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Taking in deep breathes, rain was to his side to be resting after what happened to him over a week ago.
Payu had his body to the door frame to have his arms wrapped to be looking over him with a face to then dart his eyes over.
Rain started to take in very deep breathes to then slowly open his eyes to dart them about to furrow his brow, Making a face he then turned to his back to look up to look over his ceiling to then make a hard face to wince has he started to get up.
He then took in another deep breathe to then look to payu to dart his eyes about.
Payu rose his eye brows has the two looked at the other.
Rain then turned his head to eye the clock that read 7 in the morning to then look back to payu.
"Why..... Why is my body so sore?"
Payu moved his body from the door frame to then step to rain to sit to the edge of the bed to continue to eye.
"You've been out of it for the last week and a half. What do you remember?"
Rain Furrowed his brow to then hang his head to look down to think.
He could remember the feeling of being alone then he remembered the rain fall and looking out the window to see payu to the ground, rain then started to remember that he left his place to go and find him.
"Bits and pieces."
Payu nodded.
"Do you remember the plant?"
Rains eyes widened to look to payu.
"The plant?"
"Mm, it had you by the ankles, you were knocked out "
"Did it do anything to me?"
Payu shook his head.
"It tried before I came about. I did make you ingest my mixture to make sure it didn't place anything within you. For the fact your so sore I can see it didn't. Which is very good. However......I think I gave you too much..... Made you very sick."
Rain nodded to then slowly go back down to be too his side.
"What.... Else?"
"That's it. Then I brought you back here and did everything you would normally do so they wouldn't come in here."
Rain darted his eyes to then turn his head to peer his eyes down.
"How..... Did you get me back in here? They would have been...."
"The rain stopped then I brought you back in here. I..... Did have to get you naked."
Rains eyes widened.
"Prior everything you do, I had to really scrub your body and burn your clothes. I'm sorry."
Rain made a face to then lay his head sideways to look back at the wall.
"If I was consious I would have had to do the same thing. Not happy you saw me like that though."
Payu gritted his teeth.
"I really am sorry."
"Did.... You do the same?"
"Mm, I did after."
"Good. Um...... I'm feeling very hungry so....."
Payu slowly looked up to then nod.
"Is there anything you like?"
"Anything has long has theres a lot of it."
Payu then got up to head to the kitchen to start on something to eat.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then go to his back to eye over the ceiling has he was remembering bits and pieces of what happened that day, he Furrowed his brow has he started to remember the plant attacking him.
Rain then made a sick face to then slowly remove the blanket to then get up to go slowly, stumbling and wincing a bit to the bathroom to hunch himself over the toilet to throw up, he looked it over to sign, it was bile.
Rain then flushed to go to the sink to then wash his teeth to look over him self, he looked a bit more skinnier and paler.
Rain then spit in the sink to then place his tooth brush away to then turn to go slowly towards the kitchen, payu was over the stove with his head hung to be making a lot of food, he then turned his head to look to rain to then rush over to help him to the dining room table to sit down.
"Don't over do it."
Rain looked over payu to then watch him smile to then see him go back to the kitchen to continue to cook.
Rain tilted his head to continue to eye over him, done, payu plated to then take it to place before rain to then sit to place his before him to dig in, rain hung his head to look down to eye over his food to then grab the fork to dig in has well, payu took in a deep breathe has he ate.
"And don't worry, I'll clean my mess before I leave."
Rains eyes widened to then look to payu.
"Mm.......I believe you can take care of yourself now and I know we can't live together since..... What has happened so...."
Rains lips parted to then hang his head to slightly remember telling payu telling him not to go.
Payu slowly looked up to eye over rain.
Rain looked angerly at payu.
"That's right no. I still need help. Look..... Things happened, it's in the past. Just don't ever fucking do them again!"
Payu widened his brow a bit to dart his eyes over a serious rain.
"Rain.....I don't know. What I've done I...."
"Can you keep a promise?"
Payu nodded.
"Then promise. Promise you will never ever fucking touch me again."
Payu made a face to then look down, he didn't know why but he felt he didn't know he would be able to keep that promise.
Rain narrowed his eyes.
"How about this.... You touch me again I'm going to shoot your fucking dick off!"
Payu couldn't help but to lightly chuckle.
Rain nodded to then look down to then start to dig back in again to eat at his food not to know if this was for the best or not.

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