22. Captain Klegghorn

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I ignored Wild wing as good as possible the next day. He did try to talk to me in private, but I always kept someone around. But today, Grin and Nosedive weren't around to keep me company. Phil took the two out for some shopping. Despite their whining, that I should come along, I refused. So I stayed with Tanya, Mallory and Duke, checking out the new weapon their engineer had designed. This baby can shoot six pucks at the same time and Mallory was ready to try it out.

No one expected that she gets her chance very soon.

With a blink of an eye, they appeared before us. The red haired duck didn't waste any time and pulled the trigger. She aimed right, but it didn't affect them. Duke was also shocked to see the Saurian Over lord appears behind him. But also he didn't take a single scratch from his sword; he simply jumped through the saurian. All four of us stared at each other, not sure what to think of that.

The answer to this came through the door right after.

Of course, I frowned, seeing the goalie coming closer. He held a device in his hand, in which he could made holograms from the Saurians, another one of Tanya's inventions. Annoyed I looked in her direction, "You could have told us."

"But then you wouldn't have tried out my invention."

Mallory got interested in that device, but not to practice with it. She had the wonderful idea to trick Nosedive with it, if he is making one of his prank again. Interested myself, I asked her if I could borrow it someday. I could tell, form the corner of my eyes, that Wild wing was trying to talk to me. The three got the hint, keeping the distance to us. Crossing my arm against my chest, he came forward, "N/A, I would like to discuss with you the last mission. There has been a big misunderstanding." I didn't answer, just looked away. The team captain got closer, "Perhaps we could talk about it..."

Beep Beep!

Wild wing's device was activated, revealing a visitor on the display, "Captain Klegghorn, what does he want?" Although this wasn't the right time, he decided to take care of the guy, while the rest of us were told to get the place cleaned up. Since I wasn't responsible for the mess, I left them alone. Mallory was about to get me back, as Duke stopped her, "I think it is for the best to give her some space."

"But she is supposed to help us."

Tanya agreed with Duke, "I think she has her own mess to deal with. She has been avoiding Wild wing for a long time and this is really not easy for both of them."

Mallory remembered during the shopping tour my sad face, "She always acts tough, but inside she is falling apart. Can't we do anything to stop this?" At this point, the other two shook their heads. This was only something that only Wild wing and I can sort out. And I was going to, following the goalie to his visitor. I recognized the captain from the day I stole the bike and mask, a face like his was hard to forget. He came to inspect the pond, including the place where the ducks live. Someone unknown accused those owning explosives that they held under the pond and he is there to check it out. Not having a choice, Wild wing gave him the permission, showing the man the way. I wanted to go after them, as I heard the sound of a van. Since I had nothing important to do, I could greet the driver and help him with the delivery. Nosedive introduced him to me one day, so he probably won't mind having me around. Just as I was about to call his name, his appearance changed. It was chameleon. Afraid I hid behind another van. What are the Saurians up to now? Whatever it is, I can't go on my own; I needed to warn the ducks. Getting ahead, I went down the stairs. Although they were only to be used on an emergency and knowing that Wild wing and Klegghorn will take the elevator, this was my reason to use them. I found them later on at the large computer, only unconscious. Chameleon was fast. Three ducks down, two gone out and one occupied...who could I ask for help? It got worse as the other two Saurians appeared. It didn't take long to know their plan, to take over the pond. Well that was easy, I thought. Although, I had it just as easy back then, but that is not the point. Chameleon activated the base security system, so that no one else can enter the place without getting attacked. They needed time to find some codes from the computer system and by what I see, they got plenty of it. As much as I didn't want to, Wild wing was the only one I could ask for help. The security system has also deactivated the elevator, letting no one use it.

So where is he now?

Wild wing was right at the thing, having the problem to get it open, while Klegghorn grew impatient. Asking his team mates about this, he got Mallory on his display, but what she said made no sense. The red haired duck doesn't like machines and still, she told Wild wing that she would help Tanya out. The goalie was suspicious, "That can't be Mallory. Something isn't right here." They need another way to get inside.

From the massive display, the Saurians could watch the two around with the cameras. If I start leaving this place, they might find me as well. What should I do?

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