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Chapter 21

    Moon Lunxing was in midsummer at this time, and Li Xiangwan was sweating as soon as he walked out of the airport.

    "Is it hot?" Chen Tianheng walked at the front, deliberately slowing down in order to take care of Li Xiangwan, the group slowly walked towards the convoy that came to greet him, Li Xiangwan nodded, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and said: "A little."

    "Take off your coat."

      Chen Tianheng helped Li Xiangwan to take off his thin coat. Li Xiangwan only had a short-sleeved shirt left inside. His bulging pregnant belly could not be covered at all, and it was exposed. In the cameras of the media already waiting by the roadside.    

     The fact that Chen Tianheng brought Liang Hong's lover back this time caused a great uproar in Yue Lunxing.

     Since Li Xiangwan's posthumous child became Liang Hong's only child who could survive, his pregnancy could no longer be concealed.   

     Everyone was amazed at how a man could get pregnant, so Li Xiangwan's secret of being intersex was leaked out of nowhere, and it was no longer a secret.    

     The media rushed out to get the latest information, where will the black empire left by Liang Hong ultimately belong, and what will be the fate of his lover and children in the hands of Chen Tianheng...

      Any one of them can be taken as tomorrow's news 's headlines.    

     The long guns and short guns of the reporters and people's strong curiosity and scrutiny eyes made Li Xiangwan extremely uncomfortable.

     Since he followed Liang Hong, the strong possessiveness made Liang Hong wish to keep him in the house at all times and never see him again.

     Outsiders, how has he been seen by so many people!    

     ...will they feel like a monster?    

     Li Xiangwan unconsciously stroked his abdomen, as if the child could give him strength.

     Noticing his nervousness and embarrassment, Chen Tianheng frowned in displeasure, glared at the reporter at the front, stood in front of Li Xiangwan, quickened his pace, and led him into the convoy as if he was serving a big man , open the door for Li Xiangwan and let him sit in first.    

     Li Xiangwan looked up at him as if asking for help, his eyes filled with apprehension and asking for help, as if Chen Tianheng was the only salvation.

     The moment the two looked at each other, Chen Tianheng's heart beat suddenly, and the hand pressing on the door couldn't help tightening.    

    "Don't worry."

    He couldn't help but soothed in a low voice, "With me here, nothing will happen."

    Li Xiangwan nodded and sat down obediently, while Chen Tianheng went around to the other side and sat down with him in the back row.

    The convoy started slowly, Li Xiangwan curiously looked at the unfamiliar scene of the moon and stars outside the car window, Chen Tianheng sat in a position away from him, and moved a little while Li Xiangwan was not paying attention, getting closer.

    He still clearly remembered the faint aroma he smelled from Li Xiangwan that day, which haunted him vaguely in his dreams, making his body uncontrollably hot and his heart burning hot.

    Li Xiangwan didn't notice this. After watching for a long time, he saw the motorcade drive into the forest path. He suddenly asked, "Tianheng, where do I want to live?"

    "I have a villa on the mountain, which is very quiet and suitable for health care. , I'll also move here and live here with you." Chen Tianheng said, leaning over, pointing in one direction from the window on Li Xiangwan's side, staring at the mountain without looking sideways, and said, "Look, it's right there. Over there."

    Chen Tianheng's action completely pressed Li Xiangwan under his body, his breathing smoothly hit Li Xiangwan's ear, and his low voice rang in his ear, like the most intimate whisper of sympathy in the world.

    Li Xiangwan 's body froze suddenly, but he relaxed again quickly. He turned his head to look at him and asked, "Where?" The touch is the same as in a dream.

    Chen Tianheng froze.

    Li Xiangwan stared at him quietly like this, his eyes were gentle and innocent, Chen Tianheng's hand on the back of the chair couldn't help moving, and his fingers lightly touched Li Xiangwan's shoulder.

    Li Xiangwan didn't notice it, and smiled at him: "In such a far place, you have to go up the mountain. Tianheng, you come here specially, will it be inconvenient to work?"


     Chen Tianheng finally sat up straight He couldn't help rubbing the fingers that touched Li Xiangwan, his face was completely indifferent, he said to Li Xiangwan, but also to himself: "In order to take care of you, it's nothing to trouble you. ?"

    He paused for a while, then added in a condescending manner: "After all, you are the man of the eldest brother."

    Li Xiangwan smiled, turned his head and continued to look out the window without speaking.

    Chen Tianheng secretly took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

    In this confrontation initiated by him, he finally retreated.

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