He's laying in the water begging God to let him drown

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A/N: Lies, lies, lies. An outburst, some smut, and Daenerys asks Jon to do something she would never ask of anyone else. Plus some other things to get things moving.


"From a tender age, I was cursed with rage
Came swinging like a fist inside a batting cage
I went swimming with the devil at the bottom of a lake
And he left me there by lonesome
He was tall and mean with venom eyes so green
Wanted reconciliation but my tongue was in my teeth
I couldn't find the floor so I was kickin' with my feet
But they weren't there, they were stolen

There is a lighthouse in the middle of the deep end
I'm still stranded on the shoreline there
And nobody hears me scream
And I'll lure you like a landslide
And I'll show you lovely things
If you rescue me
But they're make-believe
The lighthouse by the sea

So I showed him all my teeth
And then I laughed out loud
'Cause I never wanted savin'
I just wanted to be found

Well, that should teach a man to mess with me
He was never seen again
And I'm still wandering the beach
And I'm glad I met the devil
'Cause he showed me I was weak
And a little piece of him is in a little piece of me"

The Lighthouse by Halsey

The Lighthouse by Halsey **********

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"I believe you had some concerns you wished to discuss, Lord Tyrion?"

She waited as he took his seat, her mind whirring as he faced her and looked uncharacteristically somber.

"I do. I keep my eye on the stores and check them regularly. Initially, I thought it was nothing to worry about. But now, our medicine supplies have dropped far below my estimates of what we should be using. I can only assume that we have a thief or thieves within our company." He scowled and shook his head, disgusted that one of their own would dare to steal from them when they could simply ask instead.

She clasped her hands and gave a single nod, nerves calming now she'd seen with her own eyes that he didn't seem to have any knowledge of their actual plans. Her mind was a whirlwind of plausible stories to weave to explain her choices as she pretended she hadn't been forewarned of his suspicions.

"We have no thieves here, Lord Tyrion. Ser Jorah had some concerns regarding the Dothraki and Unsullied falling sick. We have already had an outbreak of sickness because they are not used to the climate. It was a preventative measure I agreed with." Truth mixed with lies was the best way to deal with Tyrion, who had mastered the art of deception before she was born.

I Am Not a Woman, I'm a God - Jonerys [18+]Where stories live. Discover now