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Chapter 10

    Li Xiangwan was thrown on the ground by Chen Tianheng, and he groaned when he fell. Chen Tianheng emphatically protected his head and face. Li Xiangwan could feel the man's rapid heartbeat, and his nose was filled with the faint smell of tobacco.

    The impact of the explosion did not affect him at all. After a long time, Chen Tianheng, who was pressing on him, gasped and got up with difficulty. He touched his back and blood on his hand.

    "Brother Chen!" Li Xiangwan shouted in panic when he saw the blood on his hands. Chen Tianheng gave him a cold look, the coldness in his eyes and the slightly fierce appearance made Li Xiangwan uncontrollably wince, and he made a mocking smile, Chen Tianheng stood up and said, "I'm fine, let's go."

    Li Xiang Wan knew that his performance just now made Chen Tianheng look down on him, so he endured the discomfort in his body, he got up, stumbled behind Chen Tianheng, and ran into the dense forest.

    After an unknown amount of time, Chen Tianheng finally slowed down, probably safe. Li Xiangwan couldn't hold it any longer, his forehead was full of fine beads of sweat, his cheeks were flushed, he held on to the sturdy tree trunk and stopped, trembling unsteadily: "Chen...Brother Chen, I want to take one. Something."

    Chen Tianheng turned his head, his face was displeased, and he thought a lot: "Take what?"

    Chen Tianheng's eyes made Li Xiangwan uncomfortable, but he couldn't directly say what it was. Said: "Brother Liang gave me something this morning when I left. It's not convenient for me to carry it with me, and I can't walk. I want to take it out."

    Li Xiangwan bit his lower lip tightly to prevent himself from saying An untimely voice, but the corners of his eyes and brows were full of spring, his body was shaking slightly, staring at him for a few seconds, Chen Tianheng suddenly realized something, and then contacted Liang Hong's life style, and finally understood what was going on. .

    what to do. He cursed inwardly, and the expression on his face was finally less fierce. After a moment of silence, he waved his hand and turned his back: "Go."

    Li Xiangwan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly found a secret place to torture him. Take out the little things that have taken him all morning. Putting his belt back on, he took a rock and dug a hole in the ground, threw the thing in, and buried it tightly.

    Without the trouble of that thing, although his legs were still a little weak, Li Xiangwan's face quickly returned to normal.

      He quickly walked back to Chen Tianheng and whispered, "Brother Chen, I'm fine."    

      "Let's go then. Okay."

      Chen Tianheng glanced at him, not saying anything, in fact he was a little annoyed, he thought this kid was just a good-looking rubbish, and scolded him a few times, but he didn't expect it to be done like this.    

      The two walked silently in the forest.

      Li Xiangwan grew up in a slum since childhood. Even if he was spoiled by Liang Hong for the past three months, the physical strength he had developed was still there. Chen Tianheng, who came down to wait for him, was a little surprised.    

      Chen Tianheng had a positioning system on his mobile phone. From the moment they had an accident, his subordinates received news and rushed there as quickly as possible. All they had to do was to meet Chen Tianheng's subordinates at a suitable place.    

     There was a stream several meters wide on the only way along the way. Chen Tianheng took off his shoes and socks and carried them in his hands to take the lead. He stood firmly on the shore and said to Li Xiangwan on the other side: "The middle part is a little anxious. Be careful."    

     Li Xiangwan nodded, rolled up his trousers, and stepped into the stream with his bare feet. The water was very cold, and he shivered, feeling that the soles of his feet were full of extremely smooth pebbles, and he would fall if he was not careful. Move forward more cautiously.    

     The water in the middle was indeed turbulent. Li Xiangwan waded a lot when he was a child, and he was really careful, and he didn't slip. Seeing that he was about to reach the shore, he slightly relaxed his vigilance and quickened his pace, wanting to make Chen Tianheng wait a little longer.    

     However, it turns out that there is no need to be in a hurry. Just as he was about to reach the shore, Li Xiangwan suddenly slipped and fell into the water.

    Chen Tianheng, who had been watching him, had quick eyes and quick hands, stepped into the stream, grabbed his wrist, and took the opportunity to take him into his arms.   

    "Be careful."    

     Li Xiangwan was dragged out of the stream by him, half hugged and half hugged. He staggered a few steps and stepped on the grass with his bare feet, leaving a few wet footprints.

     At this moment, he suddenly felt the beating of his heart fluctuate strangely for a few beats, and his fair toes moved uneasily, and hurriedly said: "Sorry!"

    "It's all right." Chen Tianheng let go of his hand, opened a polite distance from him, turned his face to the mountain road not far away, and said in a low voice, "It's me who should say sorry."    

     Li Xiangwan said a little .

     Surprised, in his opinion, people from the upper class like them almost never apologize, just like Liang Hong never said sorry to anyone, even if he knew that he really did something wrong, he would never bow his head, at most compensate in other ways.    

      He had been holding back just now, and caused Chen Tianheng to be injured, but he became the one who accepted the apology.   

      Li Xiangwan smiled slightly and replied softly: "It's okay, Brother Chen doesn't have to be so polite with me."    

     Chen Tianheng was noncommittal, and said lightly: "Let's go, it's almost there."

     When the two successfully reached the place where Chen Tianheng's men responded , a group of people had gathered there, and Li Xiangwan was surprised to find that Liang Hong, who should have been "talking business" with people thousands of miles away, was actually there.    

     Seeing him coming, Liang Hong, who was waiting anxiously in front of the car, got up immediately, strode up to him, grabbed Li Xiangwan's hand and carefully looked at him from head to toe, making sure there was no wound, and then loosened With a sigh, he hugged him in his arms and whispered: "Wan Wan, you really scared me to death."    

     Li Xiangwan also raised his hand and hugged his back lightly. Liang Hong was much taller than him, his eyes went over the man's shoulder and found Chen Tianheng who was asking his subordinates to check the wound on his back.    

     Chen Tianheng clenched his teeth, looking painful, his men peeled his blood-stained shirt off his body and cleaned the debris embedded in his back. He glanced at Liang Hong.

     Not far away, the eldest brother was turning his back to him in a low voice, soothing the beautiful Xiaoqing. At that moment, his and Li Xiangwan's eyes met.    

     Just a touch, Chen Tianheng seemed to have touched something that should not be touched, and immediately turned his head away again, and gave instructions to his subordinates with no expression on his face.    

    Li Xiangwan closed his eyes, his breathing and heartbeat became a little faster, his fingers on Liang Hong's back tightened unconsciously, and he said softly, "I'm fine, Brother Liang, I threw the gift you gave me, will you blame me?"

    Liang Hong kissed his ear, pinched his face, and his eyes were gentle: "How come, no matter what, as long as you're fine."

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