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Chapter 32

    Chen Tianheng raised his head when he heard the sound, and the young woman opposite him turned her face, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and holding a thick stack of documents in her hand.

     The two sat on the chair facing each other, Chen Tianheng crossed his legs, a cigarette was burning between his right fingers, and the moment he saw Li Xiangwan, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

    "Wan Wan." Chen Tianheng was a little surprised, he immediately put down the document and got up and asked, "Have you not slept yet? What's wrong?"

    "..." Li Xiangwan thought about all the circumstances, but he never expected that the two would be together late at night... ...look at the file?

    "I, I woke up just now, and when I heard you came home, it was like coming over to take a look." Li Xiangwan clasped his hands behind his back, and glanced at the beautiful female employee from the corner of his eye, dissatisfied in his heart.

     And the grievances became more and more fermented, and she pursed her lips silently. Chen Tianheng probably thought he had something to say, and said to the woman, "Addie, let's go first."

    "Okay Mr. Chen." The company's financial officer immediately stood up, put the documents in the bag, and bowed his head politely to Chen Tianheng, stepped out of the bedroom in high heels.

    "Did you just work?" When the footsteps of the high heels disappeared, Li Xiangwan finally spoke again.

    "Well, let's talk about Brother Liang's inheritance." Chen Tianheng pressed out the half-burned cigarette and opened the window to disperse the smoke.

     The habit of not smoking in front of Li Xiangwan had formed, and he couldn't change it for a while. I want to change too much.    

     "You lied." Li Xiangwan whispered, "How can anyone bring a female employee to work in the bedroom, is there anything that can't be discussed during the day?"

     In a set trap.

    Chen Tianheng raised the corners of his lips indiscernibly, stood in front of Li Xiangwan, his thumb lightly pressed Li Xiangwan's lower lip, and rescued the sweet softness from his teeth.

    "Wan Wan, are you... jealous?"

    Li Xiangwan stared at him, his eyes full of blame, the thoughts in his heart were unprecedented at this moment-he wanted to hold on to Chen Tianheng, so that he would never be able to break free .

    No, don't go to anyone else.

    The moonlight poured into the room through the window, and the trees in the night breeze were all quiet and beautiful. Li Xiangwan took a deep breath and made up his mind.

     The moonlight and the intoxication of a midsummer night reflected in his eyes. In front of Chen Tianheng in a suit and leather shoes, he unbuttoned his pajamas one by one.

    The light pajamas slipped off his shoulders and fell silently to the ground.

    "Want me?" he asked softly.

    Chen Tianheng was waiting for this moment.

    He stroked Li Xiangwan's shoulder with one hand, and the tentacle felt as delicate, soft and warm as he had touched many times before. The neck, collarbone, chest, two-pointed bright red, and a flat and firm abdomen, he embraced Li Xiangwan's waist, following the seductive arc of the back and waistline, lowered his head and bit the tip of the young man's ear, breathing heavily.

     The heat spread on the sensitive skin on the side of the neck and behind the ears, and the voice was intoxicatingly low.

    "Help me take it off."

    Li Xiangwan tattooed a blooming cherry blossom on the shallow scar left by Li Xiangwan's caesarean section.

    Chen Tianheng repeatedly kissed the spring cherry blossoms in full bloom, tasting this deformed but charming body, the young man's happy moaning and messy breathing are the most seductive songs in this summer night.

    Ask and give.

    Really sweet and juicy.

    "Knowing that you are a light sleeper, I knocked on the door on purpose and passed by with the finances."

    Chen Tianheng kissed Li Xiangwan's side neck, leaving a little red mark on his fair skin, enjoying the warm aftertaste afterward.

    "You're playing with me." Li Xiangwan snuggled into the man's arms and complained deliberately aggrieved. From body to soul, he experienced what is called true happiness and contentment.

    "You bite the bait yourself, you can't blame me." Chen Tianheng lowered his head and kissed his forehead, took Li Xiangwan's hand, which was a circle smaller than him, and intertwined his fingers.

    His little sister-in-law, his Wan Wan, the love he finally found.

    The two hunters closed their nets, and on the way to each other, they finally netted the other into their arms.


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