14. A new side

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Wild wing was glad that they won the game anyway. Although he had to explain himself, as Nosedive has told the team about it. For the team captain was this embarrassing, even though there was nothing bad about it.

"I am just proud of her and because she was asleep I gave her a kiss for it."

"You could have told her later on" said Mallory, guessing the same thing like his little brother.

But Duke helped him out, "You see her like a little sister right?"

"Sister?" everyone didn't understand this, as Duke continued; "He is acting like a big brother, who is watching over his little sister. I have to admit, no matter how many mistakes she makes, I starting to like this little troublemaker." Grin agreed with the two, "She is just a young duckling, trying to fly the nest way too soon." Tanya understood them, but still thinks that they should be strict with me, "We caused a lot of trouble, but we shouldn't award her for this." Wild wing shook his head, "That is not what we are doing Tanya. But to be mean to her isn't us. I feel like the bad guy when I do that." Nosedive admitted, that he didn't like the day, where he tried to treat me like a slave. Mallory wanted to know now, of what they shall do with me. The team captain said that I did the laundry well, while Grin had to control his facial expression. He thought of something else for me to do, "Perhaps she can help me out with some shopping."

Wild wing finds this a good idea, "Yeah, she could get the food and cook it."

Grin doesn't feel too well about this, especially if no one is there to look over my shoulder. With this said, he offered himself as support, that I would make it right. In right he means...not disaster, but he didn't say that. Nosedive asked his brother, if I could get some time off to play some games with him. The more and more they discussed this, the more I became part of the ducks lifestyle . Wild wing even allowed some quality time on the ice. He wanted to see how good I was, being my personal goalie. But this was more of a hobby than an actual training; they do the real thing while I have to clean the stadium. At least I could watch them at the same time. Every duck supported me at my work, instructing or showing me how to do it. The mistakes had decreased ever since then.

The ducks had to admit, I wasn't the same girl anymore.

I was full of energy, laughed and had fun, for the team a wonderful thing to see. Now my jobs are pretty simple: With Tanya I support her at fixing the vehicles or building new invention and with Grin I meditate or go shopping for new crystals. Duke showed me how to use a sword and be a proper thief, of course no one should know about this. Nosedive is my game rival, at fighting games he had never won against me so far. Mallory showed me how to use weapons and how to clean and maintain them. But the most fun of the day is with Wild wing, we spend most of our time on the ice, playing hockey. I remembered how I tricked him to get a goal. He saw me coming, but didn't see my stick going around his blade. In one go, he fell to the ground and I dropped on top of him. Unable to get me off, I could get my stick and move the puck into the goal. Underneath, I hear wild wing whine, that this is cheating.

I just laughed it off, "It was worth it, you are comfy." During that time, I felt weird around the goalie. Whenever we are together, my legs are shaken and my cheeks get warm. But the worst feeling, it the one in my stomach, like I ate something bad. Assuming that I might be hungry, I offered Wild wing to go out for dinner instead of playing hockey that weekend.

I was glad that he accepted my invitation.

It was nothing fancy, just the burger store at the mall. Wild wing admitted that he was also hungry, inspecting the menu. Seeing him in other things than his suit was quite unusual. The more I looked at him, the more my temperature was rising. By the time he finished the menu, I was fully cooked inside.

Wild wing got concerned, touching my forehead, "Are you alright N/A? You are not having a fever are you?"

I didn't say anything, just pushing his hand away and hiding my face into the same menu he just had. What is wrong with me?

"You know, you remind me of a friend of mine."

This caught me off guard, "Who?"

Wild wing smiled wide, "His name is Canard. We lost him on our way here; you two are so much alike."

"Is this a good thing?"

He laughed now, "Oh yes, you both are real troublemakers."

I slammed my head onto the table; at least he could have said something nicer than that. He raised his hands in defense, "Not in a bad way. Canard just got me into a situation that I wasn't prepared for."

I got interested, "Such as?"

"I was the decoy on the mission. Of course, he told me at the last minute about this."

"How did it end?"

Wild wing sighted, "I got caught and they had to rescue me."

He didn't expect me to laugh at this. Wild wing didn't feel offended and just let me have my fun. Some of the customers have already turned heads, as my laugh turned to a laugh attack. Not even the goalie could hold back. From the outside was this scene an odd sight, almost everyone in the store was laughing, all because I laughed very funny.

This night out couldn't be any better than this.

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