Chapter 1: The Mech in Iacon

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"Where are the records from Vos and Tarn's rebellion in 747?"

A small mech with a red and blue paint job quickly lurched up from his desk, optics wide. He scrambled for words.

"It-it's in section 23 of conflicts, under the seeker history." Orion informed the mech who had somehow magically appeared at his desk.

The mech scoffed, "You say that like I haven't already checked. I'm not stupid."

Orion gulped and nodded, going over to section 23 and searching for it. The mech behind him tapped his pede impatiently and growled.

"I told you I already looked," the mech stepped closer in annoyance. "You're wasting my time. Shouldn't you know where the records are? Aren't you-"

The mech paused when Orion pulled out the data chip and held it up.

"Sorry, sir, sometimes they're a little difficult to see," Orion smiled.

The mech snatched it up and glared, "That's no fault of mine."

Orion's smile fell and the mech stomped off to the datapads to plug the chip in. With a small sigh, he went back to his desk, where another mech was already waiting.

"Slagger," the mech muttered, watching the ungrateful mech walk away.

Orion smiled nervously, "Is there anything I can help you with, sir?"

The large silver mech nodded and gestured around the room with his large, pointed fingers, "Yes. Would you mind explaining how this all works?"

Orion blinked in surprise, this sort of place was pretty common knowledge. Ignoring the absurdity of it, he answered the mech quickly, "Well, you plug a data chip into a datapad and the information appears for you to read. When you're done, you simply return the chip to me or one of my co-workers and we'll return it to it's rightful place."

"Why can't I return it on my own?"

"In case you put it in the wrong place."

The silver mech hummed, "I see. How much will it cost?"

Orion smiled, "Nothing. The spread of knowledge is encouraged and shouldn't have a price... although, we do require a name if you want to take it from the Hall."

The mech frowned in confusion and gave Orion a disbelieving look, "Free?"

Orin nodded.

"Where would I find information regarding..."

He trailed off and frowned.

Orion tilted his head and waited patiently.

The large mech's frown deepened and he seemed to get uncomfortable under Orion's gaze. He shifted and looked toward the data chips.

"I'm researching cybertronian history, but I suppose there is a lot..."

"If it helps, I could guide you around and show you different subjects? Maybe one of them will spike your interests?" Orion suggested.

The mech narrowed his eyes, "What do you get out of it?"

Orion, taken aback, blinked in confusion, "Well, I want to help you... This is also my job..."

"Ah, you get paid for this," the mech nodded in understanding. "Then lead on, archivist."

Orion smiled, despite his growing puzzlement, and walked toward the chips, "If I may ask, what are you doing your research for?"

"Why do you want to know?" the mech glared.

"Um, well it might help find the right articles..."

"Oh," the mech tilted his head, "yes, that is logical. I am... looking at how the council is formed and who oversees Kaon."

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