I'll say it once, I'll say it twice, you are the halo that covers the night

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A/N: Confessions of a Queen and King. Some sword fighting. Fluff and smut really. Fun times!

"I was a stranger to myself
A flicker, a memory
I was a fragment, an empty shell
'Til you got a hold of me

Stretch it over me
The sky of your affection
It's the wild I need tonight

Love me like you mean it
Hold me like the moon holds onto the tide
Love me like you mean it
Keep me 'cause your fire keeps me alive
Love me like you mean it

Like You Mean It - Ruelle


The fog-strewn night had given way to a warmer morning, the wind from the South pulling the temperature up enough to make her itch to get into the sky. Instead of bundling up inside, sitting by the fire and recalling her time in Essos in a vain attempt to ease the chill from her body. The fine, drizzly rain had finally stopped sometime while she'd slept and though the sky remained studded by fat, silver clouds, the sun shone defiantly against the cold defiantly creeping down from the North. It cheered her and boosted her morale enough to finally confront Tyrion with the news of her betrothal. Her nerves remained alert but she was through hiding how she felt. Did not want to taint their relationship by keeping it under wraps and risking being caught unprepared. She and Missandei had prepped Jon before he left for the day, making sure he would keep a cool head even if Tyrion didn't and she knew he'd do better than her if Tyrion fired his usual nonsense at him.

A knock on the door interrupted her meandering thoughts and she called for him to enter, smiling when her love peeked his head around the door before coming inside. He greeted her as if he hadn't seen her merely an hour or so before, his act well in place in spite of their being alone. She returned it just as stiffly and let herself take in his appearance, no longer rumpled by her hands and mouth. He wore his usual Stark armor and shades of grey and rich brown, far too many layers after a wonderful morning when she was woken by his dark head between her thighs. He'd spent a while teaching her all the ways she could moan his name, now though, they had to face reality and let the world in. Missandei had helped her dress in her formal clothes once he'd left her chamber, deep reds and charcoal blacks covered her small frame along with her chain of command, her hair in her favorite battle braids since this was sure to turn into a war of the minds. Jon's face was restrained and blank, a look she no longer liked on his handsome face when she knew how happy it could be when they were alone.

She still hadn't told him how she felt. Didn't know how to be that vulnerable and open, giving him the power to break her was terrifying. Oh, she loved him so much it was irrational and unreasonable. There was no explaining something she could only feel in her bones and blood, the very sight of him making it race in her veins. He had told her how he felt weeks ago and seemed patient enough to wait for her to figure it out but she felt guilty now, worried he'd think she saw this as a tactical thing and not as something she didn't know she needed until it had arrived in her throne room.

Those lovely eyes met hers, so warm and inviting she struggled to look away. He came around her desk and rested a hand on her shoulder, drawing her attention.

"How do you think he'll take the news?"

She shrugged her mouth twisting, "I expect him to remind me of all the ways love ruins us. Maybe throw in a few more renditions of his favorite, a Queen has no choices. Before he storms out to drink himself into a stupor." She muttered a little too angrily if the concern in his face was anything to go by.

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