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Chapter 16

    Chen Tianheng cut off the video call and looked at the sofa. Li Xiangwan was lying on his side facing him. He was already asleep, with one hand on his round abdomen, rising and falling slightly with the frequency of his breathing.

    Chen Tianheng stood up lightly, walked to the sofa, squatted down slowly, and stared at Li Xiangwan's peaceful sleeping face. Even though he had seen so many beauties, he had to admit that the young man in front of him was really delicate in appearance. The black eyelashes and the bright red lips complement the porcelain-white skin, just like the sleeping beauty in the fairy tale, every breath is fatally attractive.

    He stretched out his hand, stopped one centimeter away from Li Xiangwan's cheek, and traced his eyebrows in the air, like touching a delicate piece of porcelain, and like a lover's caress.

    Li Xiangwan indulged in a sweet dream, unaware of it, the hot breath he exhaled swept across Chen Tianheng's fingertips, like magic, making the man's hands tremble, and he couldn't help pressing his soft lips.

    Li Xiangwan still did not wake up.

    This unresisting appearance was like a house cat showing a soft belly under its sharp claws, and he couldn't help recalling that chaotic night, when he discovered Li Xiangwan's secret, and thus stepped into the abyss of doom.

    Although he has left Ivy Star, the friendship between him and Liang Hong has not diminished at all.

    During the visit a year ago, on the night of the thirty-fourth day, there was an emergency in the 4S area. Liang Hong went out in a hurry and told no one to enter his bedroom before leaving.

    Chen Tianheng stayed in his room the whole time, unaware of Liang Hong's temporary ban. In the middle of the night, he went downstairs to get something, passed by Liang Hong's bedroom, and keenly heard an unusual sound inside, like the sound of something falling to the ground and shattering.

    Chen Tianheng paused in footsteps, and then heard a painful cry. The tone was familiar to him, it belonged to Li Xiangwan.

    He stopped.

    Li Xiangwan's cry of pain did not stop. For some reason, there was no servant in the corridor. Chen Tianheng looked around and raised his hand to hold the doorknob.

    The door was unlocked and opened as soon as it was twisted. With the light "click" of the machine, he was like a traveler who had entered the dark forest by mistake, and pushed open the hidden door of the Devil's Palace.

    Chen Tianheng will never forget that scene in his life.

    The young man was naked, and the red rope was tightly bound, entangled in a beautiful pattern on the thin white skin. His eyes were covered with black cloth strips, and he was lying on his back on the ground, because the tied calf could only be close to the thigh, exposing the part that should never appear on a boy.

    The two ropes crossed from his back and merged in front of him, pulled in there, smeared into a gorgeous dark color by the water.

    The characteristics of men and women can be so perfectly reflected in one person.

    Chen Tianheng was so shocked that he couldn't move his eyes away.

    No wonder.

    Almost instantly, he felt the blood in his body suddenly throbbing.

    The window was open for some reason, and the glass fell on the ground and shattered. Li Xiangwan guessed that he wanted to break free from the rope that bound his hands, and pulled down the blindfolded cloth to take a look. into the glass slag.

    Blood flowed from the countless small wounds on his back. He gasped in a low breath and was struggling to move when he heard the sound of the door being opened. He thought it was Liang Hong who came back, as if he had found the savior all at once. , shouted softly: "Brother Hong!"

    Chen Tianheng didn't say anything. He looked back and closed the door again. Liang Hong didn't know when he would return. He definitely couldn't let Li Xiangwan lie in the glass slag all the time.

    Thinking of this, Chen Tianheng stepped forward, Li Xiangwan heard that the footsteps were not Liang Hong's, the blood on his face disappeared instantly, he suddenly became nervous, struggling to close his legs, his voice trembled violently, revealing a full Horrified: "Who are you?"

    "It's me, Chen Tianheng." Chen Tianheng squatted down and carefully picked up Li Xiangwan, avoiding the small bleeding wounds on his back. Li Xiangwan was stunned when he heard the answer, then pursed his lips tightly, and was clenched tightly by the hands tied behind him, his knuckles turning white with force.

    He couldn't believe that Chen Tianheng, the person he secretly admired, saw what he looked like now.

    Chen Tianheng put him face down on the bed, untied the cloth covering his eyes, and began to untie the red rope that bound the youth. Li Xiangwan was trembling all the time, the warm blood flowed on his fingers, and then slid down the curve of his body, immersed in the sheets, and bloomed a large number of gorgeous flowers.

    Chen Tianheng knew why he was trembling, and he wisely continued to stimulate Li Xiangwan without saying anything. Untying the rope requires physical contact. When the red rope was pulled out by him, he clearly felt Li Xiangwan suddenly arched up and almost jumped out of the bed.

    "Don't move." Chen Tianheng pinched the dark-colored section like he was enchanted, and it seemed that he could squeeze water out of it. He threw the rope on the ground, raised his hand under his nose where Li Xiangwan hadn't seen it, and sniffed the breath on his fingertips.

    "Brother Chen, I'm sorry..." Li Xiangwan was about to cry, Chen Tianheng pulled the quilt beside him and covered him, patted his head lightly, and said, "It's okay, I'll call the doctor, you don't have to be afraid. "

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