4. Close catch

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The ducks were on my tail, while I wasn't aware of that fact. The feeling of speed and the power under my butt just got my full attention.

Turning one corner, the ducks wanted to follow me close behind. But Nosedive, who sat on the wheel, had a better idea. Ignoring the comments from his big brother, he just went ahead. It didn't take long, till the others realize, what he is up to.

I on the other hand, didn't play along.

Ten minutes and I got hungry. Since I couldn't get a hotdog from the stand in the stadium, a small shop in between two large buildings will have to replace my hunger. Because of that, the ducks didn't see me anywhere.

Nosedive tried to find me through the bug in the motorcycle. He clicked one button next to the screen, only to see 'error', "What is the meaning of this Tanya?" Their engineer had taken a long hard look at the screen, before answering truthfully, "I think the thief stole the new one...I install the bug always at the end of my work." Before the two got into a pointless fight, Wild wing got between them, "Relax you two. We take another tactic; Grin and Mallory, you search around the west area. Tanya and Nosedive take the South side. Duke and I take the North side and east side. If anything happens, let me know." Wild wing could never forgive him, if one of his teammates gets injured, so he uses the team method, except on himself. He never thinks of his own needs and desires, his only priority: is the safety of the team and the responsibility he took with the mask as leader.

Munch, Much!

I didn't know what was hunting for me, while I stuffed myself with delicious hot dogs and burgers. I didn't eat much the whole day, no wonder that I was this hungry. The lady behind the counter smiled pleased, "This is the third plate so far. Together that would be six hotdogs and three burgers."

"So what? I am hungry."

Her laugh got a little nervous, "No, that is not what I meant. It is just, that you are eating as much as this duck from the hockey team."

My ears are wide open, "Keep talking lady."

"Well, how should I put this? He has quite the appetite, eating around five hotdogs and six burgers. Sometimes even more, what was his name...nose drown?"


Her smile got wider, "Yes him and this huge white duck...Chicken wing?"

"Wild wing" I corrected again, getting my next burger. I didn't blame her, she told me before that her memories and brain isn't working as much, making her mix up the names. Even the other ducks received new names, according to her. Mallory was Melodrama, Tanya to Tonya, Grin to grinny and Duke to Duck. I suppressed the need to correct them all, accepting her choice of words. With a small wave and a happy face, I left the small shop. Meanwhile, I was located in the south side. Nosedive and Tanya were still arguing over the motorcycle, while I passed them without knowing. The small fence in front of the shop blocked their view. Once it ended, the young duck's eyes widened, "Olla Burger bar!" Tanya didn't like the look in his eye, greedy and full of lust...for burgers, "We got a job to do, now come on."

"Just a second, won't be long." As he got closer to the small box in between the buildings, Tanya grew impatient, „Dive!"

"Won't be long!" And through the door, she had no choice but to wait outside or go in and get a burger herself. At this moment, her stomach began to answer the decision for her. She swallowed hard, looking at the logo for a second, "Maybe a little burger might do the trick."

I didn't see them go in, my destination had changed towards the west area. Of course, I took the motorcycle. Mallory and Grin were fully prepared to catch the intruder. The two didn't see me driving into an alley, leaving the vehicle on its own. Mallory decided to check the shops for witnesses and left the big boy alone. He didn't expect anything new would happen, until I came along. I hate to admit it, but I kind of...got lost in Anaheim. Not bothered to look him in the eye, or even focus on the person before me, I asked for the destination for the East side. I knew that the stadium was there, somewhere. Grin just answered, same, like me, not bothered to look at the one talking to. He got out a piece of paper, still not looking and hands this over to the person before him, "It is down the road, then, you got left, the signs will help you find your inner piece.
I raised a brow, literally to no one, "Like my inner peace has time to point out the signs. I let my eyes do the job, thank you." My answer seems to irritate the big duck, but he refused to question it. With a wave, I left him there.

My next move was to get the motorcycle back to the stadium, "I hope they didn't notice it...nah...I don't think they did." Remembering that they had a game on, I looked on my watch, only half an hour till it ends. I smiled pleased,

"I got plenty of time to get back."

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