this is difficult

89 13 19

Laying to his side, rain took in a deep breathe to dart his eyes about the television to then peer his eyes down has he watched payu go to the bedroom, he then stopped before the door to then turn his head to look to rain.
"Taking the couch.... Again?"
Rain rolled his eyes to then look back to the television in a bit of frustration.
Payu looked over rain to then smirk a bit to feel playful and wanted a bit of revenge for how rain had been.
"You know..... To make things better, lotion goes a long way."
Rain widened his eyes to then get up to look over payu.
Payu laughed to then go into the bedroom to close the door, rain watched him go to then flop to his back to eye the ceiling to shake his head.
Why did you have to say something like that!
Rain then placed his palms to his eyes to rub about, to then move them to slowly go back to his side to look over the television to then move his head up a bit to then look at the clock.
Rain clicked his tongue.
2 more hours if I want a bit of sound.
Rain took in a very deep breathe to then place his hands under his head to continue to look forward to make a hard face..
For the better part of 2 weeks since they had sex, rain couldn't let payu take the couch, one for how he had acted then second because since the day after rain was overly horny.
Flexing his jaw, rain then slowly got up to sit to the edge of the couch to place his hands to the edge to then get up to go about to go to the kitchen to start in on something to eat to pass the time.
Grabbing something small, he then looked about to sign.
We need to go and venture out again for food here soon.
Rain then grabbed his dish to then go to the dining room to sit to eye down to move his food about his bowl to sign again, he then slowly looked up to eye the back of the door to then shake his head.
Kind of happy I didn't have sex before everything went to shit, would I have been like this a lot earlier?
Rain then shook his to look back down, he really didn't want to think about things like that. Slowly he then spooned the food in, to then get up with the dish to then take it to the sink to then wash to go about to sit back to the couch to place his back upon it to look forward, he then peered his eyes to the clock.
He still had a lot of time left. Rain then gulped to close his eyes to take in a very deep breathe.
Groaning just a bit, he then opened his eyes to then look to the back of his door to then make a face to then slowly get up to stand before it to look to the nob to take in a very deep breathe to then slowly place his hand to the nob to then open, rain then stepped forward to go in a little too then turn his head to widen his eyes to part his lips.
"What are you doing!?"
Payu was sitting to the edge of the bed with his hand behind him, the other to his cock to stroke through his boxer hole, to then slowly turn his head to smirk, peering his eyes to the side, he then with his free hand grabbed the lotion bottle to then throw it at rain who looked down.
"Lotion, it really does go a long way."
Furrowing his brow, payu slowly opened his eyes has he was starting to get to sleep, to then move up to look about to place a hand to the back of his head to scratch has he heard light moaning, yawning, payu then placed that hand down to look about very tired, to then get slowly up.
Moving about, payu slowly went to the door to then open, to look about the dark to then step out to turn his head to widen his eyes to part his lips to make a face.
Rain was laying to his side, with his eyes closed, to have both his hands to his cock to be stroking and hard.
Payu gulped to then hang his head to look down.
Rain tensed to keep up with the action has his mind was lost to what he was dreaming about.
Payu shook his head to then turn to stop before the door to then dart his eyes to then turn his head to look over rain again.
Rain took in small moans to keep stroking at his length.
Payu made a hard face to then turn to go slowly to him to stand to the side, to eye over him.
Rain took in a deep breathe but kept up with the action.
Payu shook his head to then turn to go back to bed.
You must have heard wrong. And....
Payu stopped to then turn his head to look back to rain who lifted his head back to have his moans be a bit louder.
Payu parted his lips in amazement.
"What are you dreaming about rain?"
Rain made a hard face to then bite into his lower lip has his dream started to intensify.
Payu balled his hands into fists to his side to grit his teeth.
"Your dreaming of me and doing...."
Payu then slowly looked to the action to then shake his head.
I am not going to touch you again. First I need to stick to the plan of being celebrate, second I need to think of my fiance, third I need to remember the promise and above all else rain is not gay! He also treats me like shit when I.....
Payu looked over rain has his eyes opened a bit to look over payu to breathe heavily.
"Mm.... Please make me cum....."
Payu made a hard face to look to the floor.
God! You have to be fucking kidding me! Really rain!

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