something is off

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To the planting room, ruzie was planting to then turn her head to see rain get up to go about without talking to her first.
Ruzie made a face to watch has he walked out to then raise an eye brow has she watched payu follow.
Ruzie shook her head to then get up to follow.
You are not going to do anything to my boyfriend again payu!
Following them from a far, ruzie signed has they both went into the boys bathroom, she knew she couldn't go in there.
Ruzie placed her hands to her hips to shake her head to then wrap her arms about to wait.
To the bathroom, rain turned to place his hand to payus to then take them to a stall, to then lock to push payu to one stall to stay his arms about him to lock in a deep kiss, payu wrapped his arms about to give back and in full.
After that one day where payu sort of talked to rain, the two had been closer.
Payu then moved his hands to rains chest to push him to the other stall wall to place his hands to his pants to start to undo, rain moved his hands to payus pants to do the same action in speed.
Payu left those lips to then go to his neck for rain to lift his head back to moan in bliss into his mouth, payu then went to his ear.
"Wanting me?"
Rain couldn't help but to nod.
Payu smiled to move away from being held by rain to go down to take his pants and then boxers with him to eye up to take them to the side, to place his hands to rains legs to go straight to his massive cock to down what he could.
Rain kept his eyes to payu to witness such an action, it was a great turn on for him.
"Mm.... You suck so good....."
Payu opened his eyes to eye up to heighten the experience for rain.
" Keep....nnn..... Sucking like that I...... Going to cum...."
Payu took off his mouth with a large sucking action to place a hand to his cock to stroke to continue to eye rain directly.
"I don't want that, not yet."
Payu got up to turn rain about to place his hands to his waist to move his lower up a bit to move his pants and boxers down to lube his cock with his saliva to then go slowly but surely in.
Rain placed his forehead to the cold stall wall to moan into his mouth has he was pentrated by payu and hard.
Payu breathe heavily has he was fully into this tight ass to place his forehead to his back.
"Rain..... You just feel so...nn.... Good...."
Rain curled his lips inward to bite into them has he was feeling the same sensation.
Rain then moved them back for payu to hit the wall with his back for rain to bend a bit to place his hands to his legs to town his head to eye over payu to start to move his body up and down that length.
Payu lifted his head up to moan, this was something else.
"Aaah God rain! So good!"
Rain couldn't help but to smile with what he saw of payu to turn his head forward to keep up with the action, payu then wrapped his arms about rain to move his body to his to place his chin to his shoulder to pump harder into his cavity.
"Your being so....slutty today rain.... Such a turn on.... Your going to make me cum soon!"
Rain turned his head to look over payu, to move his hands up to take his down for them to both stroke him off.
The two couldn't look away from the other even when rain moved his head closer for them to share in another deep kiss.
Both tensing, they couldn't help but to cum.
Fixing up the other, payu shoved rain back to the stall wall to stay his arms about to be kissing at him fiercely.
Rain eventually was able to move his head to the side to breathe to place his hands to payus chest to push him back some.
"Mm...payu....we can't again.... Not now.... Need to go back to...... Later tonight."
Payu signed on rains neck to then move back to eye over him.
Rain couldn't help but to laugh with what he saw to then get out of the stall for payu to then hit him on his ass, rain stopped to turn his head to look at him.
Payu nodded with a smile.
Rain rolled his eyes to then leave first to stop before the door to see ruzie standing there with her eyes narrowed, rain gulped. Payu waited about a few minutes to then leave to then eye over rain to look where he was eyeing to then look to ruzie who eyed them, she then stepped to them to look over there clothes to then eye payu, rain turned his head to look over him.
Payu eyed over ruzie to make up a lie to step to her.
"Roughed him up a bit. You shouldn't be dating him."
Ruzie widened her eyes to watch payu go about her to then leave, rain let out a sign of relieve to then go to ruzie.
"I'm okay."
Ruzie kept her eyes to payu to then eye rain.
"We need to tell the leader about this."
"Ruzie, I'm really okay. He didn't hurt me.... Not too bad. Just let it go.'
Rain then went about ruzie to go back to the planting room, ruzie watched him go to stand there for a moment.
This is not at all okay, payu needs to leave my boyfriend alone, I know rain has to much of a good heart, but what payu is doing, I can't stand behind this any more, maybe I need to go to the leader alone then.
Ruzie smiled to then nod to herself.

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