Sin so thick, you can't see the stars

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A/N: An escape from duty. A steamy interlude and some time with the dragons.


"Keeping on the outside
Glimmer in the moonlight
Only shadows dwell where we are
Creeping on the edge of the dark

We feel warmth in the cold corners
Eyes in the back of our heads
We roll out when the days over
Chasing silhouettes

When it all goes up in flames
When it all goes up in flames
We'll be the last ones standing
We'll be the last ones
We'll be the last ones standing"

Up In Flames – Ruelle


A few precious hours of sleep was all they managed to grab before frail winter daylight interrupted the darkness in their room. She woke before Jon, and admired him in his sleep, hating the thought of waking him. He looked much younger while relaxed and peaceful, so unlike his countenance during waking hours. She wanted him all to herself for a while, knew if they remained abed, someone would eventually come knocking, and they would be pulled in all directions except the one they wanted. Sighing, propping her chin on her fist, her mind spun as she thought of escaping Winterfell with him. It came to her just as Jon began to stir, eyes moving rapidly beneath closed lids as his brow creased, and he turned to her, eyes still shut as his arm wound around her waist to pull her back down.

A contented hum was breathed into her hair as she allowed him to hold her close, and his lovely gravelly voice was playful as he said, "I think we should stay here until they send someone lookin' for us."

She grinned into his chest, inhaling his skin's warm, musky scent as she whispered, "I have a better idea. Let's escape for a while, just us and the dragons."

He sighed, and she knew he would refuse at first, but she could be very persuasive when she needed to be.

"Wish that we could, Dany, but there's no time."

Lifting her head to look him in the eye, seeing regret and dread swirling in his singular eyes, she replied, "That's precisely why we should, love. Just a few hours of peace, that's all we need, and we'll be better able to lead our people through this war."

His mouth twitched, a soft expression on his handsome face, and she knew he wanted to get away as much as she did.

"What if we're needed?"

She shrugged, "What if we aren't? We'll be back later. The world can wait, but your wife can't, Jon Snow."

He gave a fond snort, a hand sliding down her back and squeezing her ass as she grinned at him.

"Is that so? What does my impatient wife have in mind?"

Sensing she'd won, she said, "I think we should return to the waterfall. It'll give you and Rhaegal more practice as well."

His dark gaze was warm and inviting as he smirked at her, knowing she was using his need to practice to convince him.

"What the Queen wants..." He teased, and she giggled, delighted he'd given in.

"Her King wants the same. He's just too noble to say so," She returned, kissing him softly before she wriggled out of his hold and sat up.

Jon chuckled and got to his feet as she waited for a wave of nausea to hit her, already preparing herself to bolt for the privy. Thankfully, her stomach was calm, and she soon felt safe to get ready. They moved swiftly and efficiently, Ghost observed them curiously as she wrangled her hair into a single cable that fell down her back. She was tugging her coat on when a quiet knock on their door made her heart sink. Meeting Jon's apologetic eye, she smiled sadly and opened the door, finding Missandei on the other side. She carried a small cloth sack with her.

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