Chapter 24: All Good Things

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Orion frowned, "Is this really necessary?"

"I would prefer to tell you it is not," Megatron replied, still focused on attaching a blaster to Orion's waist, "but all things considered, you have done good with it... somewhat. If anything goes wrong, I want to be sure you aren't defenseless."

"What if I shoot someone?"

Megatron stood up and gave Orion a look, "That's the point."

"No, I mean, what if I shoot them in their spark or their processor or-"

"Orion." Megatron huffed, "Everyone who we see today knows what is on the line. They understand. If you terminate them, it isn't your fault."

Megatron paused, "Unless it is your fault."

Orion scowled, "That doesn't make me feel better."

"Just get over it," Megatron rolled his optics. "I don't want either of us to need to use our weapons today. If all goes well, we'll have crippled the Supreme Council without spilling a drop of energon."

With a small sigh, Orion nodded.

"This was your plan." Megatron reminded him, "Have a little faith."

"And if it does go wrong, everything will be my fault." Orion said, crinkling his brows in worry.

Megatron shrugged, "If it goes wrong, I'll just kill the entire Supreme Council."

"Megatron!" Orion glared.

"I'm kidding!" Megatron put his servos up and then looked to the side before smiling wickedly and lowering his voice, "Mostly."

Orion rolled his optics, "You are something else."

"That's why you love me, right?" Megatron grinned.

"Love?" Orion scoffed, "Absolutely not. You are the most horrible mech I have ever met. You kidnapped me and blew up Kaon."

Megatron snorted, "Well, if you won't love me, I'll turn you into my enemy and you'll have to follow me across the galaxy anyway."

"That is stupid," Orion shook his head. "We both know you'd just stab me if I was your enemy."

Megatron shrugged, "Probably, yeah."

"You guys have the strangest conversation," Soundwave decided, pulling off his visor.

"You could be part of them if you'd stop wearing that visor so much," Megatron frowned. "You're so quiet now. It's weird."

"You're weird," Soundwave retorted. "And besides, the visor is practically the greatest hacking tool of all time. You guys are lame without one."

Megatron looked at Orion, "He's so mean to me."

Orion rolled his optics and turned around.

Soundwave cackled, "He's not coming to your rescue! You'll be stuck with me forever!"

Megatron wailed, "Nooooooo!"

"You're such a baby," Orion muttered, turning back around with a datapad in his servos. "Why did I decide to hang out with you again?"

"Because he is the best kisser on Cybertron." Soundwave answered.

Orion looked up in surprise, "What?"

"Uh..." Megatron's face turned burn, "that was a long time ago."

Soundwave winked at Orion.

"You dated!?" Orion exclaimed.

Megatron looked extremely uncomfortable, so Soundwave decided to make things worse, "No. Megatron had too much high grade and he got paid to make out with an entire bar full of cybertronians... It was an interesting night, to say the least."

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