stroked Li Xiangwan's slightly hot cheeks with his palms, and his movements were hurried, but he was still cautious and cautious. His calloused palms and finger pads rubbed his skin, which was extremely sensitive due to the fever, causing Li Xiangwan to tremble slightly involuntarily.

    Li Xiangwan knew exactly who the person who was kissing him was, but he just let out a vague moan, refusing to say the name that was murmured repeatedly in his heart, creating the illusion of being burned out of his mind.

    He wanted Chen Tianheng to step into the trap he set up.

    Chen Tianheng really didn't notice at all, he indulged the desire to break the embankment, kissed the young man who had no resistance, touched the bulging belly under his pajamas, and followed the curve of his body to touch his completely relaxed back.

    "Wan Wan." He greedily kissed Li Xiangwan's slightly trembling eyelashes, until the long and curled black eyelashes were wet, and his breathing became heavier. He couldn't help but imagine if Li Xiangwan knew what he had done while he was sick , what would you think of him?

    Are those bright, clear eyes filled with fear and disgust?

    "Why are you from the eldest brother?" The

    man's low voice sounded in Li Xiangwan's ear, it was so real, his body trembled unobservably, and his nose was a little sore.

    Li Xiangwan knew that the biggest obstacle between them was still Liang Hong.

    Chen Tianheng attaches great importance to love and righteousness. It is precisely because of this that he will never do such unrighteous things as those who blatantly possess his brothers. After all, Liang Hong loved Li Xiangwan so much during his lifetime that he could hardly want to smash him to pieces. in blood.

    Li Xiangwan murmured indistinctly and raised his head, allowing Chen Tianheng to lick and bite easily.

    As expected, Chen Tianheng buried his head in the crevice of his neck and took a deep breath in ecstasy, but he didn't continue. He simply got close, feeling Li Xiangwan's body temperature that was higher than his.

    In the end, he gently kissed Li Xiangwan's lips, stood up straight, made the quilt for him, stood by the bed and watched the heavy rain, and called the family doctor when his breathing was stable.

    It shouldn't be like this. Hanging up the phone, Chen Tianheng put one hand on the window sill and looked back at Li Xiangwan, who was drowsy asleep on the bed. His heart was mixed with joy and annoyance, almost driving him crazy.

    There are so many people in the world, why did he fall in love with Li Xiangwan like crazy?

    He sighed silently. Before, Li Xiangwan dangled in front of his eyes all day, so that he couldn't control the thoughts in his heart, and the idea of ​​avoidance came into being, but now when Wan Wan fell ill, he simply couldn't bear to walk away.

    Chen Tianheng felt unspeakable irritability. For him, the most difficult thing to control was not the lower body, but the heart that silently gave birth to endless evil thoughts towards Li Xiangwan.

    Should he find a partner to divert his attention?

    And a few steps away, Li Xiangwan, who had succeeded in his plan in the dark, gently hooked the corner of his lower lip, licked the corner of his lips where Chen Tianheng had kissed just now, and clamped his legs. He wanted to hook Chen Tianheng and do it again. I ordered something, but the helplessness was too uncomfortable, barely listening to Chen Tianheng's call, and fell asleep again.

    When he woke up again, it was already bright outside the window. Li Xiangwan narrowed his eyes drowsily, only to feel sweaty and uncomfortable.

    Chen Tianheng was sitting on the reclining chair beside the bed, resting his forehead in one hand, and fell asleep like this. Li Xiangwan quietly stared at his sleeping face. After a long time, he turned over, but because of his heavy body, he was inevitably a little awkward.

    Chen Tianheng slept very lightly and was woken up all of a sudden. After opening his eyes, his first reaction was to look up at Li Xiangwan, but Li Xiangwan pretended to have just woken up, frowning sadly, and turned towards Li Xiangwan. He looked over.

    Then a surprised look appeared on his face.

    "Tianheng? When did you come here—" Li Xiangwan moved laboriously, trying to stand up, Chen Tianheng hurriedly stood up, put his hands on his shoulders lightly, and let him lie down again without refusal: "The window of your room was not closed well last night. You caught a cold and had a fever. You have already seen the doctor. You must rest well."

    "Really?" Li Xiangwan was in a trance for a while, looked at the window, and wondered, "I did open the window and looked out last night, but I remember closing it before going to bed... Well, maybe it was I remember wrong."

    "Anyway, it's true that I'm sick. Fortunately, the doctor was called in time, and it's not serious." Seeing Li Xiangwan hesitated, Chen Tianheng added: "Don't worry, the child is fine."

    Li Xiangwan He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly. His black hair on the temples was soaked with sweat and stuck to his cheeks, making his skin even fairer: "If I didn't have you, I really don't know what I would do."

    He said sincerely In truth, Chen Tianheng didn't answer, the man closed his eyes inexplicably, looked at Li Xiangwan's eyes when he opened them, and said, "I'll be leaving here in a few days, I'll be back to the moon, and there are many over there. I need to do things, and all things on Chun Ivy's side will be handed over to a special agent.

    He paused, and finally asked, "sister-in-law... do you want to come with me? "

    Li Xiangwan didn't expect Chen Tianheng to tell him about this, he was stunned for a while and didn't answer. Chen Tianheng thought he was unwilling to leave the place where he lived with Liang Hong for a long time, and he couldn't help but persuade while feeling sour in his heart:

    "I know that my sister-in-law has a deep affection for my eldest brother, but if you stay alone, there will be no one around you who can be close to you, so many things will definitely be inconvenient-"

    "Okay. "

    Chen Tianheng's voice was stagnant, and Li Xiangwan's promise was beyond his expectations.

    Li Xiangwan raised his hand and touched the side of his neck, where Chen Tianheng's lips rubbed it last night, because he was afraid of leaving traces. He only dared to lick and kiss, but he was also affectionate enough.

    His eyes were so soft and harmless as if he didn't understand anything: "When does Tianheng want to leave? I'd better be prepared. "

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