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To the planting room a week later, rain was to the side of ruzie to be digging a plant into it's spot to then peer his eyes to the side to make a face, payu was next to ruzie to be planting has well with a long face.
Ruzie kept talking to him, the only reason payu was still there to be next ish to rain. This was starting to annoy him however, payu got up to go about, for ruzie to stand to wrap her arms about his, rain turned his head to look up.
"Ruzie? What are you doing?"
Ruzie looked down at rain..
"I want to go with payu."
Ruzie looked to payu.
"Where are you going?"
Payu signed to look to her.
"Going to the bathroom."
Ruzie made a pout.
Payu took his arm away to then turn to leave to look back to eye over rain to then turn his head back to go forth, ruzie brought her hand up to wave thinking he was looking to her, to then move it down to sit down to look that way.
"Wonder when he'll ask me out?"
Rain snapped his head to ruzie to eye him up and down.
"Why do you think he will?"
Ruzie turned her head to look over rain to eye over him with his tone.
"Excuse me?"
Rain gulped to turn his head to look forward to dart his eyes.
"I.... Need to go to the bathroom."
Rain got up to leave, ruzie watched him go to then raise an eye brow.
Going to the bathroom, rain went in to see payu to the sink to be washing his hands to then shut off the water to turn after grabbing a paper towel to eye over him..
"A little late coming in. What took you?"
Rain narrowed his eyes to place a hand to his neck to rub.
"What is going on between you and...."
Payu rolled his eyes to then toss the paper towel away to step to rain to look him over..
"Your possessiveness is cute but rain.....I am gay."
Payu placed his hands to rains head to then pull him to his lips to kiss and hard, for them to swirl there tongues about the other for rain to place his hands to his shirt to grip to place his body to his to use it to push him back, payu widened his brow a bit, this was not normal for rain, he would usually talk more and try to semi get out of what he was currently doing to payu.
Turning them, payu took rain to the stall to place his body to it for them to kiss harder, this was turning him on and hard.
Rain moaned has payu placed his mouth to his neck to kiss with the same hardness, he then placed his hands to his arms to grip to curl his bottom lip inward to bite into it.
Payu started to take his hands down to place to rains pants to start to undo.
Rain made a hard face.
"Do you..... Want to do this with....ruzie?"
Payu signed, he moved his head back to look over rain.
"Mm..... How can you really......"
Payu then started to go slowly down to keep his eyes to rain to go to his knees to pull his pants apart to then lower those with his boxers to then eye rains enormous erection.
To then eye him again.
"Let me show you how gay I am rain, cause apparently you don't get it yet." He lightly chuckled.
Rain lifted his head up to moan has payu took what he could to suck. Payu then placed his hand to his pants to undo to then take out his dick to start to stroke to moan around rains cock.
Rain looked down to breathe heavily.
"Payu......I want..... You in me...."
Payu looked up, to take his mouth off to smile to then get up to place his body to the other stall to place his hand to his dick to move it about.
"Come here then."
Rain parted his lips to eye over payu to go straight to him to take his pants and boxers off to then wrap his arms about to lay his mouth back to his to feel payus hands to his legs to be brought up to wrap them about to be placed to the previous stall to feel payu deep within him for them to moan and heavily into there mouths.
Payu took his off to place his forehead to his.
"I'm so very much gay rain, I feel nothing for that cunt."
Rain looked over payu to breathe hard has he was being pummelled in.
"Then why...... You've been so close to"
"To be.... Close to you, in the open."
Payu tilted his head to place his mouth back to rains for them to share in a unbelievable kiss.
After, the two, were getting dressed for rain to turn to eye over payu.
"You need to stop leading her on then."
Payu turned to eye over him..
"I'm not doing anything. She's the one who is all over me to make you jealous."
Rain looked over payu confused..
"What are you talking about?"
Payu couldn't help but to laugh to place his hand to rains cheek to caress.
"So cute."
Rain narrowed his eyes to then smack payus hand away.
"Don't treat me like that payu."
"I'm not treating you like anything. You not knowing what she is up to is cute."
Rain looked payu up and down to place his body to the stall.
"So cute, is gotten me hard again."
Rain felt payus mouth to his to then wrap his arms about his neck to go into another round.
Going about, rain had his head hung to be behind payu for him to open the door to then look over ruzie.
"What are you doing here?"
Rain moved his head up to make a face.

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