28. The aliens

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"You got it angel!"

Taking the mask, we all got into the Aerowing. That way, he wants to shoot the gun, placed inside a rocket, at the main roots of the plant. Unfortunately he didn't expect it to catch the plane as quick, crashing into the ground. Knowing Nosedive, this won't make him give up. He wants to get the gun there in person, which was easier said than done. The plant made me worry big time, keeping an eyes on my surroundings. What I wasn't aware of, was that the ducks had suddenly disappeared, "Guys? Guys!" They got caught by the plant, just like Duke and Mallory. Now I was alone against this giant monster. I found the gun, but didn't know where to use it. I needed the mask to find it and for this I also needed a duck. Another problem occurred, as one of the Saurians appeared out of nowhere and tried to get his hands on the mask. Nosedive would rather give it to the plant to eat or to me. He took his change, "N/A, catch!"

I reached for the mask, jumping high in the air.

But it flew over me. Turning around, I didn't expect to see my boyfriend holding it. Giving him the gun I waited there. The goalie did what he had to do and destroyed the plant, saving the town once more. All ducks came back together, feeling hurt of seeing their team captain after such a long time. We all expected him to return soon. For that, he received a slap from me. The force I used in my hand made his mask fall off. Wild wing held his cheek, "I deserved this."

"I would like to beat you black and blue for taking so long."

"Something came up, that is why I took such a long time" he pointed behind me. A small spaceship landed before us. Two aliens got out, heading towards the area where the plant had her main roots. Wild wing introduced these friendly aliens as Flork and Zork. Curious I asked them what this plant was. Flork, the tall alien, explained it to me in detail. His partner, a smaller alien, just ignored me. For the ducks was this not the issue, their main priority was the plan from Dragaunus. He attacked the ship from the watcher aliens, stealing their power for the raptor. This problem was easily solved, unlike the battle with the plant. Flork and Zork could destroy the power source through a remote control, since they created it in the first place. The watchers wanted to leave earth as quick as possible and the ducks didn't seem to mind it either. However, I find it rude, "Hey wait oyu two!"

The aliens looked back.

"I would like to thank you for helping us"

Flork was moved by my kindness, but Zork just got annoyed, "You don't have something we want!" Oh boy was he wrong. I could persuade them to join me. Except Wild wing the rest went back to the pond, looking at the damage the plant had caused. He stayed at my side, while the two aliens were shopping like crazy in the garden center. Zork had some trouble to contain his smile, "Hey Flork what is that?" We have heard this question for the hundred times and the two didn't get bored of it. Wild wing took the time to apologize, "N/A, I am sorry for leaving you like that. I didn't mean to hurt you again."

I shrugged, "I know, Grin told me the story. But let me say something to you and listen carefully" pulling on his shit I pulled him down to my level, "If I ever have to hear that I deserve something better than you, I will personally beat those thoughts out of you, understood?"

The goalie grinned, "Loud and clear N/A"

"Oh and you pay for the plants"

I was glad not to pay for the guests, because I would have screamed in horror at the huge number on the display. The mighty ducks earn enough to cover the bill. Those aliens were pleased to have met us, promising to visit you again. Flork wanted to give me a present in return, but their plants are just too dangerous as gifts. I accepted a hug as the present, getting two blushing aliens as a result.

Afterwards, everything went back to normal.

Wild wing was back and the current problems are all there for us to deal with. Only one main problem was solved, Wild wing will never doubt his love for me ever again. His team also gave him feedback on how well he does his job as a leader. At the end, we all appreciated the fact: that no one can replace Wild wing. Not even the new goalie that Phil hired. He entered in a duck costume, while we all looked irritated at the manager. Seeing Wild wing back seems to be an even bigger relieve to Phil, since the money he had to spent on the new guy gets cancelled. For the duck was this a big moment; as the guy took off the duck mask reveling his true identity.

The ducks are shocked, "Guy Herbert?!"

Honored to meet a star goalie, they surrounded him like fans would. I stayed in the back and waited. Guy Herbert however, didn't seem to like it, coming over to me, "You must be Wild wing's girlfriend."

I nodded surprised.

The star goalie smiled, "I heard from you two in the news"

He didn't expect me to feel sad. Herbert knows what they said about me and wild wing, "You always got my support, you look good together. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." If I had known what he meant by that, I wouldn't be so surprised the next day.

The countless gossip of our relationship got Guy Herbert into an interview, where he defended our love for another. With that said, our chance to be together has gotten better over night. Three days later, it was all history.

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