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Chapter 29

    Chen Tianheng was stunned when he learned that Li Xiangwan slipped his feet on the last step when he was going down the stairs in the morning and accidentally broke the water and gave birth prematurely.

     His gunshot wound almost healed in less than two weeks, is still wondering whether to buy Li Xiangwan a piece of his favorite roasted bait.

    When he went out this morning, didn't Wan Wan give him back, Zhou Zhu would also be watching, how could he fall? !

    "Go to the hospital." Chen Tianheng didn't even bother to talk politely with the other party for a while, and hurried out of the building with the wind under his feet.

    He rushed to the hospital as fast as he could, and learned from the housekeeper who was guarding the hospital that Li Xiangwan had been pushed out of the operating room and had not yet recovered from the anesthesia. The fall caused him to have an abnormal fetal position, and his body structure was special, only by caesarean section.

    The 36-week-old baby is in the incubator because he is not a month old. It is a boy.

     Chen Tianheng took a look at the child, the little guy was wrinkled all over his body, his eyes were blindfolded, he was frowning and crying, he was very ugly, and he couldn't see Liang Hong's demeanor or Li Xiangwan's beauty at all.

    Chen Tianheng also knew that most of the newborn babies were like this. Maybe they were forced to take them out before they could stay in Li Xiangwan's stomach.

     The baby's hands and feet were fixed to the bottom of the box, and they kept crying, their whole face was red. The nurse on the side was selected by Chen Tianheng long ago, which can ensure that the child will definitely receive the best care.

    The instrument connected to the incubator shows many different numbers, monitoring the child's vital signs, and the boy who only cares about crying does not know that from the moment he is born, he will be greeted by unimaginable wealth and wealth. A lifetime of crises.

    The only heir of Liang Hong's black empire.

    "Take care of him." Chen Tianheng stood aside and watched the baby cry until he had no strength and finally stopped his voice. He couldn't tell how he felt. After instructing the nurse again, he turned and left the ICU.

    Li Xiangwan had just woken up when Chen Tianheng came in. The anesthesia made him unable to feel the existence of his body below his chest for a while. Seeing that the quilt covering him was flat, he finally determined that the child had indeed left his body.

    The young man on the hospital bed was pale, and even his lips that had always been like cherry blossoms had lost their blood, and his brows were frowning uncomfortably, inevitably haggard. , how do you feel?"

    "Fortunately, it doesn't seem to hurt." Li Xiangwan reluctantly smiled at him, turned his head to look around, "Where's the child? I want to see him." The one

    was in his stomach. For nine months, what does the little guy with the blood of him and Liang Hong look like?

    "Premature birth, it's not suitable to hold it now. I'll ask the doctor if I can put the incubator here." Chen Tianheng put his hand to his lips, kissed his knuckles lightly, and watched Li Xiangwan's tiredness With black eyes, he said, "It's a boy."

    Li Xiangwan was silent.

    Both of them knew what this sentence meant. Whether he wanted it or not, this child was destined to endure all the glory and suffering that Liang Hong brought him.

    "I will protect you both." Chen Tianheng stood up and placed a kiss on Li Xiangwan's forehead. A very shallow smile appeared on his usually expressionless face. Only when facing Li Xiangwan did his eyes look so gentle.

    "Get well soon."

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